Published Sep 19, 2009
33 Posts
I am not quite sure what to wear for interviews for my first nursing job. I have seen people interview in everything from scrubs to full suits. Just curious, what did you wear to the interview for the job where you were ultimately hired?
Mimi2RN, ASN, RN
1,142 Posts
For a new RN looking for a first job, wear good clothes, a suit or nice skirt or pants and blouse or shirt. Nothing low cut or too short or tight. You don't want to be remembered for sloppy dress. Scrubs may be appropriate if it's a transfer in the same hospital, especially if you know the staff.
Anytime you interview, you want to leave a good first impression.
teeniebert, LPN
563 Posts
I went out and bought a suit for interviews. Other than that, make sure you look professional in the nursing sense--conservative makeup, not a lot of jewelry, hair off your face, neutral or no nail polish. Good luck!
263 Posts
Learn from my mistakes- I am younger( early 20's) and figured i looked fine. I wore khakis(not the dressy kind but not hip huggers, that are too tight) with brown flats and a nice blouse. I thought i was to young to dress in a suit- well guess what- I WAS WRONG.I think it is okay to dress like this when walking in and filling out an applicaton, but your take the chance of interveiwing it if they do one on the spot, so make sure its professional. it was a great job, still waiting on a decision- its been 2 1/2 weeks. I feel that if i had dressed professional I would have made an impression and possibly have gotten the job. This is a tough market and you want to make a good impression. I went and bought a "suit" per say- its dressy pants, a nice material and a matching blazer/jacket. I got it at sears, cost about $50- its nice.I didnt have $200 to spend on a suit that is designer name, nor will I ever wear it to anythign other than an interveiw lol so it will fit my needs and then hang in my closet. And best of all I think it compliments my personality- and is a "suit" for a young woman, who is starting her professional career. Good luck to you!
201 Posts
Just wear proper business attire, standard interview clothes. I would advise you to wear a skirt if you're a girl and maybe a long-sleeved polo shirt and trousers if you're a guy (tie is optional). This shows that you look professional.
Remember- first impressions are crucial. So you don't only need to know your stuff, but you have to look the part as well.
Good Luck! :)
diane227, LPN, RN
1,941 Posts
Navy blue or black suit (slacks or skirt), skirt should be at the knee. Hose, business pumps, short heels, white or light colored shirt of top, conservative jewelry. If you have tats (I know a lot of people have them) try to cover them or at least minimize their view. Minimal makeup, no strange hairdo or un-natural hair color (it is OK to express your personality, but not at a job interview). CONSERVATIVE is the word. Be on time, have your resume ready on white or off white paper with a short cover letter of why you think that you would be right for the job you are applying for. Make the cover letter SPECIFIC for the ORGANIZATION your applying to. If you are interviewing with three different organizations, then you will need to address the letter to three different organizations. Smile, ask questions, talk about your good points and the things you do well. Good luck.
1,216 Posts
Ok so I had my first "professional interview" last thursday.I had no idea how to dress so I went to the store and decided to pick something of an elegant nature..So I bought a dark purple short sleeved turtleneck,pair of gray slacks and pearls to compliment the first I wanted to buy a suite or a dress but I decided that I wanted not only look elegant but also comfortable,so I went ahead and stayed with my first choice.My family and sale person though my outfit was classy and elegant...I made sure I wore my hair pulled back in a high ponytail and elegant headband (I have tons of layers that get on my face) I also went and got professional manicure and mostly importantly I got myself a beautiful elegant black shoes....and black suitcase....When I was finished with the interview the human resource person took a last glance at me and couldnt stop looking at my shoes...haha I dont know if it was a good impression or not but at least I made the impression I guess whether I get the job or not I will be remember as a young woman with a gorgeous shoes!!!Good luck and remember find your own style!
91 Posts
Okay, I am not hired yet, but I know we need a power suit. Grey or Navy or Black suit. Not too tight though. Hair should be pulled, conservative makeup, Nails are important, should be clean and short.
Today, I had another interview and I saw so many inappropraite clothing. Everybody seems to be with those ruffle blouse , I can't belive it, then an open toe shoes, with a matching red make up with her ruffle shirt and to top of it a hair piece with red color in it. I was stunned/ And another one , black pants, white ruffle shirt with blue jeans jacket. They were so many like that.
They called 12 people with 10 minutes apart and the manager said she is in conference call, so we were all waiting looking at each other for more than 2 hrs. What a day!! The whole day I was praying my dream job will call me back from Thursaday!!
Good luck to you though, you seem like you have some sense and you wanted to know. Some people think, if they match , its okay!!! But who know.. who gets a job....
68 Posts
I would strongly encourage wearing a suit. My leadership teacher was a nurse manager, and she said flat out to wear a suit to interviews. "Dress like you want the job." I have only interviewed once (and got the job), and the lady could not stop talking about how much she liked my suit. She said she wanted to take a picture to show people what they should wear to an interview. As others have mentioned, keep it conservative.... no flashy colors, not too tight/big, not a lot of make up, etc. Good luck!!
50 Posts
Conservative seems to work all the time, unless you're planning to work in the entertainment industry. Dark skirt suit or pant suit, simple shirt/blouse. Simple, well-polished shoes-- nothing too fancy, no open toes.
SuesquatchRN, BSN, RN
10,263 Posts
It depends on where you are. Here in this rural area, showing up in a conservative skirt and blouse and pumps will get you hired on the spot. Neutral hose, neutral, simple pumps, simple pressed blouse, knee-length skirt, nothing too tight, no scent, small earrings and a watch, and immaculate grooming with minmal makeup.
jessi1106, BSN, RN
486 Posts
Grey suit.
hired during/after interview.
I was also very prepared for interview....thanks to the Johns Hopkins Inteview Guide. (I swear I was asked at least half of those quetions!)