Published Oct 13, 2005
122 Posts
I am thinking about a career in nursing, what do you love about working in an emergancy department? or what do you hate the most?
teeituptom, BSN, RN
4,283 Posts
I love the diversity of everything I see
I hate people with Borderline Personality Disorders
Brotherbob, BSN, RN
100 Posts
I love to able to bring some kind of stability and order to the chaos of a shocked traumatized patient. To stabilize, take care of ABC. I love the constant change and the contrast between the slow shifts and the intense ones when everything happens the same time. I also love the teamwork involved. I love not to have a diagnosis, to figure out what is the problem with the pat.
I don´t like the waiting room drama over minor issues.:)
7 Posts
I like to work in the emergency department because their every thing is diffe=rent from others , every day you are meeting new patient their is no routine worke which i heat in my duty , i like to give help to people who are involver in trauma , i heat people coming to A&E with simple complains like cold , i am very happy to worke in such place .
ckh23, BSN, RN
1,446 Posts
I love the fact that no day is ever the same. I also love the fact that we have a lot of control over our practice and may give tx for certain conditions before the MD sees the patient, unlike on the floor where they have to call the doc before they give any meds (I'm mainly talking about tylenol for fevers and albuterol for asthmatics).
babynurselsa, RN
1,129 Posts
Some dyas it is the fact that I have a very short term relationship with the patient. It would be rare to have the same patient for my whole shift.
The pace. It can be ralaxed one minute and the next you got 3 traumas rolling inthe door.
The range of skills you develop, cardiac, ortho, respiratory, psych.
The stories..... "Well my buddy and I thought it would be fun to......
"I only had 2 beers."......."I fell on it."
Happy-ER-RN, RN
185 Posts
I love the variety and being able to fix people and send them home (sometimes.) I love acute MI's for some odd reason, I guess because it's organized chaos and usually clear cut since there are such specific standards of treatment--I like that we are literally saving their life.
I hate family members who are evil and constantly having to try to explain why people are waiting. Oh and I HATE pediatrics with a passion. I would rather swim in bodily fluids then have to stick a child. I don't think I will ever get used to it.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
I have been in a level one trauma center for over 9 years and still love it. Yes, its busy and chaotic but I can't imagine doing anything else.
What I don't like - very little, otherwise I wouldn't have stayed.
174 Posts
I love the variety, I love the patients (most of them), and I love seeing the difference you make in their lives.
Altra, BSN, RN
6,255 Posts
I like the variety, the teamwork with the MDs and the greater degree of independence than floor nursing. I also like the instant gratification of, for example, getting a patient who is short of breath & seeing immediate improvement with a neb treatment.
I dislike drug-seeking pts., especially when "10/10 pain" and "can I get a sandwich" are in the same sentence. I also get frustrated w/pts. & families who come to the ER for some problem but don't want anything to have to be done that's any more invasive than swallowing a pill. I also hate having a pt. yell at me for not being able to find a vein, when the reason I can't find a vein is because all of theirs have already been put to extensive recreational use. :stone
154 Posts
Love:::: Not ever dreading going to work because I don't know what will happen-the independence-the docs they are part of the team not god's who want you to get out of your chair so they can sit down-my coworkers they are as freaky as me-the patients who are really in need of the ER!!!
Hate::::patients who think there sore hand for 3 months should take priority over the person who has no heart beat, the CVA patients, and trauma's (what ever happened to family doctors???)-patients who come in by ambulance and are walking out to smoke before the doc even see's them-floor nurses who think I have all day to wait for them to be ready to take report (we have a thing called a waiting room that is full of people waiting, last time I checked they did not have one on the floor)-familys who think that I should allow 20 visitors in the room, and yell at me when I tell them they can't.
321 Posts
Love knowing that I have made a difference
Hate that patient who comes in via EMS with a complaint of n/v for 3 days and asks first for something to eat and next for a work excuse for the past 3 days.