Womens interest in male nurses

Nurses Men


I am a nursing student, currently studying to be an RN. I am really enjoying the experience, however I have an issue that is concerning me.

When chatting up women and the conversation comes up about what I do, and I reply studying nursing, their eyes widen and the mood seems to change. This is not related to women in the field but those outside. As soon as I utter the word nurse, I seem to go from a confident manly guy to a nice guy to them. I know women want confident manly sort of men, but women also say they like a man to be sensitive and caring. Can’t a male nurse be sensitive and manly? Do these women see nurses as somewhat effeminate, at worst gay?

If a woman is able to climb the corporate ladder and make big money in business and still have sex appeal, does a man need to limit himself to traditional masculine roles to prove his maleness and be attractive to women or can he do a traditionally feminine job of helping and caring for people.

I understood that when women refer to equality, it is for both men and women. They it’s a great idea for men to be nurses, but individually, their actions seem to speak louder than their words.

I would be very interested in your opinions on this both guys and girls

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.

Saw this thread and thought it was going to be about women interested in men

As another nurse, have no fear...I would LOVE to meet a male nurse (African American preferred) and have a long, sincere wonderful relationship! Another nurse as a life partner, can you imagine? That person would understand everything, long 12 hr shifts, working holidays and weekends, bad days (codes, arrogant MD's) etc.etc.

So guys, don't fret cause the best mates/partners out there are us female nurses who are looking for a responsible, mature, levelheaded, self sufficient, caring and understanding partner. MALE NURSES would definitely fit the bill!!

You are awesome and a very welcome addition to the field. Keep up the great work!!! WE SHOULD ADD A DATING SERVICE TO THIS SITE!!!!:lol2:

Amen nurse28yrs!! I too would love to meet another nurse to have a long fulfilling relationship with!! Right now is not the time, but at least this way I would know that he is gainfully employed and can support himself, AND we have a common understanding of nursing!

Specializes in ER, ER, ER.

In my experience some of the best nurses are male. One in particular, an ex-SEAL, was the epitome of 'manly' The guy was as big as a house and none of it was fat! he was, and probably still is, married to a very nice girl (DARN it!!) ;) . Professionally, his caring, compassion, and technical excellence just made my jaw drop! I can only say that I'm proud to be associated with nurses like him. Darn proud!

I think that males in nursing have to work twice as hard as us females to prove their competence. Once they do, they shine!! :lol2::lol2::lol2:

AMEN to both of you. If he's a nurse, he's no slouch, that's for sure...! True they do have to work harder, just like people of color have too generally to be deemed "competent." Or male nurses have to act really "manly" to negate the image of being "too feminine" or even gay...(not that being gay and being a nurse is any big deal), but their are many closed minded people out there. As long as the person gives good, safe and competent care, who the heck cares??????

I'm a male RN student, and frankly if someone - male or female - wants to make an issue out of whether or not I am somehow "less manly" for being an RN, well, they can p*** off as far as I'm concerned. It's RNs who know how to do CPR, how to fashion a tourniqet when someone's arm is cut off, how to think critically in life threatening situations. Truck drivers and football players have nothing on that.

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.
I'm a male RN student, and frankly if someone - male or female - wants to make an issue out of whether or not I am somehow "less manly" for being an RN, well, they can p*** off as far as I'm concerned. It's RNs who know how to do CPR, how to fashion a tourniqet when someone's arm is cut off, how to think critically in life threatening situations. Truck drivers and football players have nothing on that.

This bothers you because

just ignore it

this may stray a little from topic but fits well. i dont think that many women have interests in male nurses in the profession, at least around here. i think i am in an area where the women try to keep out nursing students of the male gender. i am currently a cst with my prerequisites for all my nursing classes for ivy tech etc… (except indiana wesleyan university {need some christian based classes}). i still need to take the teas test for admission into a nur program. i have an associate in surgical technology with a 3.98 out of a 4.0 and 90 hrs. all my co workers tell me what a great nurse i would make if i returned to school and they try to encourage me to do so. here is the catch. the programs (except iwu) would never return a response to my calls, emails, or letters that i tried to make contact with them for about a year.

i am not reading into this because 2 of my co workers who are female and have lower scores have been accepted (one is about to finish the program).

after this, you will never convince me that women try to keep men out of nursing in north central indiana! (except indiana wesleyan university, they are giving me a fair shake). i am taking the general prereqs i need for their program now.

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.
this may stray a little from topic but fits well. i dont think that many women have interests in male nurses in the profession, at least around here. i think i am in an area where the women try to keep out nursing students of the male gender. i am currently a cst with my prerequisites for all my nursing classes for ivy tech etc... (except indiana wesleyan university {need some christian based classes}). i still need to take the teas test for admission into a nur program. i have an associate in surgical technology with a 3.98 out of a 4.0 and 90 hrs. all my co workers tell me what a great nurse i would make if i returned to school and they try to encourage me to do so. here is the catch. the programs (except iwu) would never return a response to my calls, emails, or letters that i tried to make contact with them for about a year.

i am not reading into this because 2 of my co workers who are female and have lower scores have been accepted (one is about to finish the program).

after this, you will never convince me that women try to keep men out of nursing in north central indiana! (except indiana wesleyan university, they are giving me a fair shake). i am taking the general prereqs i need for their program now.

and what is your problem. take your paperwork, your references and all. go to the schools in person. that still counts for a lot more than a letter or an email. be aggressive, show them your interested

thanks but i no longer have a problem.

iwu has been very sufficient and i always get answers. ivy tech couldn't even tell me when instructors would be in to be able to see me. (i did show up in person but there was no one available to deal with me).

my main point was the difference between the guy and girls applying.

Specializes in ENT, NH LTAC, WOUND CARE.
As another nurse, have no fear...I would LOVE to meet a male nurse (African American preferred) and have a long, sincere wonderful relationship! Another nurse as a life partner, can you imagine? That person would understand everything, long 12 hr shifts, working holidays and weekends, bad days (codes, arrogant MD's) etc.etc.

So guys, don't fret cause the best mates/partners out there are us female nurses who are looking for a responsible, mature, levelheaded, self sufficient, caring and understanding partner. MALE NURSES would definitely fit the bill!!

You are awesome and a very welcome addition to the field. Keep up the great work!!! WE SHOULD ADD A DATING SERVICE TO THIS SITE!!!!:lol2:

I totally agree with you, I second that motion. If you see any good ones send a couple my way. LOL, No I'm just seriuos

It takes a special kind of person to be unbiversally accepting of others.

To love and care for another human being just because they are human beings.

To seek out and help those in desperate need.

To heal wounds - both mind and body - caused by self or others.

To be responsible for the life and well being of another.

To be truly blind to all matters of caste, creed, colour, wealth or race when dealing with another.

To know deep within your heart that what you do everyday makes a positive impact on the lives of many, often total strangers.

To spend life in the service of humankind (and occassionaly, the animal kind too!)

All these and more are the reasons I choose to do what I do. To me, this has nothing to do with "feminine" or "masculine" or "macho". These are but mere words and they pale in significance in light of our chosen work.

I'm happy with what I do and if people want to judge me because of this - then frankly it's their loss, not mine.

Just chiming in to say - GREAT post. I'm vain and shallow at times, and I've had the typical worry of being called a "male nurse" if I went for a nursing degree. I realize how irrational it is, and this post helps bring stuff in perspective.

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