Why do nurses eat their young?


I received my DREAM JOB last June in L&D as a new grad and was basically taught everything I know from my wonderful preceptor. I was hired for nights, because that was what was available at the time of hire, but let the nurse manager know right then and there that IF EVER a day time position opened up, and nobody else wanted it, I would be very interested.

I oriented on days for 8 months, and started the night shift about 8 weeks ago. Right before I was going to nights it was clear that days were being shorted, and they were going to open up a day spot. NOBODY FROM NIGHTS WANTED THIS POSITION, and I inquired about it with my "fellow coworkers". Well, what I got was the complete opposite of what I expected. These "fellow coworkers" who complimented me on a daily basis of what a great learner I was, a team player, and a wonderful DR nurse turned on me so fast that my head was spinning. When I privately asked my preceptor what everyone was so upset was, she pointed her finger in my face and sternly said "I SAT IN ON YOUR INTERVIEW 8 MONTHS AGO, AND YOU CLEARLY STATED THAT YOU WWOULD WORK NIGHTS!" She then went on to say that people would be very angry if I went to the day shift being a brand new grad and all. Again, let me remind you, NOBODY WANTED THE DAY POSITION. Then, a per diem day person decided to take it.

2 months later, in walks a nurse from another hospital who was hired to work days, never saw her before, no job was posted, nothing. Just came out of the blue. Again, I questioned it, and had my head bit off from many people who think I have no right to inquire or even desire a day shift so soon in my "career".

Anyway, just wanted to vent, can anyone explain why this occurs? All input is greatly appreciated.



Specializes in Oncology/Haemetology/HIV.

As for being me being sensitive, yes, I am more than others, but that's what also makes me compassionate and patient because I get affected by so much more. I absolutely LOVE what I do with a passion, but unfortunately MOST (NOT ALL) of the nurses I work with on the night shift are burnt to a crisp and take advantage of this newbie.

By the way, the new nurse they hired for a full time day position without posting is already gone, she couldn't believe she was going to have to work weekends. The seasoned nurses got a kick out of that one. Of course, I would work EVERY weekend for that spot, but once again, because of political reasons I CAN NOT understand, I am forced (unless I leave) to stay on nights.

Being "sensitive" as you deem it has nothing whatsoever to do with compassion. And if you WERE so "sensitive" or compassionate, you would not have said some of things that you have said on this thread. Because many of them are inappropriate and offensive... a "sensitive" person would not have titled this thread the way that you did as it is EXTREMELY insensitive to many good HCWs feelings.

(It was also inappropriate, as management controls shift changes NOT those "burnt to a crisp" coworkers, fellow nurses that you complain about).

Specializes in Telemetry, Nursery, Post-Partum.

I guess I don't see how your coworkers are "eating their young"? They don't want you to go to day shift, so what? Its up to the unit manager to decide if you can transfer to another shift, not them. They may gossip for a little bit about it, but so what? Remind your manager you want day shift. Tell her you don't mind doing your weekends,etc. Unit managers have a lot going on, if you haven't mentioned wanting day shift to her since your interview, chances are she's (or he's) forgotten all about that.

And whoever posted about newbies not putting in their weekends, etc, how frustrating is that?!! I've worked with so many people (not all new, but the majority) who will never, ever sign up for their weekend requirements, holiday requirements, etc. I try to keep my nose out of it, but sometimes its so frustrating when you are doing your time and missing out on things with your family, friends, etc...and then someone complains when they have to work one saturday, and you notice they are never pulling all the required weekend shifts. And there's no "good" excuse...just that they don't want to.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

One way to do away with excuses not to do weekends and holidays is to keep track. EVERYONE senior or not, does have to take turns doing holidays and weekends where I work. And it's fair and nobody whines about it. Glad I work where I do. Expectations are clear in that respect.

Specializes in Day Surgery/Infusion/ED.

Caroladybelle and rnin02 both made excellent points. If you must blame someone, blame the right person/people.

This thread is yet another tirade against experienced/older nurses. When will it end?

, it's a cliche, go with it.


We are trying to do away with the cliche. I don't want to "go with it". It hurts the image of nurses. I don't believe in it. I'd like to see it go away.


One way to do away with excuses not to do weekends and holidays is to keep track. EVERYONE senior or not, does have to take turns doing holidays and weekends where I work. And it's fair and nobody whines about it. Glad I work where I do. Expectations are clear in that respect.

Same here . . .if you had Christmas off last year, you may have to work it this year. And we rotate weekends. Regardless of seniority. Which I happen to agree with.


Specializes in Day Surgery/Infusion/ED.
We are trying to do away with the cliche. I don't want to "go with it". It hurts the image of nurses. I don't believe in it. I'd like to see it go away.


Indeed. Tell you what cinthern, why don't you "go with" every hurtful cliche applied to new nurses. See how that works for you.

Now, let's just do away with these nonsense cliches once and for all. If your job isn't to your satisfaction, if everyone you work with is "burnt to a crisp" as you say, then maybe you need to find a better environment.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

Originally Posted by cinthern viewpost.gif

it's a cliche, go with it.

It's a pathetic rationale for bad behavior, won't go with it.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

Rationalizing the wrongs is not the same as using cliches. I am sorry you are not understanding and taking what you can from all these folks trying to help you. Good luck.

No one wants to admit it but I will- when you are stressed out you want to vent, no? Sometimes it's 'the crap rolls downhill'. The experienced RN let's say, gets attitude from an arrogant doc(just a hypothetical, ;) ) and who gets it? you guessed it, the dog, gets kicked, or in this case, the newbie.

Ever had a bad day and taken off someone's head just because they were there AND THEY WERE SAFE (could be husband, salesclerk, dog, kid...); well that is what the newbie is- no power in the hierarchy, indeed, most newbies can be fired in the first 6 months with no repercussions).

I am on orientation on a busy LD unit, and there are a few of us newbies, fortunately for us, we can talk to each other, and agree we are all pretty much depressed with our situation and trying to hang in there. Even those of us who have great preceptors will have this grinding depression of being at the bottom of the hill where the crap has rolled.

And, by the way, I can say I am a feminist, and I see women including myself constantly treating men with more consideration than we do other women.

Specializes in Ortho, Med surg and L&D.

I am on orientation on a busy LD unit, and there are a few of us newbies, fortunately for us, we can talk to each other, and agree we are all pretty much depressed with our situation and trying to hang in there.

Even those of us who have great preceptors will have this grinding depression of being at the bottom of the hill where the crap has rolled.



You describe all the newbies on your unit as being pretty much depressed aobu tyour situation...grinding depression of being at the bottom...

Sounds to me like you are in a toxic place an you should ALL resign. Walk. You are all new and all depressed and in a cruddy job. Why stay? It will not get better. Obvioulsy there were serious issues or else why would there be a whole slew of newbies? What caused that rapid turnover?

Bail!!!! All of ya! Just my two pennies.


Specializes in Public Health, DEI.

Why do any nurses think of themselves as anyone's ''young''. Come on, now, we're all grown ups and shouldn't be thinking of anyone other than our parents in a Mommy and Daddy sort of way. If veteran nurses are rude to you, it has nothing to do with you being their ''young''. It has to do with the different ways that people handle stress or dissension.

It degrades our entire profession when anyone, rookies or veterans, uses infantilizing terms to describe interpersonal relationships.

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