Published Nov 1, 2013
Brian, ASN, RN
3 Articles; 3,695 Posts
Each time I hear good news it puts a smile in my face. I'm sure the same happens to you. You'll be from out of this world if it didn't. What would be your good news? What news would you like to hear? Please post your answer below...
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NotMyProblem MSN, ASN, BSN, MSN, LPN, RN
2,690 Posts
cardiacfreak, ADN
742 Posts
You just won Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes, $5,000 a week for life.
mind_body_soul RN
132 Posts
Two weeks left of my RN program, then finals and "the big test". Hopefully soon I'll be mind_body_soul, RN :)
77 Posts
I just landed my dream Job as a New Grad RN!!!
HappyWife77, BSN, RN
739 Posts
You going to have a BABY!!!!
And its going to be a boy!!!
You are going to have the same schedule every pay period!!!
And we will not ever ask you to work on your days off!!
You will never get pulled to another area than which you were hired!!
75 Posts
"You've been accepted into grad school. The NP program will be a cake walk for you. Don't worry about how to pay for it, you'll take out loans but upon passing the NP exam, you obtain employment at a great outpt clinic in your home city, they'll repay all your student loans. You'll be well known in your community for you community service and overall dedication to the profession. Many students will admire you and learn from you. Your dreams are soon becoming a reality."
Good news in REAL life...I'm working as an agency nurse. No benefits of course, but I'm back doing psych as a nurse, my passion.
"You've been accepted into grad school. The NP program will be a cake walk for you. Don't worry about how to pay for it, you'll take out loans but upon passing the NP exam, you obtain employment at a great outpt clinic in your home city, they'll repay all your student loans. You'll be well known in your community for you community service and overall dedication to the profession. Many students will admire you and learn from you. Your dreams are soon becoming a reality."Good news in REAL life...I'm working as an agency nurse. No benefits of course, but I'm back doing psych as a nurse, my passion.
I was just about to do my 'Annie, Annie! Are you ok? Hey grab the AED; You, Call 911'! But you woke up on your own!
prettymica, ASN, BSN, MSN, LPN, RN, APRN, NP
813 Posts
I would love to hear that I wont have to write any papers in my RN-BSN program. I would love to hear that all of the US have a compact license when I start travel nursing. I would love to hear that I will get immediately accepted into the acute/family NP Program. Lastly, I would love to hear that I met Mr. Right and we are getting engaged :)!
140 Posts
To be admitted to the NP program I just applied to. I have faith.
517 Posts
I am starting my new job tomorrow and would love it if they said "Congratulations we can now offer you full-time hours!"