Which Specialty Do You Have Your Eye On?


In between the stresses of pre-reqs, applications, interviews, and entrance exams, it's fun to kick back and imagine our careers as fully-fledged RNs!

Discuss the specialties that just really stick out to you. You can say a bit about why you think that specialty is a good fit for you. If you're not sure, you're still welcome to jump in and explore your options with us!

While we know that maybe our minds might change in nursing school and plans go awry, what is the harm in dreaming and planning?

I'll go first: Trauma, critical care (of any kind), and emergency sound wonderful to me. Nursing research and/or informatics could also be highly interesting for post-grad. I love technical skills and improving patient outcomes.

I'm like you. I think emergency or trauma will be a good fit for my personality. However I am looking forward to clinicals and the opportunity to see different areas of nursing.

Neuro ICU. I might be wrong, but it seems like the specialty for INTJ types. Now, I'm extremely interested in the brain and nervous system.

Peds, NICU or ICU. I worked in all of these area's while working as a CNA. They were the quiet compared to the med/surg floors, and all of the nurses looked less stressed, lol.

ER/Trauma. I'm learning about the nervous system right now though in A&P and I find it really interesting so maybe a neuro unit? Ha who knows I'll probably change my mind 2 years from now! I know I don't want to do Peds or OB. Just not for me.

Specializes in Public Health.

OB baby!!! Im going all the way to the doctorate level....hopefully after 13 years i won't change my mind ever!

ambulatory care here....

Specializes in ICU, Telemetry.

I went in thinking I'd be a nurse-midwife -- my great granny delivered half the babies in the county. Until the first time I had to hand a baby back to a crack mom. It broke my heart and I realized that it would destroy me to give these kids to people who were incapable of looking after themselves, much less an innocent child. (We've got a lot of drugs around here).

I was at a loss, didn't know what to do or even if I should stay in school, when I had a rotation thru ICU -- and bang, I knew that was what I wanted to be.

So, keep in mind you may see something and a lightbulb go off. It's a wonderful moment.

Nicu! I want to be an advocate for the ones who can't speak for themselves. I know that it is one of the most emotionally draining nursing fields, but someone has to do it :) I soak up every piece of information that I can find about nicu nursing.

Specializes in Pediatric Home Care, Dr Office/Clinic.

Im a 100 percent sure I want my specialty to be labor & delivery postpartum unit. Ive always loved babies I was a nanny for many years & have just always been the type of person that women feel comfortable talking to & being around. I also feel most at home dealing with womens health issues. Also wouldnt mind working in an obgyn office. What I really would love to do as an end goal is nurse practitioner obgyn if I can stomache all that schooling. If not, I would love to slow down my nursing career several years from now in nursing administration or supervisory role.

I want to be a trauma nurse. I love fast paced, always changing, and meeting all types of people. I have extreme patience to deal with the trying people out there. I have wanted it since I was a little girl. I might find something else that tweaks my interest along the way, but I doubt it. I feel like trauma is what I was made for!

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