What are you sacrificing to go nursing school?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I'm selling my house, all of my furniture, quit my job, moving out of a state where I have lived for 11 years, and moving as an adult with a baby back in with my Dad who is my sole supporter.

I've been making notes of all of the nuttiness in my journal for my daughter...so she can know when she gets older that I did it all for her :)

dijmart! you make me laugh!! :lol2:

i start bsn school in jan. i have had to do a lot of soul searching on my journey. i went to college and got degrees in biology, pre med and broadcasting. i had hoped to be someone like oprah one day with my tv work... touch people's lives, educate them, inspire them and so forth. tv runs in my family. dad had worked with some big names back in the 1960's... the rolling stones, pres. nixon and on. i was good in broadcasting, and had done a mariott of broadcasting work.. from radio news host to newspaper writer to tv producer as side jobs, but was never given a break to be a full time reporter. i tried for many years and always took the "shlepper" jobs at the media outlets to work my way up... but was never given a shot. i had scheduled meetings with the news directors and publishers and got no where. it has been a very long road for me. i have been trying to make a living at this for over 10 years. so at 34 and only making $10 an hour, part time... this was no future. i recently worked at a local tv station in a fairly large market and saw the "big dogs".. the anchors on a regular basis. i think it was worse knowing i could do it and being around them and never given any chance to try. so i prayed a lot and said "ok god... where am i going??? guide me. i asked what am i doing. how can i impact people, help them, educate them?? i want to make a positive difference!" i really liked the tv field, and had hoped to impact viewers in a postive way. i finally realized, this was not going to happen. that hit me like a ton of bricks. i had run into so many brick walls. i had tried for over 10 years to make it and here i was. no where. so... my sacrifice, i guess if you want to call it that, was leaving one dream behind to start another. i shed many a tear and found myself running into church on a regular basis. there is an expression i have heard "when you are down on your knees, isn't that the best time to pray?" i guess i felt like i really could have done it, but no breaks and no one cared. who was i?? no one who needed to care, cared. they could not see that i wanted to make a positive difference. oprah is one of my heros.

i had always loved the field of medicine (hence the two degrees in school and had planned on being a doc., but went the route of tv which my mom said i was nuts seeing what dad had gone through). so after lots of prayers, tears, deep thinking and talking with my family and my own doctors (i am a heart patient).. i am venturing into the world of nursing. i have this feeling that i will be great at it. i am a patient, i already know a decent amount about medicine, i am detailed, and organized. with my prior broadcasting skills, i write and speak fairly well. as a patient, i feel i can really relate to my patients. i also got very ill a few years ago and ended up on life-support. it took me three years to recover from the illness. i lost everything, i mean everything... both jobs, house, etc. but came back a fighter. i hope to inspire hope in the lives i touch as a nurse. as a heart patient, i have already done some pr work for the american heart assocaition using my skills in broadcasting. i will incorporate all of my broadcasting skills into my new field as a nurse. in fact, i have already been approached by them to work as a lobbying activist once i become an rn. see! i was not able to be an oprah, but i can use my new skills to be an oprah for the betterment of my patients and the nursing profession. who knows what the future holds, but it looks bright!! :w00t:

one door closes and another opens..

wish me luck!! e


I have one semester left! hhhmmm, let me reflect...

1) no wrinkles or grey hairs 3 yrs. ago, but now STRESS is marching across my face & i've started to highlight my hair to hide the grey's!:eek:

2) not much time for family or friends, so i have lost some (friends) along the way. my husband has threatened divorce a few times, if he didn't get "some" attention!:mad:

3) my once firm butt is gone, now replaced w/ a coach potato butt from all the studying.:chuckle

4) my sanity, at times.:uhoh3:

5) and of course, time & money!

I guess nothing alittle botox, haircolor, marriage counseling, & loans can't fix!:lol2:

How true...:lol2: I have one more semester left after xmas break and I feel my life looks the same way. I have 2 children and my oldest is 8 I thought her seeing me study would be a good influence, but after this journey I may have discourage her from growing up and going to college. I guess I might be losing it too often.:uhoh3: I owe those babies big when I graduate like a trip to disney land for putting up with me!

We're also putting off kids until I get my BSN (hopefully

I'm sacraficing time with my kids, but I've been blessed to stay home with them this long, so now it's my turn to do things for me. I'm hoping it's such a short intense time, that it won't hurt them too much.

We're sacraficing money and going on family trips. I promised them a trip to Disney World when I'm all done.

I love seeing others responses.

social life, television, time w/my husband, any chance of a weekend getaway once the accelerated program starts, a clean house, folded/hung up laundry, my income for 15 months.

Yeah and all of that too! ;)

Right now I sacrifice a perfectly clean house and perfectly groomed yard with beautiful flowers planted etc, the neighbors are worried.... our house may turn into a slum house and drag their property value down ;) ....I don't have too much time to volunteer at my son's school, however, I managed to bake cookies for the PTA bake sale last month. I wished I had more time for Boy Scout stuff, I would like to take leadership courses and perfect my skills in archery and continue my lessons which I interrupted at the beginning of the semester. I also had to miss the opportunity to chaparone at my son's last field trip. I don't get to hang out with friends as much and my gym sessions aren't as satisfying. I know it is nothing compare to your sacrifice, mine are just piddely things but I understand sacrifice and have done much in the past when I was a single parent with my first son what seems "eons" ago. I'd also like to have more time for sewing class and spend more time crocheting and knitting.....it will all come back though. this is only temporary and NO our house will not turn into a slum house, it's just not as pretty as usual :lol2: My school has priority right now.

You are trying to better your life and you deserve lots of respect. Things are only things...you can get everything back later and some more! Good luck to you.

oh yes I can relate with all the above, before starting school full time this year I made myself available 100% to my kids and their school I have 3 at the same school an was pretty much their dialy helping in someones class or doing odds and end pta etc...This year I work in one sons class one hour a week. I don't even see the other 2 teachers. My twins have some learning difficulties and ADHD so having me there with my nose in everyones business really helped keep everyone my boys and school on track. So to me this is my biggest sacrifice. However that said, I have given up everything for the past 9 years to get them to where they are now, This year both my boys are doing fantastic, my 9yr old is in the gifted program made honor roll and is the first student body president of her school. So I think even with me not being their full time they have had a good upbuilding lift from all that I did previous. I make sure I am still there for them when they get home from school, I do give up my weekends with DH because I have class on Fri/sat study sundays plus with dad gone all week its good for the kids and him to have that time without me. But its temporary and we make time thru out the semester that we can set aside. I also feel i have sacrificed my friends I put family, school study in that order so anything else is extra I feel bad about that but something has to take a back seat my real friends understand and have supported me and look forward to my vacation breaks.

oh ya my last thing is I used to run Agility with my german shepherd (my really truely best friend) we haven't been able to do that this year but he still loves me all the same imagine that LOL.

oh yes I can relate with all the above, before starting school full time this year I made myself available 100% to my kids and their school I have 3 at the same school an was pretty much their dialy helping in someones class or doing odds and end pta etc...This year I work in one sons class one hour a week. I don't even see the other 2 teachers. My twins have some learning difficulties and ADHD so having me there with my nose in everyones business really helped keep everyone my boys and school on track. So to me this is my biggest sacrifice. However that said, I have given up everything for the past 9 years to get them to where they are now, This year both my boys are doing fantastic, my 9yr old is in the gifted program made honor roll and is the first student body president of her school. So I think even with me not being their full time they have had a good upbuilding lift from all that I did previous. I make sure I am still there for them when they get home from school, I do give up my weekends with DH because I have class on Fri/sat study sundays plus with dad gone all week its good for the kids and him to have that time without me. But its temporary and we make time thru out the semester that we can set aside. I also feel i have sacrificed my friends I put family, school study in that order so anything else is extra I feel bad about that but something has to take a back seat my real friends understand and have supported me and look forward to my vacation breaks.

oh ya my last thing is I used to run Agility with my german shepherd (my really truely best friend) we haven't been able to do that this year but he still loves me all the same imagine that LOL.

Dogs are truly man's best friend....my poor dogs don't get as much attention either anymore, poor things! Like you said it's only temporary and everyone including our furry family members will survive ;)

I'm sacrificing the regret I know I'd feel down the road if I didn't do this.

I'm sacrificing the regret I know I'd feel down the road if I didn't do this.

That's a good one ;)

LOL!!! Good Answer..We need more positivite feelings about Nursing here sometimes!!! LOL!!

I'm sacrificing the regret I know I'd feel down the road if I didn't do this.

LOL!! Good Answer..we need more positive feelings about Nursing here sometimes!! LOL!!!!

Specializes in ED, Pedi Vasc access, Paramedic serving 6 towns.

I am sacraficing my sanity, although I may not have had that to begin with.. :jester:

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