Wishing Suesquatch Luck On Nclex!

Nursing Students Online Learning


:Dyou have been preparing for a long while and are ready. you are such an inspiring lady, and i wanted to give you a special send off. i will be sending special thoughts to calm the jitters, prayers, and positive vibes. good luck to you, and look forward to hearing your success stories. your cyber classmate,



Specializes in LTC, Med/Surg, Peds, ICU, Tele.

75 questions, half an hour, I left thinking I had a case of cranius rectus.

No math, lots of teaching, evaluation of meds, mostly priority.

I gave airways priority. Then breathing, then circulation. Is that right?


I'll know Wednesday.

Thanks, everyone.

Ya better start a new thread, Sue "75 questions, did I pass?" :clown:

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

Woo hoooooooooo!! Wow, you beat my time by 15 minutes! :D

Ya better start a new thread, Sue "75 questions, did I pass?" :clown:


Thanks, everyone. I'm optimistic.

Lunah, I NEVER change an answer, hence, the record-breaking time. Let's just hope I broke the record and passed!

What is the most important thing to do with a moribund patient in end-stage dementia and pancreatic cancer?

a. check IV saline is getting to patient

b. ensure patient is receiving nutrition

c. administer pain medication as needed

d. determine whether patient wears spectacles and determine date of last sight test

When assessing thirst in the demented patient with expressive aphasia, one should

A) ask and believe the no

B) figure he'll get a drink if he's thirsty

C) let him dehydrate and die

D) gently assist him to drink Q2H


Specializes in Nursing Home ,Dementia Care,Neurology..

I'd say 1© then 2(d).

What is the most important thing to do with a moribund patient in end-stage dementia and pancreatic cancer?

a. check IV saline is getting to patient

b. ensure patient is receiving nutrition

c. administer pain medication as needed

d. determine whether patient wears spectacles and determine date of last sight test

When assessing thirst in the demented patient with expressive aphasia, one should

A) ask and believe the no

B) figure he'll get a drink if he's thirsty

C) let him dehydrate and die

D) gently assist him to drink Q2H


my choice:

1) c

2) d, as i didn't understand choice "A" was it completed?

No, these were goofy questions a friend and I made up. Her mom was the patient in the first, and the dimwitted nurse spent more time worrying about when this dying woman has her last eye test than controlling her pain.

The second was a patient who could only say no and would say that when asked if he was thirsty. Died of dehydration.

Glad to hear that you are able to breathe freely now. We're looking for you to be posting good news soon. Good luck!:p

Specializes in Med surg and Psych.

Thanks Sue for letting us know how it went. I guess the "Snow" did not keep you away. Sounds like you did wonderful. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Enjoy yourself! Traci

P.S. I hope you cont. to stick around to give the rest of us your awesome support that we have become so accustom to.

P.S. I hope you cont. to stick around to give the rest of us your awesome support that we have become so accustom to.

Aw, thank you, Trci.

You can count on it.

Specializes in Hem/Onc, LTC, AL, Homecare, Mgmt, Psych.

ummm spectacles for #1

and figure he'll get his own drink for #2


I thought these were actually questions on the exam until I read your other post! I was thinking... what in the world???? I'm sorry to hear these were actual experience, some nurses are such schmucks.

Thanks for sharing your experience today, and we'll be so happy when you get your official results!


What is the most important thing to do with a moribund patient in end-stage dementia and pancreatic cancer?

a. check IV saline is getting to patient

b. ensure patient is receiving nutrition

c. administer pain medication as needed

d. determine whether patient wears spectacles and determine date of last sight test

When assessing thirst in the demented patient with expressive aphasia, one should

A) ask and believe the no

B) figure he'll get a drink if he's thirsty

C) let him dehydrate and die

D) gently assist him to drink Q2H


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