What percentages should I be getting on the LaCharity book?


I am doing the Lacharity book (Prioritization, Delegation, Assignment) and wondering what types of percentages I should be getting.

good question, i need that answer too!

Are you guys counting percentages by finishing each chapter and then calculating it.

hmmm thats a good question, but to be honest La charity is way harder than the nclex exam, when I was answering La Charity for the first time I feel like crying because I get low scores like really bad, but after answering every chapter you will get used to it and you will really learn, just review the rationale at the back. La Charity helped me alot. :)

Izzy, I did pretty good on La Charity's book, but failed the NCLEX again with 265. I have no idea how to study for this exam anymore. I will use a different approach next time.

Izzy, I did pretty good on La Charity's book, but failed the NCLEX again with 265. I have no idea how to study for this exam anymore. I will use a different approach next time.

I am sorry to hear that Truth35, when will you take the exam? I know you will do good next time. Take some time off and then go back in reviewing. :) What are your review materials before?

Read for understanding the concepts. Test and quiz scores are not necessarily accurate in predicting your understanding.

I am doing each chapter and then calculating. I have noticed after 5 or 6 chapters that my scores are improving a little.

Hi There,

I am doing La Charity and the questions are very difficult (for me @ least). I am doing the questions and reading that section with Saunders. I do the questions first, then read Saunders and then go back and try to find the correct answers to the ones I got wrong, then I read the answers and rationale. I know it would make more since to read the chapter 1st and then answer the questions, my scores would probably be alot higher, but I am trying to prepare myself for the blindside of the NCLEX. I review the sections that I did terrible on. Currently I am scoring in the 60's. @ 1st I felt like I wasn't making any progress, but I am answering all of the priority and delegation questions from Kaplan correct. That is my strongest area for Kaplan, so I believe the book is working. Best of Luck!

I also did a lot of studying for my NCLEX-RN like Kaplan, NCSBN and some Saunders Comprehensive and LaCharity (didnt finish the whole book) and didnt make it twice. I am now doing Hurst review onlne because I heard a lot of positive feedbacks. Goodluck to all of us :)

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