will universal healthcare ( in the usa) cut RN pay?

Nurses Activism


I been hearing this debate off and on for a long time about how if Obama gets universal healthcare to go ( if he gets elected of course)though in the US that nursing pay will be cut dramatically. I would think this has to do with the fact that we would all be working for the government and that there will no longer be competition. There are many people in my nursing class that said they will leave nursing if thats the case. I also talked to several doctors that said the same thing about medicine in general. Im just curious if anyone has some good info about this. Thanks

Wow! In one post, I'm a hypocrite who "cannot hold out a helping hand". In another, I'm a moocher for volunteering time and money to charity.

Good thing I have thick skin!

And it wasn't me!!! WOOT!!! :)

Specializes in Psych, CVICU, SICU, MICU, PICU.
Not to mention the SS and Medicare I have to pay for everyone else's parents that I will have to pay but never have to use.

Plus the taxes for public school education I've NEVER used nor have to.

Not to mention the tax money that goes to WIC and Welfare which I never use. The tax money going to Fannie Mae and Freddie MAc which I won't get to use. The school grants I make to much for. The school lunches for children I don't have. Why pay for police I have never called as I can protect myself.

I could go on. I hate having to pay for all of that with no benefit. do it anyways...

Yeah..hehe the list goes on and on.. My mother used to always asy 'Only 2 sure things in life.. death and taxes'.

UHC is for everyone! If you want additional coverage, I am sure you can still purchase it. I, in all honesty, cannot fee good about myself, knowing somebody else out there is suffering.

Put yourself in a parent of a small child's place.. being told that they may be able to save your child, but since your insurance company is saying they won't cover certain proceedures, they will need the money up front to keep your child alive. Your husband is in Iraq, fighting for our freedom. Both yours and his parents are no longer living. There is no one to turn to.. you just bought your first house and cannot take out a 2nd mortgage.. You have missed work the last 3 weeks to stay with your sick child, so they let you go from your job. Feel the helplessness of that poor mother who has to sit there and watch her child die.

This story today is repeated over and over.. the characters may change.. but THIS is what UHC will be in place to prevent.. and I would much rather my money be put use in this way, than to pay for Josie's charitable contributions. :heartbeat

Specializes in Critical care, tele, Medical-Surgical.

No one is afraid of my aunt living out in the country.

Her property is paid for. she does have a telephone line.

No need for water of power because a windmill pumps her well and another runs a generator to charge batteries for her lights, washer & dryer, TV, dishwasher, refrigerator & 2 freezers, trash compactor, steam iron, and other appliances.

Her old deisel Mercedes runs on left over fast food oil.

House is positioned to stay pretty cool in the summer and warm in the winter through passive solar heating.

On below freezing nights she uses the modern (1970's) wood stove.

Grows her own vegetables and non tree fruits; freezes and cans them for winter.

She goes into town to shop once a month. To a sort of nearby church on Sunday.

Has excellent healthcare 80% paid for by Medicare 20% "gap insurance"

She is more than 90 years old in pretty good health.

She does have a pacemaker.

She is happy to pay significant income tax on income she does not have to work for such as rental property.

She supports guaranteed healthcare so her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren, who live usefuil productive lives, can have healthcare regardless of circumstances beyond their control.

Specializes in Critical care, tele, Medical-Surgical.
I, in all honesty, cannot fee good about myself, knowing somebody else out there is suffering.

Put yourself in a parent of a small child's place.. being told that they may be able to save your child, but since your insurance company is saying they won't cover certain proceedures, they will need the money up front to keep your child alive. Your husband is in Iraq, fighting for our freedom. Both yours and his parents are no longer living. There is no one to turn to.. you just bought your first house and cannot take out a 2nd mortgage.. You have missed work the last 3 weeks to stay with your sick child, so they let you go from your job. Feel the helplessness of that poor mother who has to sit there and watch her child die.

This story today is repeated over and over.. the characters may change.. but THIS is what UHC will be in place to prevent. :heartbeat

Me either.
Specializes in Psych, CVICU, SICU, MICU, PICU.
Wow! In one post, I'm a hypocrite who "cannot hold out a helping hand". In another, I'm a moocher for volunteering time and money to charity.

Good thing I have thick skin!

You are the one calling yourself a 'moocher'.. I am just stating the fact that NONE of us are self-sufficient.. I did put 'your' before hypocrisy.. sorry.. as I said, I have no idea if you even work in a health related occupation.. or you may even be CRNA2007's alter-ego.. People are known to pick up many identities in the forums in attempts to support a losing cause. In reality, I do not care as much about yours or CRNA's thoughts, as much as I feel you both are poor examples of what nursing represents for the nursing students in these forums.

Not all nurses think the same...

I've argued a lot with Jolie but I wouldn't go so far as to say she isn't a good example of nursing. She may be a super nurse for all we know...

Specializes in Maternal - Child Health.
I would much rather my money be put use in this way, than to pay for Josie's charitable contributions. :heartbeat

OK, so now because I contribute to a local church, food bank, crisis pregnancy center and inner city private school, I am somehow contributing to the death of a soldier's child. PUHLEESE!

I take the tax deductions I am legally allowed to take. If you don't approve of that, then please consider supporting a flat tax. I would whole-heartedly support a flat tax. Tell you what. Let's start one at the federal tax rate I currently pay, which is 28%. Somehow, I doubt you'll agree to that. Don't want to pay 28+% of your income of the top in taxes? Why not? Seem excessive, given that the local and state governments, SS, Medicare and grim reaper all want a cut too?

I can assure you that the contributions I make to local charities more than pay for the small deduction I am allowed. The church recently held a senior citizen's health fair (think Medicare recipients). Based on skin cancer screenings we did, 3 participants were diagnosed with early stage melanoma. Had their cancers progressed, the cost to Medicare would have been huge. The food bank and crisis pregnancy centers both support individuals and families who would otherwise access government programs. Providing free prenatal care, education and nutritional services to people who would otherwise need Medicaid, WIC or food stamps saves the taxpayers significant amounts of money. Lastly, the private inner-city school educates 200 elementary school students who would otherwise be attending public schools at a cost of $7500-$10K per pupil.

So please either spare me the whine that my contributions are a burden on the taxpaying public, or pony up your 28+%.

Lastly, my name is J-o-l-i-e. The other posters are going to wonder who this heartless Josie is.

Lastly, my name is J-o-l-i-e. The other posters are going to wonder who this heartless Josie is.

HAH... I just fell out of my chair. :chuckle:chuckle:chuckle

If someones husband is in Iraq fighting in the military then their family is covered under Tricare. That person could go to any military installation and be seen for FREE!!!! Your sob story of fantasy is so full of holes it couldn't even be classified as fiction. Try this ending. Mom is distraught that child cannot get health care and with the last dollar that she owns she buys a powerball ticket next thing you know old Jeds a millionaire and they live happily ever after and little Timmy is able to have his operation.

Put yourself in a parent of a small child's place.. being told that they may be able to save your child, but since your insurance company is saying they won't cover certain proceedures, they will need the money up front to keep your child alive. Your husband is in Iraq, fighting for our freedom. Both yours and his parents are no longer living. There is no one to turn to.. you just bought your first house and cannot take out a 2nd mortgage.. You have missed work the last 3 weeks to stay with your sick child, so they let you go from your job. Feel the helplessness of that poor mother who has to sit there and watch her child die.

Specializes in Psych, CVICU, SICU, MICU, PICU.
OK, so now because I contribute to a local church, food bank, crisis pregnancy center and inner city private school, I am somehow contributing to the death of a soldier's child. PUHLEESE!

I take the tax deductions I am legally allowed to take. If you don't approve of that, then please consider supporting a flat tax. I would whole-heartedly support a flat tax. Tell you what. Let's start one at the federal tax rate I currently pay, which is 28%. Somehow, I doubt you'll agree to that. Don't want to pay 28+% of your income of the top in taxes? Why not? Seem excessive, given that the local and state governments, SS, Medicare and grim reaper all want a cut too?

I can assure you that the contributions I make to local charities more than pay for the small deduction I am allowed. The church recently held a senior citizen's health fair (think Medicare recipients). Based on skin cancer screenings we did, 3 participants were diagnosed with early stage melanoma. Had their cancers progressed, the cost to Medicare would have been huge. The food bank and crisis pregnancy centers both support individuals and families who would otherwise access government programs. Providing free prenatal care, education and nutritional services to people who would otherwise need Medicaid, WIC or food stamps saves the taxpayers significant amounts of money. Lastly, the private inner-city school educates 200 elementary school students who would otherwise be attending public schools at a cost of $7500-$10K per pupil.

So please either spare me the whine that my contributions are a burden on the taxpaying public, or pony up your 28+%.

Lastly, my name is J-o-l-i-e. The other posters are going to wonder who this heartless Josie is.[/quote

J-O-L-I-E- How do you know how much I pay in taxes? You know nothing about me, as I know nothing about you. All of the above charities sound good.. sounds like the United Way charities, to me.. which I do not support because the only charities that they will support are pro-life. I could give numbers, too, but I am not impressed by a person solely upon the money they make. I learned a long time ago that money does not make a person, and those that talk about it most have the least money at their disposal. Irregardless of how much money you have or how much taxes you pay, you have no right to sit in judgement of others.

Wow sure is a lot of judgementalism coming from someone who lectures others about judging. Glad you know so much about my personal life and feelings but the truth is you have no clue so don;t pretend like you do.

Why are you defending him? He is the one insulting and attacking anyone who is not living up to his standards and/or if anyone believes in something other than what he believes. Also, CRNA2007, all I see in your profile is education and other. What ARE you?

To say the least, I feel very sorry for him.. He appears angry. He appears to be hurt and is taking it out on others in this forum.. Having troubles at work or in his personal life, venting his frustrations. He needs to appropriately vent where his frustration is coming from.

And.. if it is just plain haughtiness.. remember 'Pride cometh before the fall'. May it not be you who we see as the next victim of the insurance company.:heartbeat

You are the one calling yourself a 'moocher'.. I am just stating the fact that NONE of us are self-sufficient.. I did put 'your' before hypocrisy.. sorry.. as I said, I have no idea if you even work in a health related occupation.. or you may even be CRNA2007's alter-ego.. People are known to pick up many identities in the forums in attempts to support a losing cause. In reality, I do not care as much about yours or CRNA's thoughts, as much as I feel you both are poor examples of what nursing represents for the nursing students in these forums.

That coming from someone with 30 posts in 3 1/2 years? Hmmm, makes me wonder who your alter-ego is. Who says that her opinion is the losing one? Maybe others just aren't into bantering about this issue. It really is pointless. The foundations of our beliefs are firm and a few sob stories aren't going to change them. Just has rational thoughts don't change your opinion.

I find your posts to be very offensive. You don't know anything about these two and yet you judge them for their political beliefs. They could be the best nurses around and still not want to pay for their patients' healthcare. It doesn't make them bad nurses, it simply means that they want to be in control of their money. If I want to pay for someone's healthcare then I'll donate (non-tax deducted) money to them.

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