Why Does Everyone Hate Florida So Much??

U.S.A. Florida


I live in Chicago and have visited almost every part of Florida, I am actually going to be visiting Ft.Lauderdale at the end on January. I ask anyone here that has ever lived in Florida and they have nothing but terrible things to say. They tell me the schools and education systems are bad and that the majority of the population have low Iq's and are poor. I don't know why this is, everyone seemed pretty normal to me?? I would like to move there one day and start a new life with my husband but I'm worried about salary and job placement for both himself and I. Why are some peoples experiences so bad, its so beautiful and the people are very nice. I just don't get it. Can someone help me understand why this is??

Specializes in oncology, LTAC, medical surgical, wounds.
Nurses down here in Florida have less education. There are too many LPNS and ASNs from 2 year community colleges and not enough highly educated RNs with their BSNs here in the Tampa Bay area. Nurses up north are better educated. Here in Florida, the hospitals don't care if you have your BSN. The salary for an ASN nurse is exactly the same salary for a BSN nurse.

The above sentences are the most uneducated words for being a "highly educated" individual I have ever read!!! For an ASN student to finish nursing school, we have to have as much, or more clinical experience than those "highly educated" RN's that have their BSN. I was educated up north (Indiana) and I would like you to know that during some of my clinicals I had those "highly educated" BSN students come to me (one of those too many ASN RN's) to ask how to do a certain task. Those students saw and was very aware of how much we focused on our clinicals. We sat down with those same "highly educated" RN's and took that horrible two day test (20 yrs ago) as if we were one and the same. They did not give one test for the BSN's and another test for the lower educated ASN's. Now, I cannot speak for the LPN's, but I know I have worked with plenty of those wonderful women and I would never begin to insult them the way you have insulted those of us who "only" have a two year degree. Yes, we cannot teach with our ASN degree, but I know we can do anything else as well as all those "highly educated" RN's with their BSN degree. I had no choice when I set out for Nursing School. I had to finish as soon as possible and could not take the time for two more years. I've had chances to go back to school to get my BSN, but had decided until recently that I didn't need to because I didn't want to go into management or teaching. I always wondered why we as nurses cannot join together and be seen as a powerful force, but it has been demonstrated by just a few sentences. We will never be seen as anything but a force that pulls apart the very fabric that joins us together. When hospitals hire RN's, that's exactly what they get. I'm an RN and you are an RN. We will do the same job with the same skills and so you do not deserve any more money than I would get, because we have had the same education when it involves thoses skills. Guess what, I am even familiar with the nursing process and I have written many care plans. Now if you advance, which you will because you do have that BSN degree, then more power to you for getting a lot more money than me. I commend you for your efforts and you will definitely deserve it. But until then, please refrain from tearing me and my fellow ASN RN's apart and accusing us of not having a good education. Thank you for reading this and trying to understand.

Thank you for standing up for the LPNs to this statement above. I whole heartedly agree with you. I have been a LPN for 10 years and counting. I am from Indiana and I did everything the RNs did; including administer I.V. medications and blood. I've taken care of ICU/PCU patients on vents, pt's on dialysis, medical surgical/oncology, and on telemetry. We were certified to do conscious sedation and assist the MDs with peg placements, colonoscopies, or EGDs. The only thing we weren't allowed to do was be the charge nurse. Yes, I would love to go back to school and further my degree, and plan to do so. In the 10 years I have worked I have seen MANY LPNs that could way out nurse some of the BSN/MSN nurses I have worked with. I now live in Florida and they don't let the LPNs do anything like we do up north. As far as rudeness, it can be found no matter where you live. It is up to you as an individual to make it better. Patients need us to be on the same team, not putting each other down!! We can all learn from each other. After all there really isn't anyone who knows all the answers. Healthcare changes all the time. We are a team, and where one is weak the other can be strong. Learn from the diversities that are around. Ignorance, are those who refuse to think outside of the box! If you have to tear others down to make yourself look good then how low are you?

Specializes in Telemetry.

I hate Florida because they are too many prejudice people here. Some people treat blacks like feces here. Some of the people are very hypocritical and lie. They laugh with you and stab you in the back. The minorities here get less pay that the whites although they are more qualified. Some of them hate to see blacks excel because they do not have the ability to get a degree in certain professions. This place is sucks so much! I have been through a lot here and it is not cool. I wish I could speak my mind but they are all the same. I will leave them to KARMA. Many of them that hate blacks, when they get old and need help, their children always ignore them and pray for them to die to take their money. Most times a black CNA has to be taking care of them until they die and they treat them like crap most times. It is a good thing that God loves al of us and it does not matter what color you are. When we die we all become smelly corpse and attract maggots. This is my two cents...Please do not bash me, this is my opinion.

Sounds like you are black and bitter.

The claim that blacks are paid less is not unique to Florida. The claim that blacks are ill-treated is also not unique to Florida.

I live in Jax. We are often called a "redneck" city which implies 2 things... uneducated whites and racism. My own personal experience: the dropout rate is high making uneducated whites....and blacks. I drive by my sons' old HS every day AFTER the morning bell has rung. Those walking along 103rd St with their droopy drawers, backpacks (and by default NOT in CLASS) are by and large not white. (There is the occasional white kid.) Sooooo, when those truant kids do not get their diploma, cant pass the FCAT, and fail the GED....is that racism?

I have a picture sitting on my desk. It is our 2010 peds clinical group. There are 11 students and our instructor in our picture. Our instructor is black. Three students are black. Two are filipino. Six are white. FIVE are MALES! :D Oh, a we have a couple of homosexuals in the group as well. There is NO racism in our group! We are very tight knit and care so much about each other.

The vast majority of our instructors in nursing school are black. They are EXCELLENT instructors!

What I see is this:

Those who want to succeed will. Our nursing school is a fantastic example of what it is to be "post-racial". Race does not matter when you want to succeed.

Racism is easy to blame....but, from what I am actually witnessing, it has more to do with a lack of personal responsibility.

I know so very many successful blacks. I never hear them complain of racism....even in the south. I have seen racism here. Like the McDonalds on 103rd that does not hire whites. In a neighborhood where the blacks refused to even have a conversation with the whites. Where blacks who were friends with my children suddenly refused to speak to them any more because they did not vote for Obama.

I am sorry you felt that your treatment was based on racism. One thing I was taught (as I recovered from an abusive marriage), you are treated only as you will allow yourself to be treated. I did not "blame" my ex anymore. I took charge of my future.

May life encourage you to do the same.

Specializes in being a Credible Source.

Why do I "hate" Florida? Two words: Hanging chads.

Florida is the state that brought us nearly a decade of Bush/Cheney.... that's reason enough to hate the place.

Seriously, though... the people that I know who live in Florida really like it. Like any state, it probably depends a lot on where you choose to live. There are some fabulous parts of California but some nasty ones, too.

To each his or her own, I guess -- I was born and raised in FL, left the first chance I got and have never even considered returning there. It's bad enough I have to go back to visit my mother and sister! I've been living happily in NC nearly all of my adult life and love it here -- I have moved temporarily to a couple other states over the years for various reasons and rushed back here as soon as I got the chance each time.

Ah, the Sunshine State -- bad schools, bad employment conditions, bad economy, bad politics, bad weather; what's not to love????

LOL thats exactly how I feel about NC what part are you in? Because there is no jobs where I'm at and as far as the weather thats another story:rolleyes:

I hate Florida because they are too many prejudice people here. Some people treat blacks like feces here. Some of the people are very hypocritical and lie. They laugh with you and stab you in the back. The minorities here get less pay that the whites although they are more qualified. Some of them hate to see blacks excel because they do not have the ability to get a degree in certain professions. This place is sucks so much! I have been through a lot here and it is not cool. I wish I could speak my mind but they are all the same. I will leave them to KARMA. Many of them that hate blacks, when they get old and need help, their children always ignore them and pray for them to die to take their money. Most times a black CNA has to be taking care of them until they die and they treat them like crap most times. It is a good thing that God loves al of us and it does not matter what color you are. When we die we all become smelly corpse and attract maggots. This is my two cents...Please do not bash me, this is my opinion.

I'm african american and I never had a racist exp until I moved to north carolina. Racism is everywhere it doesnt matter where your at. You have some issues lol:lol2:

Specializes in Telemetry.

FLMOMOf5, no bitterness here my dear. People are afraid to discuss race because of individuals like you who are on the other side of the fence. You are talking about ObAMA? Obama is meeting hell in the white house because most of those "people" do not want him there. Lol....Well, no matter how they treat blacks, when you are highly educated nobody can take that away from us. Pay as low as you can, at the end of the day you are going to need a black hand to wipe your butt because your "other" friends will not do it. Trust me!

Specializes in Telemetry.

I rest my case...I will not comment on this page anymore.

FLMOMOf5, no bitterness here my dear. People are afraid to discuss race because of individuals like you who are on the other side of the fence. You are talking about ObAMA? Obama is meeting hell in the white house because most of those "people" do not want him there. Lol....Well, no matter how they treat blacks, when you are highly educated nobody can take that away from us. Pay as low as you can, at the end of the day you are going to need a black hand to wipe your butt because your "other" friends will not do it. Trust me!

Because of individual like me....what kind of individual is that. What side of what fence? I have NO idea what you are attempting to imply.

Those "people"...what people are you saying?

I don't need a "black hand to wipe (my) butt" because I have my husband and 9 children (between the two of us) if I become incapable of wiping my own butt. If I am hospitalized and incontinent, I will have my butt wiped by what ever color hand my nurse or PCT has. It won't matter.

I am white. I am 2nd generation Irish-American. So what? My father grew up in Harlem. His immigrant parents died before he graduated from HS. My father worked his way through college (no scholarship). He has a PhD in EE and retired as a LTC in the USAF. Just because one is white does not mean one had unfair advantage. My father had to struggle. I raised my 5 children as a single parent. I did it without child support because the father wouldn't pay and CS collection couldn't keep track. I didn't whine, I did what I had to do to succeed. Two of my children are "disabled". We never let that hold them back. They are having a tough time because of the economy not because they are disabled. They do not accept SSI because they are capable of working!

I do not like Obama as president. It has nothing to do with the fact that he is 1/2 black. It has everything to do with the fact that I don't like his policies or his politics. I don't like what he is doing to the country. If you like him, kudos for you. I won't alienate you because you like him and his politics.....like my kids friends did when my kids voted for McCain.

The real racism is when you think that those who voted for McCain did so because they were racist. That makes the accuser the racist. The racist is the one who says "those people" will need their butts wiped by a "black hand".

I feel sorry for you. You choose to believe this negativity and to place thoughts where they do not exist. You cannot make me a racist just because you call me a racist or imply that I am a racist. I dated blacks in my youth. One is still in the USAF and is a MSGT. One became a film producer in LA. :D My youngest daughter's boyfriend is black and he spends quite a lot of time at our place and is treated as well as my other daughters' white boyfriends.

You know not of what you speak.

Because of individual like me....what kind of individual is that. What side of what fence? I have NO idea what you are attempting to imply.

Those "people"...what people are you saying?

I don't need a "black hand to wipe (my) butt" because I have my husband and 9 children (between the two of us) if I become incapable of wiping my own butt. If I am hospitalized and incontinent, I will have my butt wiped by what ever color hand my nurse or PCT has. It won't matter.

I am white. I am 2nd generation Irish-American. So what? My father grew up in Harlem. His immigrant parents died before he graduated from HS. My father worked his way through college (no scholarship). He has a PhD in EE and retired as a LTC in the USAF. Just because one is white does not mean one had unfair advantage. My father had to struggle. I raised my 5 children as a single parent. I did it without child support because the father wouldn't pay and CS collection couldn't keep track. I didn't whine, I did what I had to do to succeed. Two of my children are "disabled". We never let that hold them back. They are having a tough time because of the economy not because they are disabled. They do not accept SSI because they are capable of working!

I do not like Obama as president. It has nothing to do with the fact that he is 1/2 black. It has everything to do with the fact that I don't like his policies or his politics. I don't like what he is doing to the country. If you like him, kudos for you. I won't alienate you because you like him and his politics.....like my kids friends did when my kids voted for McCain.

The real racism is when you think that those who voted for McCain did so because they were racist. That makes the accuser the racist. The racist is the one who says "those people" will need their butts wiped by a "black hand".

I feel sorry for you. You choose to believe this negativity and to place thoughts where they do not exist. You cannot make me a racist just because you call me a racist or imply that I am a racist. I dated blacks in my youth. One is still in the USAF and is a MSGT. One became a film producer in LA. :D My youngest daughter's boyfriend is black and he spends quite a lot of time at our place and is treated as well as my other daughters' white boyfriends.

You know not of what you speak.

I'm happy McCain did not win. My husband would be at war until forever or until he is useless. Obama can't do anything worse then what busch did so hey...

DD is a combat medic with 2 tours under her belt.

Hubby is in Afghanistan.

We will have to agree to disagree on that subject! :D

Specializes in Peds, Med-Surg, Disaster Nsg, Parish Nsg.

Several of the recent posts have strayed off-topic. This is not a racial thread nor a political thread. If you want to discuss politics, please start a thread in the US Politics forum.

A few of you need to step back and cool off. Please refrain from personal attacks. We promote the idea of lively debate. This means you are free to disagree with anyone on any type of subject matter as long as your criticism is constructive and polite.

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