Whats your favorite montra or saying?

Nursing Students General Students


What keeps you going?

I carry a copy of the little engine that could in my back pack.

I think I can, I think I can

Another I like

Just keep swimming , swimming

What are yours?

This thread is great! I like these:

Just smile :) and let it be.

You must be the change you wish to see in the world-Ghandi

"Fear is an emotion, it is not a barrier to successful behavior. You can be completely scared out of your wits and function totally competently."

Specializes in Short Term/Skilled.

"Drink life as it comes , straight. No chaser". And. "No day but today" oh, and "this too shall pass", but I apply it to all aspects. The good things will pass and the bad things will pass. :-).

"No day but today"

When my husband graduated from Infantry training, the general who spoke at the ceremony said this:

"This is the life you chose."

He reminded them that they would all deploy within a year, and would many times wonder why they had to work so hard and suffer so much and be away from their families. He wasn't wrong. But my husband and I would remind each other of that phrase and move past the complaints. After all, we'd chosen it.

This has helped me so many times. Whatever happens, I have a choice about the outcome. When I wonder why my job is going crappy or why school is so hard...I just remind myself that I am responsible for it, not someone else. And I am responsible for doing something about it.

Today is my first test

I'm going to my two favorites

I think I can, I think I can!!!!

If others can/did it so can I

There will always be people with more. But there will always be more people with less.

Specializes in thoracic ICU, ortho/neuro, med/surg.

"Every day is a test!"

The sky is pink

As in if the teacher says the sky is pink, you pick pink on the test.

Why choose failure when success is an option?

Specializes in Cardiology.

Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try.

Not a Star Wars fan, but this scrolled across the screen of the computer I used for school to remind me the only option was success.

I will not give up, they will have to pull the pencil out of my cold dead hand, before I quit!!

I have been using the Nemo "just keep swimming" for YEARS!!! I sing it in my head, if nothing else it makes me smile! I also pass it on to any person I encounter that is struggling.

Nemo is good for a lot of life lessons.

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