Published Apr 25, 2007
80 Posts
I have been going pretty regular to a LTC facility only 20 minutes from my house. M-F, 7-3, perfect for my situation. Until today. I was doing trach care on a man, 65 years old, COMPLETELY A & O x 3. Have been working with him for weeks, no problems. He proceeds to grab me between my legs. Thought at first he was disoriented or something, moved his hand away, very calm, said NO. He did it again at that time really hurt me. Then tried to pull me in the bed while saying "Please" and touching himself. I calmly got myself out of there. Told the supervisor whose reply was "He must have thought you were hot, and laughed". Then told me just to make a note in his chart. Not happy with that, I asked another nurse who told me he does stuff like that all the time, and has hit some nurses. I stress again, he's completely oriented. I've been in LTC 12 years, and have had plenty of patients make inappropriate comments or touch me inappropriately, but 9 times out of 10, they're confused or demented. The other times it was like a pat on the butt or something easier to deal with. I wrote it up and put it under the social worker's door. Will find out what if anything was done tomorrow. I was upset for hours, am just now calming down. I don't know what was worse, the action, or the reaction of the building. What would you have done??????
SuesquatchRN, BSN, RN
10,263 Posts
I don't know what I would have done! I certainly would have had to hold back from flattening the supervisor.
Yeah, I think that's my biggest issue to be honest. Not like I wanted them to call the cops or something. But I would have liked a little respect and someone talking to the man or something. Some sort of formal documentation of the incident. Especially since it's apparently a routine occurrence. If the maintenance guy had done it, it would have been a huge deal. But since the man happened to be a patient, it was treated as a joke. I do not rattle easy, but that did it!
142 Posts
of course you are still upset. you were assaulted. what would you do if this happened to you at a bar or a store? take care of yourself, talk to someone about it either a private therapist, EAP, or a crisis hotline here's one: do this regardless of what other steps you may take. if it was me i would not be returning to this facility and i would make sure my supervisors knew exactly why. the attitude of the house sup you spoke to at the time is absolutely unacceptable. i don't know why this treatment of women is allowed to continue, accepted and viewed as normal. he must have thought you were hot my a**. i wonder how that supervisor would treat an employee who told them they had a pt fall on them and were hurt. probably would have told them to get to the ER, seek treatment etc. but because the incident in question was sexual abuse, people act like it did not happen. seek help for yourself. keep yourself safe. PM me if you need to talk.
340 Posts
Sexual harassment is sexual harassment regardless of whether it comes from the maintaince man or a A/O patient. I am willing to bet that if you throw that term to the proper adminstration at the LTC facility you will get a reaction from them other than a rude remark about you being hot which is another violation altogether on the part of the facility.
RN BSN 2009
1,289 Posts
Who is above your supervisor?
MrChicagoRN, RN
2,610 Posts
There was an article on workplace violence in the spectrum a few weeks ago.
That's not sexual harrassment, it's sexual assault.
He's AOx3. First of all, tell HIM in no uncertain terms that you will not be his victim & his behavior is totally unacceptable. You have a right to feel safe.
Tell your supervisor you will not go in to provide care alone.
Contact risk management & discuss with them.
psalm, RN
1,263 Posts
All of the above are great suggestions. Pursue this and you will be doing the right thing AND a favor to all the nurses who follow you. Is the man married or have an SO? Maybe he needs a conjugal visit, but THAT IS NOT YOUR JOB!!! And shame on your supervisor.
No, he's not married and no SO. I went back today, was on a different hall. Nothing was done, and everyone in the facility from the administrator down knows. I even got another smart comment about "it must have been your eyes". I'm not even sure what that was supposed to mean. Whether they were remarking on the fact I have unusually blue eyes or that I must have given him a "look". Either way, it makes me sick. Not going back to the facility. Just haven't decided how far to push this. Like someone else said, I owe it to the other nurses.
88 Posts
I think I may have written up an incident report on it and I think all other staff members should too. It's so hard being an agency nurse, because sometimes your opinions aren't taken seriously. But when a patient does this, it should be charted every time, by every nurse. And there should be a note to not go into his room alone. And also the doc should be made aware of it. Management should be taking it seriously as well. Perhaps threatening to discharge him if he continues. In a perfect world, right? I don't blame you for not wanting to go back. I've DNR'ed several places I didn't feel comfortable or safe at. I hate when some of these facilities start caring more about money in their pockets than keeping their staff safe. And I hate when nurses brush off assault and harrassment by an AxO patient as if it's just a cute personality quirk, and not something that should be addressed. I see it all of the time though, unfortunately.
Grace Oz
1,294 Posts
And you're not reporting this to the police, why????? ...............
I'm so very sorry you experienced this assault.
Please read my signature below.
60 Posts
File a police report and press charges, being a nurse does not in any way devoid you of your human rights. You have a right not to be touched like that, it is sexual assault and I don't care how pitiful the guy is, he knew what he was doing from your description. Your facility may not take you seriously but that should not stop you, you can obtain a restraining order or he can go to jail - I have packed up patients that have sexually assaulted me and sent thier a#@ to jail. Don't let the healthcare industry make you feel like you are any less important than anyone else who is a victim of sexual harrassment and assault.