Published Mar 11, 2012
2 Posts
Hi there guys,
I'm currently a nursing student, i'll be graduating in 2 years time with a BSN. Later this year, I was caught shoplifting, got my mug shot, fingerprinted, and the court date which was on March 1st 2012. I was pretty nervous that i might get convicted, but the witness didnt turn up so my case was dismissed right away. However, my arrest is still in the FBI record. My lawyer has already started the sealing process of the arrest. I know that when you want to be licensed in nursing, you'll need to have fingerprints taken, and i know it'll show up even though it's sealed since BON belongs to the government. So my question is, will this affect my licensure, will i still be able to get the nursing license? And if they ask me about my convictions, that would be a NO right? Do they ask if i have get arrested or anything like that? Im currently in Chicago, IL. Thanks guys.
Nascar nurse, ASN, RN
2,218 Posts
Call the Illinois board of nursing. They will be the experts (would you really want to trust a bunch of internet strangers with something that important)?
Yeah I'll call them when im about to graduate, this is gonna be in 2 years time, i just wanna know if anyone has been in the same situation as i do. Thanks for the reply though! :)
178 Posts
You already have a lawyer, those questions need to be addressed by them. I believe this forum can not be much of any assistance.
Perpetual Student
682 Posts
I imagine you might be able to skate based upon your lack of conviction. That said, I have deep concerns regarding your suitability for the nursing profession.
Nowhere in your posting do you express remorse or shame. It's all about you and what you want. If I were on the board of nursing I would look very unfavorably upon someone arrested while in school for a crime that shows lack of regard for others and their property. It's one thing to excuse petty offenses when time has passed and a person has demonstrated a commitment to being a better person, but another to allow people who have shown they cannot be trusted to not steal or lie to become responsibile for the well-being of vulnerable patients.
I sure wouldn't want to work with a thief or have one caring for my family.
5,978 Posts
Why in God's name did you shoplift?
I imagine you might be able to skate based upon your lack of conviction. That said, I have deep concerns regarding your suitability for the nursing profession.Nowhere in your posting do you express remorse or shame. It's all about you and what you want. If I were on the board of nursing I would look very unfavorably upon someone arrested while in school for a crime that shows lack of regard for others and their property. It's one thing to excuse petty offenses when time has past and a person has demonstrated a commitment to being a better person, but another to allow people who have shown they cannot be trusted to not steal or lie to become responsibility for the well-being of vulnerable patients.I sure wouldn't want to work with a thief or have one caring for my family.
Nowhere in your posting do you express remorse or shame. It's all about you and what you want. If I were on the board of nursing I would look very unfavorably upon someone arrested while in school for a crime that shows lack of regard for others and their property. It's one thing to excuse petty offenses when time has past and a person has demonstrated a commitment to being a better person, but another to allow people who have shown they cannot be trusted to not steal or lie to become responsibility for the well-being of vulnerable patients.
I imagine you might be able to skate based upon your lack of conviction. That said, I have deep concerns regarding your suitability for the nursing profession.Nowhere in your posting do you express remorse or shame. It's all about you and what you want. If I were on the board of nursing I would look very unfavorably upon someone arrested while in school for a crime that shows lack of regard for others and their property. It's one thing to excuse petty offenses when time has passed and a person has demonstrated a commitment to being a better person, but another to allow people who have shown they cannot be trusted to not steal or lie to become responsibile for the well-being of vulnerable patients.I sure wouldn't want to work with a thief or have one caring for my family.
Yeah, she is so unfit to be a competent nurse. Are you a nun, maybe you should sign up for some order of Nuns. You are just too good to be on this earth with the rest of 'us' scum-bags.
Why do you steal money from your Momma's purse... We know what you did last Summer.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
Moving to nursing licensure with criminal history forum.
TopazLover, BSN, RN
1 Article; 728 Posts
Most BON, an other professional organizations take a very dim view of theft of any kind. My lawyer describes it as "once a thief, always a thief". Without conviction you are able to exponge a record. So this time does not show up. If your attitude is as lay back as it reads, you will do it again, so think about the attitude. Multiple convictrions for retail theft is common and we know that it is more common to get away with it many times before being caught.
Make up your mind. Change or even of you do get a license you will kiss it good bye, probably forever, if you get caught again.
Are you saying you're an unrepentant thief? Read my post. The biggest problem I saw was a lack of any display of remorse or shame for committing the crime against the shopkeeper. Stealing shows a complete lack of regard for the victim, with the sole exception of taking something necessary to maintain life in an emergency.
A criminal history shouldn't bar someone from nursing, but it shouldn't be a history that occurs while the person is actively trying to enter the profession. It should be a history that a person has chosen to turn away from. There should be signs that a person will avoid falling into the same type of behavior.
I'd have to have a gender reassignment surgery to become a nun, and that just ain't happening. I cuss like a sailor, drink too much sometimes, and am far from politically correct. I just don't take that which belongs to others. If you cannot understand why those who steal without shame nor remorse are unsuited to be nurses, you probably shouldn't be one either. You don't have to be perfect, you just have to have character.