Published Jan 26, 2008
8 Posts
Did your friends make fun of you when you first said you wanted to be a nurse?Were the female nurses often supporting and helping you? What were your parents reaction? How did you overcome all the obsticles you had to undergo jus to advance towards your goal/dream into becoming a nurse?
I am a 15 year old male student in singapore who aspires to be a nurse.I would like to hear your views.Thank you.
20 Posts
Did your friends make fun of you when you first said you wanted to be a nurse?Were the female nurses often supporting and helping you? What were your parents reaction? How did you overcome all the obsticles you had to undergo jus to advance towards your goal/dream into becoming a nurse?I am a 15 year old male student in singapore who aspires to be a nurse.I would like to hear your views.Thank you.
It really depends on what part of the world u are at. Its alot easier to be a male nurse in the US than it is say in Africa.
I knew i had always wanted to be nurse but the only way my parents would let me get a nursing degree was if i promised to go to medical school after that. Am a nurse now and i do enjoy it although i do get some sexist remarks once in a while but thats the way life is. Anyway, am planning on going to med school when i can but i don't know for sure.
If nursing is ur passion (haha), Go for it.
And i hate it when people say you don't have to become a nurse just for the money. Ofcourse everyone gets a higher education so that they can earn more money so, i don't see why the case is different for nurses. But anyway, i wish you goodluck and stay focused.
1,905 Posts
Cannot say that I had to deal with any of the difficulties mentioned above. If somebody is going to make fun of my career choice, then they are not a friend. It is that simple, so even if that was an issue, the issue would be short lived because they would cease to be my friends. Problem solved.
As far as family, a bit more complicated, as it is harder to dis-own a family member. Simply telling them how you really feel utilizing...assertive techniques generally gets the point across. I was the first in my immediate family to actually go to college, so I could have graduated with an underwater basket making degree and they would have been happy.
On a serious note, the biggest obstacles I encountered were related to money. I had to work and go to school. Bills to pay and all of that kind of stuff. I had a little help from the military in the way of a $250.00 check every month; however, I still ended up working quite a bit to make ends meet while in nursing school.
436 Posts
Oh it so so horrible!!!! Whatever you do, do not become a male nurse. I cry every night. My wife left me. My friends hate me. I am all alone. Why did I ever become a murse. No, just kidding. Things couldn't be better. Being a male nurse is great. Lots of hot chicks in my nursing class, especially Autumn (Yeah you know who you are) bad she had a boyfriend at the time. So many old hags I used to work with. Why did I ever leave the ER and Open Heart Recovery. I am now living in my own personal hell that some call anesthesia school. Maybe it is just a bad dream......pinch....nope I am still here reading about the pKa of CH bonds and COOCH anesthetics. Oh but wait, whats this....the online surf report says 6 foot walls with double 00's may still be worth living. Or as some smart bastard once live is to suffer to survive is to find meaning in the suffering. It is okay to be a male nurse dude, its cool, chicks dig it. Especially when you are smart.
43 Posts
I've never experienced any direct discrimination, most people are surprised but very understanding of my career choice. My parents were both LPNs one apon a time and very supportive of my decision to become a nurse. The best piece of advice I can give you is you will need friends to get through school, make them and keep them for life. Few bonds in life will be stronger.
15 Posts
it's awesome. you get to make good money, help other people and hang around hot nurses all day. best decision i've ever made.
57 Posts
Ok, I appreciate being around women all day too, I work well with my female colleagues and appreciate what they bring to the table be that personal insight, a unique perspective or the female presence they all have, but we are getting away from the bottom line. The reason I chose to be a nurse is that I love being there for people. I have a personality that helps me to brighten up a gloomy day, put people at ease, comfort those that are upset, and I work really hard to stay one step ahead of what each of my patients need. These aspects of my personality would be just as suited in tons of different fields. The difference between those fields and nursing is that at the end of the day I know I have made a meaningful contribution to someone elses life, being able to do this gives context to my own life and makes it richer.
It's not all roses. Now and then I have experienced very subtle discrimination against my gender from my former instructors and peers. It was never about my skills/intelligence/ability to provide quality care, it was always about nursing being a women's role. Being the person that I am, I always voiced my understanding that nursing in recent history may have been a refuge for women who were repressed and discriminated against in the workforce at large. Sometimes I follow this up with some teaching "nursing care was originally provided by men (think monks caring for travelling pilgrims and knights caring for soldiers) Where do they think that the iconic red cross symbol originated from?"
The point I am trying to make is that men have and always will be a part of what it means to be a nurse. Our contributions have been and will continue to be valuable. If someone makes fun of my choice I usually just joke right back and by the end they or their friends are always laughing with me. It's way too easy to win when they bring a spoon to a gun fight. Think up some funny male nurse jokes or look online for some, it's hard to dislike and not respect someone that can make you laugh.
Finally I want to say that we as nurses and specifically MALE nurses are role models. We have to respect ourselves, our patients, and our greatest allies/sometimes greatest critics... our female colleagues. Please do not objectify or sexualize them especially here in cyberspace. It is so easy to take a faceless post and project it onto the nearest male nurse.
This topic comes down to stereotypes, we shouldn't be putting out any that we aren't willing to live with, so I feel it is important to talk about this one too... Men are often thought of as dogs/predators/creeps out to objectify women. This is one aspect of our gender that has harmed our image as male nurses. The word nurse is one that is associated with trust and understanding, there are polls out there that support this. While I don't think it's fair, the reality of the situation is that we have to be vigilant to not reinforce any notion that we are on the floor checking out our coworkers this is a slippery slope that can lead to mistrust and doubt of our professionalism. Women have dealt with this for so long, it is only fair if a bit ironic that we have the face the same obstacle. I appreciate the female form as much as the next guy and I agree that it is wonderful being able to work with intelligent, beautiful, and caring women every day, but it is all about context here. Let's do our part to always be sensitive to these issues.
Sorry for the rant,
AgentBeast, MSN, RN
1,974 Posts
The same as becoming a female nurse only you have a member and testicles instead of a lady parts and ovaries.
I will NOT be identified by my gender, but rather by the quality of the care I provide.
My nursing school class had a ratio of 35f/5m. At no point in my training did I feel the "odd man out", because of my gender. As I choose to work in geriatrics, I have a few clients that prefer a female nurse for "care down there". Otherwise, the Nurses I work with are a team, both male and female, and act collectively so. Most clients/families I have known respected me as a Nurse, without having to ask "Are you in training to be a Doctor?"
Family and friends were supportive of my decision...most said something like..."yeah I can see you as a Nurse".
Nursing is a rewarding and mobile career. I am glad to be a Nurse, male or otherwise. When asked if I am a male Nurse, I state I am a Registered Nurse (period). Although the "no, I work with females too" is now bouncing around my cranium LOL.
Hope this helps. This is a great forum board to collaborate with fellow Nurses. I wish you well on your journey.
Bortaz, MSN, RN
2,628 Posts
Did your friends make fun of you when you first said you wanted to be a nurse?.
With the proper application of a sound ### beating, your friends won't be making fun of you anymore.
1,131 Posts
There was one nurse hired who was very, very good looking. His one friend liked to tease him a lot, even though that's their personalites, but now, he is dating a pretty female nurse on the unit. And they are all friends now:)
This is why you shouldn't care what others think if it's something you really want to consider.
and remember, a Registered Nurse is exactly what it is. There is no gender before it. I hate the term "Male Nurse" and I am female. No one calls me a "Female Nurse"