Why do nurses fight so much with one another?

Nurses General Nursing


I'm a new nurse and had some clinical rotations where nurses were just vicious to one another. It seemed like every time I came in, there were a few in a bad mood and giving another one the "evil eye" lol. As crazy as it sounds..this is the part of the job that will stress me the most. I don't like confrontation and I never go out of my way to start "drama", but so many nurses seem to be the exact opposite..and at the same time, I'm not going to be disrespected, but you also have to think about your license and making a bad impression with your boss, etc.

I realize that nursing is a team effort, but I'm wondering how hard it is to mind your own business and go about your job without "getting into it" with other nurses? I felt bad for the RNs I was working with..their patient care techs were lazy and gave them all kinds of attitude...the doctors and patients were barking at them...and then..for some reason..they were always fighting amongst each other.

I'm one of those people who is pleasant..In my perfect little world..everyone can be nice to each other, without being taken advantage of..but let's be real..that doesn't exist. I quickly discovered this in nursing school, as well. Some of the most disgusting people I have ever met in my life. I realize this doesn't speak for everyone's experience, but mine alone. So my idea..when I start working..is to get in and out. My nice attitude has always got me into trouble..seems people become too comfortable with me and mistake my kindness as my weakness..that's when the disrespect starts..little things here and there..not trying to deal with it. So when I first start working, I am going to be as quiet as possible...observant...and I don't plan on making any friends. The few people that I have seen who seem to do a little bit better than others are the ones who are quiet and/or shy and/or anti-social. You don't catch them in the break room chit-chatting...EVER. Bless them. haha

Are there any other tips? I can't see myself having an issue with the Docs or RNs that I will work under. I'm eager to help and don't take their indifference/stress too personally. I'm sure that will be challenged lol..at some point. Does anyone have any pointers?

BTW, as a LPN and/or RN..what exactly in your daily position do you have to do that requires/forces you to work with the other nurses? I realize there are reports at the change of shift...but what else and how do you minimize becoming a part of all that cattiness and abuse?

Yep thats why I gave up on LTC for that reason... I miss the residents they at their worst were never as bad as coworkers and some places the nurses have not kept up on nursing education and new ways of treating pain and etc. However in my state in 2012 things are changing in that regard or you cant stay licensed. I for one am glad its coming . It may stop some of that b*&&$#^t about thinking you know it all now you have to prove it .:D

Thank you Kudos. I hope you have a good day.

As you all know by now,new nurses and seasoned nurses,we all have expierenced the ugly part of nursg,we don't run to help each other out,but fly to talk about each other,backstab,redicule,or gossip,i once quit a job and the nurse told me to my face "i never was really nice to you but i don't know why" so what's going on? Well,over worked,understaffed,unappreciated,deal with combative residents that spit on you,kick,throw things,verbral abuse,and lazy cna's. That's why i left ltc,will never go back,mangement does not help the situation either. Well what can we do start with respecting each other. I've always prefered to work with men,people talked about me as a new graduate,it made me feel incompetent,clueless,felt lost,with time i realized that not all nurses know what they're doing as new graduates or now after 12 yrs i seen rn's and lpn's not know what they're doing because they've never done everything. That why i want to leave nursg but i love what i do.

Specializes in Psychiatric.

You have a valid point. I see this quite a bit at my job. What I have gathered is that proximity and the amount of time staff work together has a lot to do with it. I have found as well that because of the nature of the job (stress) as well as the time that people have worked together (and come up with their own "system" of functioning) has a lot to do with the development of "cliques" that often can lead to bitterness and arguing when a "newbie" or anyone else who bucks the system comes along.

Your plan to sit back and watch is a good idea (as it is with any situation that you walk into as an outsider) and then as another poster mentioned be "pleasant but not aloof" because sitting too far out the loop will only draw others to find fault in you all the more. Good Luck!

Specializes in Med/Surg - E.R. - Pediatrics.
Because it's a female dominated profession? Lots of emotions and drama.

As a Male Nurse.... I just want to say


In my floor there are a significant amount of nurses at each other's throats. I am sure the reasons are varied and have been mentioned here already. The job being LIFE AND DEATH and highly stressful plays a significant role in the high range of emotions and dramma.

I agree with a previous poster, any female dominated industry has the same cat fights and drama. I was a waitress for five years and now have worked for a large company for 5 years in which 80% of the people in my building are women, and it's the exact same.

Specializes in ICU, home infusion.
...now the job of the phlebotomist is to call the nurse to remind him/her to draw the blood. The nurse must draw admit labs, stats and anything timed like Gent or Vanc. God forbid if you are tied up in the BR with a patient, in the middle of a code or at lunch. Then the phlebotomist calls your manager and you're called in the office for counseling....

Good lord! :smackingf Does the hospital have a formal policy to cover you? Has yours or the phlebotomists' job description been modified to justify this cr*p? Check it out, sevensonnets. This is out of bounds!

Specializes in ICU, home infusion.
....When you are running your butt off to take care of not only your patients but the patients of other nurses you cannot help but to not like the nurse that spends her day holding down a chair. I have no problem helping another nurse but I do have a problem with a nurse that does not do her job and spend more energy looking busy than see does actually being busy. I have my own [theory that management lets this go on because if you are busy bickering among yourselves you are not paying attention to what they are or are not doing. .... Management wants everything to look good on paper and all to appear good. Just a thought from my preceptive, everyone [perceives] things differently.

Streetbob----Sad, but true. I've seen this 'way too often.

Specializes in Med/Surg - E.R. - Pediatrics.

:smokin:You always hurt the ones you love:heartbeat

Specializes in Med/Surg - E.R. - Pediatrics.
Good lord! :smackingf Does the hospital have a formal policy to cover you? Has yours or the phlebotomists' job description been modified to justify this cr*p? Check it out, sevensonnets. This is out of bounds!

LOL HEY... I think I work at your hospital

That's the way of nursing. You haven't seen the worst of it! ;)

You are Extremely Lucky!

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