What is nursing school like? How do you get through a program that makes you take 3 exams in one day a week and math tests 100%? How do you study for that? How do you read 7 chapters in a week? and then 2 quizzes the following Monday? Does the board of nurses really hate their students that badly?
Why is the program accelerated? Quantity over quality is more important? It seems like the instructors don't teach you anything. Is it pretty much a "knife to your throat while you cut a wire to disarm a bomb" type of education? It seems like nursing school is for those who were born with luck. Or am I completely wrong? Is it doable? can you pass tests with 100% with no problem like you could in a biology class? I hear nothing but students that look like they're living in fear. What is this? The Soviet Union? Where you and your family can't smile in family pictures, businesses have to share their success with other businesses and people can only wear dark colored clothes? Are you not supposed to have confidence while in nursing school? What about the math test that requires you to pass with a 100%? What kind of god awful idea is that? Is that the schools way of saying "we taught you the easiest way possible and if you can't get a 100%, you're ridiculous and not advancing"? Or "Because **** you is why"? Does the school pretty much teach you the job or is there more for you to learn to where you can't actually know the job?
I can see saving lives being the staple of being a nurse so then that means there's no OJT when you work at a hospital? It seems like a job that is hard to maintain beside maintaining the mental and physical part of it?
It seems to me in my experience from nurses and nursing students that the school doesn't teach you **** except slam heavy deadlines and tough tests in your face.
The nursing students I know never speak to me and never come off as positive...
Is being in nursing school make you a snob? Where you're better than all the others except the nursing students you're supposed to graduate with?