What time do you start clinical?

Nursing Students General Students


6am? 7am? 8am? 9am?

6 am. Hour commute. This is going to suck.

Specializes in Primary Care; Child Advocacy; Child Abuse; ED.
Mine start at 6:30. I never go to bed before 2!! Should be interesting- I need to get into a new schedule and plan on starting one in August before school.

Me too I study so well at late night. I never was a afternoon studier

0645 or 0700 depending on the clinical instructor. Per the official registration time 0645. Really sucks when your daycare opens at 0630 and it's 25 minutes away. :devil:

Specializes in L&D.

First semester, we had to be there by 6:30AM, and go the night before to get our assignments and gather info on our patients, then about 4 to 5 hours prep time. We had to look up all the patient's meds, know their classifications, indications, safe dosage range, and side effects, and had to know all of their lab values, and generally what they meant. Also had to know about the pt's diagnosis, and write a care plan for the day, and a goal. I was exhausted. I have heard that second semester is not quite so hard, only about 2 hours of prep time, but we still have to be ready to start at 6:30AM, which means getting there by 4:30. :zzzzz

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

Some have been 6:15, 6:30, and 6:45 was the latest Ive had yet

We begin at 7am, I am usually there by 6:30, but we don't get assigned the patient until 7am. I have heard some people say they are assigned the patient the night before clinical. In some ways I would like that. I feel like its such a race to get report, do a full assessment, look up labs, and meds, then give report to instructor, then get and give the meds, and usually they like this done by 8;15 to 8:30, I feel very rushed, and am really working on my time mangement skills. We have to have all the info on the meds, class, indications, actions, side effects, dose, nurs implications, and when you have 10 or more to give, its alot to get done. I have my meds on index cards, ready to go, however sometimes there are a few I don't have so I have to look them up, it takes time. I am 5 months into my LPN program, I really envy nurses who have a full load of pts, and can get everything done in a timely manner, hope I get there! I only have 1 patient and find this difficult to do in 1 hour, but i am trying, and I am keeping my patient safe.

Lucky for you studentnurseCT!!! But then you probably have to stay very late. We always started at 7 am. Since I had to commute to LA County from where I lived I had to leave super early to avoid traffic.

This semester my clinical starts at 6:30 am.. luckily I live only 10 min away from the hospital :rolleyes:

In my BSN program we sometimes are randomly chosen for either 7-230 or 230-1030, but either one you have to get there at least 15 mins early for preconference.

Some groups start at 630am, others at 2pm, or 530pm

This semester our clinical is listed as being from "6am-6pm". Its only one day a week. Different groups on different days with lectures split up over the other days of the week. From what I understand we won't be there the whole 12 hours though, we just need to have that entire block of time avaliable because some weeks we will be doing clinical 6am-1pm here, and then clinical at 1pm-6pm at another site, and then 10am-3pm at another site, etc etc.

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