When is it my turn to get hired as an RN at my work??

Nurses General Nursing



I have been an LVN for 11 years and have been working at this hospital for 5 years as an LVN. The last 5 years I also worked hard in trying to finish my RN and pass the NCLEX . When the the time came where I finally got it, I was of course SO happy and felt that it was a big acccomplishment for me. Then came for me to apply for the new graduate program at my work.There could only be about 10 new graduates to be chosen. This year will be a different thing from what I was told wherein everybody should go through an interview process even if you're already in the system and working at the hospital itself. SO, me thinking that it's no sweat, I'll go ahead and go for the interview and also thinking that I will get hired anyway because I'm already in the system. Well, I WAS DEAD WRONG!!! When I went to the interview I thought it was going to be one interviewer; but instead, it was 4-5 people taking turns asking me different scenerio questions. I admit I was in there for an hour and was mentally worn out when it was over. To make things short, I DID NOT GET IN THE NEW GRAD PROGRAM. I felt that it was really unfair for me to even go through the panel interview in the first place as an employee at the hospital. The other applicants that were hired where new Grad RNs just like me, who most did not even have the hospital experience that I have as an LVN. I felt really cheated and disappointed seeing some of the new graduate student being trained on the Med-surg floor where I work. I felt that I could have been one of them. Now I am still working as an LVN on the floor, waiting to be hired as an RN while those new grad students are already starting to work as a staff RN, some are even working on the floor where I am working. I've been fighting and have been vocal about this issue. Even my co-workers said that it was UNFAIR. I am a DARN good nurse and I just wanted a chance to be acknowledged for all those 5 years that I have worked there. I SHOULDN'T EVEN FIGHT TO GET AN RN JOB ON THE FLOOR. I spoke to the Director of Nursing and I guess she realized that what was done to me was unfair. So the hiring procedure for the new grad program will be changed back to how it was this '06. But for now I am still... waiting helplessly...:crying2:

Specializes in LTC, Psych, M/S.

You are not alone. When I graduated in May, basically the same thing happened to me. I worked as a CNA on a telemetry unit all the way thru nsg school - both years, even after getting my LPN license the first year. This hospital doesn't utilize LPN's. It was really frustrating having all this knowledge but not be able to use it. I would have tried to get a lpn job, but this CNA job was to good to leave - this hospital has a really good tuition reimbursement program and flexible hours for CNA's - I could basically make my own schedule. And I got health insurance by working only part time.

The hiring manager pretty much told me that she would hire me when I got my RN - I did my preceptorship on that floor and everything. HOwever, this hospital changed their rules for new grad hiring just this year - you must pass the NCLEX b/f you can be hired, and you must make an appt. to take the NCLEX b/f you can get an interview. To get the paperwork into the state and get thru all that red tape - it took me over a month to get registered to take the nclex. I did quit this job after graduating- thinking i would be hired right back as an RN-I was able to work as a LPN for 2x the money in LTC.

They never called me back - I heard from my former coworker that in that window of time while waiting to register for the NCLEX (there were 2 openings) they hired 2 EXPERIENCED RN's.

Needless to say, I was quite disappointed. I kindve look at it like it is their loss b/c of the tuition reimbursement they gave me (over $2,000) it seems like they would have tried to keep me on. Interesting I didn't have to sign a contract for this money, if you were already an employee you didn't have to.

I did make contact w/ the hiring manager a couple times (again she expressed interest in hiring me), but then I heard that she quit due to medical problems, so I think I just fell thru the cracks of their hiring process. And then I got pregnant (surprise) in July so maybe it is best to stay in LTC for the time being - less stressful. It's just NOT where you want to be as a new grad.

I did apply to a couple other hospitals in the area over the summer, but i was informed that they weren't hiring new grads at the time.

So I would just say a word of warning to prospective nsg students, just b/c you see ads everywhere for RN job openings, it doesn't mean that the institution is at all interested in hiring a 'new grad.'

Why would they give you RN pay if your willing to accept LVN pay? This is an old trick perpetrated every year. Saves money. And believe me, in their numbers you are being represented as an RN! See your union or move on. You are vested at 5 years and can come back. RN's are in great demand in CA. and new grad programs are available everywhere.

You're right. You shouldn't have to fight for an RN job in a place where you have worked for 5 years. That is a real slap in the face. I wouldn't want to work there after being treated like that. I'd go job hunting for an RN job at other hospitals. Time to move on. Go where you will be appreciated. Anyway, once you have your RN, don't you have to surrender your LVN license? I thought most states didn't allow dual licensure.

:yeahthat: :yeahthat:

Due to them changing the hiring policy this year of new graduate RNs,which will be ultimately changed next year to how it's suppose to be in'06 ( thanks to ME). Because I invested 5 years and decided to retire here in the county I did not take this situation lightly; NOT AT ALL!!! Ok, I was "willing to keep working as an LVN"--I felt that ok, this is how you guys are going to play it, well this is HOW I'LL PLAY IT: Instead of leaving and running away from this situation and moving to a different place to work, I am "willing" to challenge this head on with the management. I was able to get the DON to finally admit and apologize that that was a mistake in their part and I was the " unlucky guinea pig" with this new RN program thing. Eventhough I went to my LVN union they were ready to back me up but can only go so far. I was glad I have a lot of co-workers who are there to back me up. I have a RN position FINALLY this end of January. I know I fought hard for this (eventhough that I don't have to);but the irony of it is you DON"T LET THE BIG GUYS STEP ALL OVER YOU--- I don't care who they are, they were in my shoes when they started--and they shouldn't forget how it was. I told myself that I am going to retire for the county and whoever keeps me from doing just that, I just will NOT BACK DOWN until I get what I deserve.

Specializes in Education, Administration, Magnet.

I think you are being to nice. The day you got your RN licence, you should have got a RN pay with a RN name badge to go with it. You seem to be satisfied to wait until January to work as an RN. You are one now....


I totally agree with the other posters! You got great feedback! I am amazed this happened to you. It's insane! YOU ARE AN RN!! I just wanted to let you know I support you! Congratulations on your success!

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.
You are not alone. When I graduated in May, basically the same thing happened to me. I worked as a CNA on a telemetry unit all the way thru nsg school - both years, even after getting my LPN license the first year. This hospital doesn't utilize LPN's. It was really frustrating having all this knowledge but not be able to use it. I would have tried to get a lpn job, but this CNA job was to good to leave - this hospital has a really good tuition reimbursement program and flexible hours for CNA's - I could basically make my own schedule. And I got health insurance by working only part time.

The hiring manager pretty much told me that she would hire me when I got my RN - I did my preceptorship on that floor and everything. HOwever, this hospital changed their rules for new grad hiring just this year - you must pass the NCLEX b/f you can be hired, and you must make an appt. to take the NCLEX b/f you can get an interview. To get the paperwork into the state and get thru all that red tape - it took me over a month to get registered to take the nclex. I did quit this job after graduating- thinking i would be hired right back as an RN-I was able to work as a LPN for 2x the money in LTC.

They never called me back - I heard from my former coworker that in that window of time while waiting to register for the NCLEX (there were 2 openings) they hired 2 EXPERIENCED RN's.

Needless to say, I was quite disappointed. I kindve look at it like it is their loss b/c of the tuition reimbursement they gave me (over $2,000) it seems like they would have tried to keep me on. Interesting I didn't have to sign a contract for this money, if you were already an employee you didn't have to.

I did make contact w/ the hiring manager a couple times (again she expressed interest in hiring me), but then I heard that she quit due to medical problems, so I think I just fell thru the cracks of their hiring process. And then I got pregnant (surprise) in July so maybe it is best to stay in LTC for the time being - less stressful. It's just NOT where you want to be as a new grad.

I did apply to a couple other hospitals in the area over the summer, but i was informed that they weren't hiring new grads at the time.

So I would just say a word of warning to prospective nsg students, just b/c you see ads everywhere for RN job openings, it doesn't mean that the institution is at all interested in hiring a 'new grad.'

How very sad :crying2:

I think you are being to nice. The day you got your RN licence, you should have got a RN pay with a RN name badge to go with it. You seem to be satisfied to wait until January to work as an RN. You are one now....

I agree. You should get retro pay and not be willing to wait until the end of January.

Like what I said before, If you are in my work situation you will see how it is. You really have to be there and typing all this stuff at this site will only give a small perspective. Believe me "I wasn't NICE at all with them". It is easy for one to conclude that but YOU HAVE TO BE THERE TO SEE HOW THINGS ARE.

Specializes in Med-Surg with tele.

I'm glad that you've finally gotten the RN position you earned! And while I can't possibly know all of the details of your situation, I know you were aware of that when you asked for advice on this site. Here's what I would be worried about--is this really the kind of company you want to work for? I know it can be hard to start over after you've put years into one employer, but sometimes I think it can be worth it.

Sorry for the overreaction. I should have given myself time to think about where the writer was coming from. Thanks for everyone's input on this matter. :smackingf :icon_hug: :Santa3:

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