I received my DREAM JOB last June in L&D as a new grad and was basically taught everything I know from my wonderful preceptor. I was hired for nights, because that was what was available at the time of hire, but let the nurse manager know right then and there that IF EVER a day time position opened up, and nobody else wanted it, I would be very interested.
I oriented on days for 8 months, and started the night shift about 8 weeks ago. Right before I was going to nights it was clear that days were being shorted, and they were going to open up a day spot. NOBODY FROM NIGHTS WANTED THIS POSITION, and I inquired about it with my "fellow coworkers". Well, what I got was the complete opposite of what I expected. These "fellow coworkers" who complimented me on a daily basis of what a great learner I was, a team player, and a wonderful DR nurse turned on me so fast that my head was spinning. When I privately asked my preceptor what everyone was so upset was, she pointed her finger in my face and sternly said "I SAT IN ON YOUR INTERVIEW 8 MONTHS AGO, AND YOU CLEARLY STATED THAT YOU WWOULD WORK NIGHTS!" She then went on to say that people would be very angry if I went to the day shift being a brand new grad and all. Again, let me remind you, NOBODY WANTED THE DAY POSITION. Then, a per diem day person decided to take it.
2 months later, in walks a nurse from another hospital who was hired to work days, never saw her before, no job was posted, nothing. Just came out of the blue. Again, I questioned it, and had my head bit off from many people who think I have no right to inquire or even desire a day shift so soon in my "career".
Anyway, just wanted to vent, can anyone explain why this occurs? All input is greatly appreciated.