What is the weirdest thing someone has been admitted to the hospital for?

Nurses General Nursing


I am in the mood to read some reasons that patients were admitted to the hospital. Working on a general medical surgical unit, I see a little bit of everything. I often see patients admitted for strange conditions and I thought we could all compare stories and get a few chuckles. Ok so I will start I have a toss up between internal hemorrhoids and constipation x 2 days(no bloating, no abdominal discomfort they just said that they felt they should poop everyday and were concerned).:lol2: Nursing can be happy, sad, humorous and stressful so with that being said let the stories begin. :yeah:

Specializes in ICU.
spoon shoved up the urethra... 'spoon' side up:eek:

Eeewwwwwww!!! How...who...why...oh god never mind I don't want to know! Lol!

Specializes in Med-Surg/Neuro/Oncology floor nursing..
A toothache. A simple toothache. No abscess, young relatively healthy 25yo. Called PCP after ED docs refused to continue to give her narcs and pharmacies in town refused to fill the one script she did have as she was refusing the antibiotic. PCP admitted to Medical floor with dilaudid PCA. I think the PCP had heard from her repeatedly in the past couple of days and was tired of her.:uhoh3:

A Dilaudid PCA for a toothache???? seriously??? I've had root canals and the only thing I get or need for the first two days when it's really sore is percocet. I am at a loss for words why someone would show up to the ED let alone get admitted with heavy narcotics for a regular hum drum toothache. :confused:

Same goes for the post about the patient with a nosebleed??? Nosebleeds don't usually hurt and they were getting dilaudid?

I am telling you the ED doctors admit for the most hum drum things that can be treated at home with some advil, an ice pack or two and some tissues. :uhoh3:

Specializes in Intermediate care.

Frequent flyer patient, a narcotic seeker, has taken seeking narcotics to a new level.

he goes around the area, including small town hospitals complaining of "chest pain" all cardiac work ups have been done. he has even undergone heart catheterizations, echo, stress tests etc. for his "chest pain." he Will be on nitro gtt saying that it isn't helping so of course, what does he get??? morphine, oxycodone, lortab...you name it.

2nd time he has been admitted to our hospital with chest pain. i think maybe 6th or 7th time overall.

on top of it, no insurance. So who is paying for all these tests and hospitalizations and narcotics to feed his addiction?? (trust me, psych and social work have been involved with this one)

Specializes in Intermediate care.

about a year ago a patient was admitted into the the hospital for nearly a month because he was "awaiting guardianship" from the courts. We literally had him in his own street clothes during the day that we would send down to laundry, no IV access, just hanging out in his room for almost a month.

Doctors ok no assessments needed to be done. Vitals checked PRN. Only had a few morning meds.

NO reason he needed to be there and doctors saw it too, just nothing we could do.


We don't really get anthing crazy! I love the stories, though.

Specializes in PICU, Sedation/Radiology, PACU.
A man who let his girl friend insert tubing from the fish tank into his member. Then the doc wanted him to come to the skilled facility for rehab. Huh? He stayed for a day...tried to get more narcotics and when we wouldn't give him 'extra', he signed out AMA. Egadz.

Was the girlfriend a nursing student? Practicing foleys?

Specializes in med-surg, psych, ER, school nurse-CRNP.
A patient was admitted through the ER straight to mental health after he walked into the ER stating he attempted suicide via OD. He had drank a bottle of Boones Farm and took member enhancement pills. I had to research "extenze" pills on our computer after we obviously did not have this in a drug book or anywhere else close at hand. You should have seen what came up- I was worried I'd get fired. During his admission to mental health, the patient asked in all seriousness if "we could provide him with Extenze pills in the hospital because he didn't want to lose the growth progress he had already made". He then stated he was never actually suicidal, but told ER staff that he was because he heard that the hospital will provide you with the meds you need for free and he didn't want to pay for another week of the enhancement pills, and his insurance wouldn't pay for them. He also asked for a sandwich and a menu for the week.

Oh. my . GRAVY! Sounds like some I've dealt with.

Ok this is nuts I will adment being a vergen I do not understand the putting this up the rear end at all :uhoh3: is that spoest to make it better or something :confused::confused::confused:.

At first I was laughing my head off but after last night See link to my post from last night er zoo as i am putting it :) http://allnurses-central.com/general-off-topic/what-you-doing-603941-page283.html

Ok this is going to turn into a sm. Rant just because I i am sitting here on the phone with my doctors office as I type trying to get the meds And stuff set up dealing with crap even though I was in the er last night and they wanted to addment me and my doctor told they to send my home and come back today :uhoh3: does anyone realize I have no vains left after last night . I do not understand this system how are miss I need a pee test and I need nore birthcontral even seen and I how must have iv meds have to wait wile the pee test people are taking up space :mad::mad:

Specializes in Hospice, ONC, Tele, Med Surg, Endo/Output.
Pt. came direct to O.R. from E.D. with frozen gerbil in colon. Exploratory laparotomy for removal or gerbil. Good times.....

It's hot in there. Wonder how long a gerbil takes to thaw out.

i lived in a city where there was a fountain in the public park where jets shot water up in the air in time to classical music, about a hundred or more of them, in random patterns, on-off,on-off; you could run around them or sit on the benches around the big concrete mound they came out of and stay cool on a hot day. my kids loved it.

once day the icu got a woman in who had decided to squat over one and see how good that would feel. well, when its turn came to shoot, it gave her an irrigation that ruptured her lady parts, ripped up through everything in her abdomen, and came close to rupturing her diaphragm (the one she breathed with). that was some repair.

in another water-related injury incurred by idiocy related to lack of obtaining a good science education, i had a guy who swam out to the huge fountain at the entrance to his town and stuck his arms in it. that was the last he ever saw of those arms. apparently it didn't occur to him that the amount of force required to push a bazillion gallons of water per second straight up into the air might be enough to rip an arm (or two) right off.

Specializes in Med/Surg.
i lived in a city where there was a fountain in the public park where jets shot water up in the air in time to classical music, about a hundred or more of them, in random patterns, on-off,on-off; you could run around them or sit on the benches around the big concrete mound they came out of and stay cool on a hot day. my kids loved it.

once day the icu got a woman in who had decided to squat over one and see how good that would feel. well, when its turn came to shoot, it gave her an irrigation that ruptured her lady parts, ripped up through everything in her abdomen, and came close to rupturing her diaphragm (the one she breathed with). that was some repair.

in another water-related injury incurred by idiocy related to lack of obtaining a good science education, i had a guy who swam out to the huge fountain at the entrance to his town and stuck his arms in it. that was the last he ever saw of those arms. apparently it didn't occur to him that the amount of force required to push a bazillion gallons of water per second straight up into the air might be enough to rip an arm (or two) right off.

ahhh ouch!!! omg! some of the stories i am hearing on her are brutal :eek: i cannot believe some of the foolish things people do and because of their actions their life, or limb is lost. wow i haven't seen anything yet! i am hoping to get into an icu or an er to obtain further experience. i currently work on a medical surgical unit.

Well for me the atmosphere of the hospital is really weird..I don't like that,the environment where there is only patients of different different disease and type are found and I feel very disturbed there...

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