Published Jul 21, 2005
373 Posts
I am sooooo happy ....I finally got a job as a PCT at Fl. Hosp. in i come nursing...they are willing to work w/ my school schedule...excellent continuing ed programs...will pay for nursing school...have there own college & will pay for me to get my BSN there if i choose to learn a bunch of skills.... if u ask me I will have no problem working my @ss for as a PCT if I get all these benefits...and the floor that hired me Pulmonary unit...the people are grrrreat ...i can go on and on...i am sooo happy after about 5 months of waiting....
1 Post
way to go!!! congrats!!!! :)
423 Posts
Congratulations on your new job and the start of a nursing career!
441 Posts
I am sooooo happy ....I finally got a job as a PCT at Fl. Hosp. in i come nursing...they are willing to work w/ my school schedule...excellent continuing ed programs...will pay for nursing school...have there own college & will pay for me to get my BSN there if i choose to learn a bunch of skills.... if u ask me I will have no problem working my @ss for as a PCT if I get all these benefits...and the floor that hired me Pulmonary unit...the people are grrrreat ...i can go on and on...i am sooo happy after about 5 months of waiting....thxCoco
:balloons: Hey, way to go!! Congrats!! Wow, they do have very goooood benefits....Good luck and best wishes to you!! Let us know how's going.....
:Melody: Bori
444 Posts
Congragulations! Sounds like a very good deal! :balloons:
Thx a million guys....really means a lot... this board has become like a second family to me and I hope they have good benefits...not sure yet have not gotten to that apaer work...but hey anything is better than what I am paying now....small company = very high insurance!!
thx again
34 Posts
Congratulations! You will be so happy you made the decision to work in a hospital as a PCT, I know that my experience as a PCT will help me in soooo many ways for school and clinicals. You just have an understanding of the hospital, the situations that come up, the way things are done etc. etc. and you already know how to relate to pts and families. It is sooo valuable before school. Good Luck with your job and soak up as much info as you can! Watch as many procedures as you can i.e. dressing changes, NG tubes, etc.
zacarias, ASN, RN
1,338 Posts
Congrats Coco! Keep your excitement as long as you can! It's great that they will pay for you to go to school.
One more thing to add.
Yesterday I was at work and was talking to a nursing student who is finishing her last few weeks of school and she kept telling me how great it is that I am getting experience as a tech. I talked to her about her clinicals and she has yet to put a foley in or an NG tube in. The tech's at our hospital can put foley's in, not NG's, but this student hasn't even watched an NG being put in! I am not saying she was incompetent at all, I am sure she will be a great nurse, I am just trying to say that you see a lot as a tech and when you are in clinicals you just can't see and do everything. I 've seen a good five NG tubes and helped with them too. So I was very thankful for my experience.
120 Posts
Congrats CoCo! I guess I'll be seing you around!! I attend Florida Hospital College (Its at the back of the hospital next to the Heliport) and I start my clinicals this semester. I had a meeting with my Techniques of Clinical instructor last week and she said it would be very good for me if after the semester of Fall, I would try to work as a PCT. It helps you plenty with your skills.
Good Luck
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
Congrats :)
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,715 Posts
Sounds great. I'm getting my BSN there. I've heard nothing butt good things about the hospital from both patients, nurses, and students. Good luck!