Womens interest in male nurses

Nurses Men


I am a nursing student, currently studying to be an RN. I am really enjoying the experience, however I have an issue that is concerning me.

When chatting up women and the conversation comes up about what I do, and I reply studying nursing, their eyes widen and the mood seems to change. This is not related to women in the field but those outside. As soon as I utter the word nurse, I seem to go from a confident manly guy to a nice guy to them. I know women want confident manly sort of men, but women also say they like a man to be sensitive and caring. Can’t a male nurse be sensitive and manly? Do these women see nurses as somewhat effeminate, at worst gay?

If a woman is able to climb the corporate ladder and make big money in business and still have sex appeal, does a man need to limit himself to traditional masculine roles to prove his maleness and be attractive to women or can he do a traditionally feminine job of helping and caring for people.

I understood that when women refer to equality, it is for both men and women. They it’s a great idea for men to be nurses, but individually, their actions seem to speak louder than their words.

I would be very interested in your opinions on this both guys and girls

I'm a soon to be nurse who happens to be male. I'm days away from taking my NCLEX!! I thought I'd chime in.

Personally, I think it's really a shame that men in nursing have to justify it by being an ex-cop or military member, or being "fit." Despite men in nursing saying they are entirely comfortable with it, they still have this need to prove themselves as being masculine. This is why there are so many men in intensive care and ER. It's seen as a more appropriate setting for men to be nurses.

Trust me. I am currently in a relationship with one of my coworkers. She is amazingly hot. I tell every guy I know that the best profession is nursing. You'll never find a better female to male ratio. Its the law of averages fellas. The math and all the eqautions are in our favor. Be more confident in yourself.


I'm an RN and my bf is an RN too. My bf and I met each other at nursing school and started our relationship after our first semester. We had no problems since we totally understood each other's busy school schedule :)

Girls, nurses are awesome! If you're nurses too, imagine both of you only working for 3 days a week, you have plenty of time to have fun together!

Specializes in ED.

I think most women find men in scrubs to be pretty hot.. Just saying. Most of my friends think so. Lol. There is nothing wrong with male nurses. We have a friend who has been a make nurse for years.. He is manly and hunts, camps, fishes etc. I have never thought any differently about him. He is also very nice and seems like a good nurse.

Specializes in Oncology.

I love a good male nurse coworkers as much as I do a good female nurse coworker. And although my SO is not a nurse, if he wanted to be, I'd support him, and then he would understand all my stories!

Specializes in MS, ONCO, Geriatrics, HH, HS.

HaHa!! My husband and I are both nurses. He went through RN school right after I did and he definitely felt treated differently by instructors. One of his clinical instructors actually hated men in general nurses or not. But also Jobs and employers are more eager to hire male nurses than female nurses at least from what I have experienced in the last few years!!

BTW my husband affectionately calls himself a MURSE and I am the NURSE!! We have t-shirts too! LOL !

I am a nursing student, currently studying to be an RN. I am really enjoying the experience, however I have an issue that is concerning me.

When chatting up women and the conversation comes up about what I do, and I reply studying nursing, their eyes widen and the mood seems to change. This is not related to women in the field but those outside. As soon as I utter the word nurse, I seem to go from a confident manly guy to a nice guy to them. I know women want confident manly sort of men, but women also say they like a man to be sensitive and caring. Can't a male nurse be sensitive and manly? Do these women see nurses as somewhat effeminate, at worst gay?

If a woman is able to climb the corporate ladder and make big money in business and still have sex appeal, does a man need to limit himself to traditional masculine roles to prove his maleness and be attractive to women or can he do a traditionally feminine job of helping and caring for people.

I understood that when women refer to equality, it is for both men and women. They it's a great idea for men to be nurses, but individually, their actions seem to speak louder than their words.

I would be very interested in your opinions on this both guys and girls

Specializes in Wilderness Medicine, ICU, Adult Ed..

johny1, I am a guy RN, and I understand what you are experiencing. My advice? Start hanging out with smarter, deeper women. Please do not flame me, ladies, that was not an insult to women. It was an insult to dumb, shallow people who happen to be females. All I am saying to johny1 is that if a woman is turned off because you are studying nursing, be grateful. You have just been saved from a bad experience with a woman of little depth. Start looking for a REAL woman, johny1; real women will not be squeamish at all about your career choice, in fact, some will even find you, mmmm, interesting.

Another guy RN posted the following within this forum a few years ago, and I enjoy sharing it. Let me know what you think:

"I once read that fighting for the defenseless was the highest calling of a man. A nurse fights on behalf of a patient who can't. When the patient is able, the nurse teaches them how to fight back. I'm not going to get into class warfare about doctors and nurses, but the nurse is the one who stands guard during the night shift and tells the enemy, `Not on MY watch, you don't!'

I am going to be a nurse because that's what a man does."

Cowboy up, bro. You'll find her.

Specializes in SNF/Acute.

It depends on how the woman views a "male nurse" I personally have no problem with it, I guess I am biased because I am dating one :)He's very smart, caring, MANLY, and hard working which is what I love about him. We can talk about how our shifts went and we totally understand each other. If a woman can't respect you being in our profession she's not worth your while, just sayin! Good luck!

80 out of 100 women are like interesting in male nurses and as a matter of fact in many nursing homes or assisted living centers where there are nurses the patients do try to prefer men nurses ...... Just don't know the reason beside it but i think i came across with a conclusion and i think that this might be because they feel that the men nurses are hard working and can do a lot more better work than the female nurses :)

Why would they think that? If you do your job well then they won't see a difference. On the other hand, I think some of these older patients assume that male nurses are doctors, so they just think that we are there with a magic fix. Granted, that is not very common, and the majority of people in nursing homes know who and what we are.

I landed so many chicks with the word nurse haha :)

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