whats the weather like????

Nurses General Nursing


well i live in north dakota, and right now it is 28 degrees below zero. Even for us that is just about the coldest i have seen it. i know it is winter but is it colder tonight in any other part of the world?????? let me know.

Specializes in NICU.

Hmmm, that should say "country" not sure why it is asterisked out... must have been a naughty typo.

Originally posted by KRVRN

It's only about 60 out in San Diego... Rainy. Not real rain though... Light San Diego rain that the rest of the co****ry would call sprinkles. The kind that merely spits all over your car and makes the roads slippery.

I can't even fathom -20. I feel awfully chilly if it ever reaches 40.

I use to live in San Diego...PB to be exact and I know what rain your talking about. It's a pain!

Wow, how do some of you guys take a leak outside? :roll

Up in the great white north we have been hovering at -27.5F for several days now. Our windchill is at -44F.

My spousal unit is travelling tomorrow to a city that is breaking temperature records. -49F standing temp with windchill of -69F.

We are forcasted to get snow as well with all this mess. But they are promising we will be warming up to -4 by the weekend...since when did I think that -4 was good???

Very quickly or it freezes.

In NW Wy, it was -20 this morning with a 20+MPH wind. I don't even want to think about the wind chill. The -20 I don't mind, but the constant wind causes my sanity to go insane.:p :roll

So much for typing in a hurry. Who needs syntax.

Here in NorthernVermont it was -30 earilier in the week. Lots of vehicles wouldnt start and some businesses had their heat go off. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


How r u today? still coldest there? my name rina from jakarta, inodonesia, do u know where i'm? yeah.. u right, i live at tropic part in the world. There r just have 2 seasons, rainy and summer. Eventhough now is rainy but we still meet sunshine. Perhaps you'll visit me some time, that must be wonderful time.

;) :)

HI RINA, my real name is just one letter different than yours. I would love to visit indonesia. warm weather is what i like more than this cold. at noon today it was 25 below. that was our high for today. we kindda joke around up here in north dakota, i say the is just to seasons--- winter and the summer is the one weekend in july that i have to work. but seriously our summers can get pretty hot too. when we put a new furnace in two years ago, we also put in central air. most people don't think we need it up here , but believe me we do get up to 90-100 during June, JUly and August. keep cool

78 degrees here on the beach in Fla all day,turning cold as icecubes right now.Went in to do a home care admission,very warm.came out to freezing my orifice off 1 1/2 hours later:eek:

This morning (in Winnipeg) I woke up to a windchill of -58F. I could bearly start my car and I have a new battery. Man was my steering stiff. Schools were closed because of the extreme temps, but of course the nursing home never closes.

Right now it's -25F with a windchill of -49. Brrrrrr

Highs 76 to 81. Trades 15 to 20 mph. Just got back from walking to the beach. Shorts only, no shirt nor underwear...swinging free. Hawaii is so nice...unlike me:devil:

Specializes in correctional-CCHCP/detox nurse, DOULA-Birth Assist.

A couple of nights a go it was cool 56 below zero, not including windchill.

Right now its a balmy 34 below...people lets put on those short and flip flops and go outside cuz summer is almost here....

sorry frostbit of the brain talking again.

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