When entering orders, please remember....

Specialties Geriatric


That It's a pommel cushion, not pummel cushion. A pommel is the part of a saddle that prevents a cowboy from sliding forward, while pummel means to beat something repeatedly, usually with ones fists. I'm not beating a chair cushion, no matter how mad I am at it. :laugh:

Please enter an order for a MAT to the floor to prevent injury, not a MATT to the floor. My friend Matt is not going to lay next to the resident's bed and catch them if they fall. :roflmao:

It's STRAIGHT cath, not STR8 cath. It's a medical record, not a Grinder profile :cool:

Anyone else see things in orders or charting that makes you LOL?

It's not a UA CNS. We are not collecting a urine sample from a Clinical Nurse Specialist.

We don't use pick lines around here, either.

CNS is culture "n" sensitivity......learned that in school, or at least the hospital where we did clinical.

Specializes in Gerontology, Med surg, Home Health.

Culture AND Sensitivity.


Not really funny, just annoying. Order reads "Benadryl 25mg po prn itching". (calls doc) "Hey Dr. Jones, I need a frequency on that benadryl for Mrs. H."

Doc: "make it prn."


Culture AND Sensitivity.


variation on a theme.

Specializes in Gerontology, Med surg, Home Health.
variation on a theme.

No, proper spelling. There is no word 'n' in the English language.

No, proper spelling. There is no word 'n' in the English language.

it is phonetic. Geesh Cape, taken a light hearted (some what, at least) thread and beat it much?

Specializes in Gerontology, Med surg, Home Health.

Since the DPH never takes a "light hearted" approach to anything, I'll stick with my correct spelling and grammar. Y'all can do what you want.:cool:

Patient was "difficult to AROUSE".....DID YOU TRY HARD ENOUGH?....IT'S ROUSE

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
Patient was "difficult to AROUSE".....DID YOU TRY HARD ENOUGH?....IT'S ROUSE
Yep. The word 'arouse' has very different connotations (read: sexy time) than 'rouse.'
Since the DPH never takes a "light hearted" approach to anything, I'll stick with my correct spelling and grammar. Y'all can do what you want.:cool:

now you are simply being silly.

Specializes in Gerontology, Med surg, Home Health.

Since my last survey was deficiency free, I will continue to be how I am.

Huntington's Korea.

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