What nurse role/skill did you once fear, but now enjoy?


What skill, procedure or nursing role did you once fear, but now find you are good at and even enjoy?


Specializes in Midwifery, Case Management, Addictions.

Starting IVs. Love it, love it, love it.

Oooooo. Same here.

EG + Needles = :)

Specializes in Neuro ICU and Med Surg.

IV's and blood draws

For me, a big one is charge the nurse role. I used to be really afraid of being charge, and totally dread it. I managed to avoid it for a long time, but finally ended up being pretty much forced into it.

After a few years and much struggle, I got over my fear.

I enjoy the autonomy, and problem solving. I get a lot of satisfaction out of the follow-through, and out of taking action to get things done.

It lifts me up when a co-worker says "Oh good- you're charge today."

Mine is IVs also. I was terrified to learn them, hated trying them in clinical. So sucked at it when I graduated. Started making myself do them on everyone who needed them at my job, got pretty good at it and now I love it. I always volunteer to start them. And they usually request me to help with the starts. I also love showing new people our policy and procedure on them and helping them learn!

Specializes in LTC, office.

Two things off the top of my head:

1. I work as an office nurse for a surgeon and we do a lot of procedures-lump removals and biopsies. I was so nervous when I first started about assisting with these. Now I love it.

2. Patient teaching. I never so much feared it, but I could never imagine myself in the role. Now I really love it. It is one of the most rewarding parts of my job.

Specializes in Dialysis, Home Care, Hospice.

Teaching was never a role I enjoyed, but it is so important as a nurse. Now, I truly love it and feel like I have accomplished something when a patient or family member "gets it".

Specializes in med/surg.

Gotta love starting IV's! (Just don't start one on me!)

Specializes in Community, OB, Nursery.

Don't get me wrong -- I don't enjoy it when people lose babies -- but I am far more comfortable caring for families s/p fetal demises than I ever dreamed I would be. That said, I wish I'd never ever have to do it again.

Specializes in IM/Critical Care/Cardiology.

Telemetry,working in a stress lab, ended up loving it.

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