Published Sep 22, 2011
6 Posts
What the the nursing diagnosis immunization status readiness enhanced mean?
nurseprnRN, BSN, RN
1 Article; 5,116 Posts
not too sure what the the heck you are reading. did you read the book that tells you what the associated factors and identifying features are? that should help. that, and maybe asking the esl department for some pointers? (not being snarky, serious here)
81 Posts
Please check your Care Plan book or Google it....I found it through google.
352 Posts
I've never heard this and was curious so I googled it too.
I get what it means now, but really, "Readiness for Enhanced Immunisation Status"?
Could that be any more cyptic? Any more likely to cause confusion and leave people scratching their heads? Geeez.
RNperdiem, RN
4,592 Posts
It sounds like the worst of corporate jargon has infiltrated our ranks.
Esme12, ASN, BSN, RN
20,908 Posts
"A pattern consistant with local, national, and international statdarsd of immunization to disease(s) that is sufficient enough to portect a person, family or community from disease.......
Hope this helps.....:)
SuesquatchRN, BSN, RN
10,263 Posts
Willing to get a vaccination?
Rob72, ASN, RN
685 Posts
bsnsgdxbsndxbsndx they're over a minor illness/infection or you have the child sedated;).
827 Posts
This is an excellent example of why I'm glad I'm no longer in nursing school and no longer have to deal with "nursing diagnoses". What BS!
OP, I'm sure you can google it as well as any of the rest of us can.
Purple_Scrubs, BSN, RN
1 Article; 1,978 Posts
My first thought: secret nurse code for "needs a shot".
roser13, ASN, RN
6,504 Posts
Makes the nursing profession look ridiculous.