What was your last NCLEX question?

Nursing Students NCLEX


Just curious, what type of question did you get for the last one on your nclex? Was it a general multiple choice, a priority? a SATA? Do tell! (and whether or not you passed)

Specializes in ICU/ER.

I dont think it matters what your "last" question is, I think by the time you hit question 75 the computer knows if your 1) passing for sure.2) failing for sure. or 3) undecided so it is going to give you some more to see.

But for the record my last question was # 75 and it was a general question. Q. The patient has a certain disease and is going down to surgery for a something of sort procedure, what drug would you question? then it gave 4 specific drugs.

I 100% knew the correct answer and when the computer turned off after hitting submit, I knew with out a shadow of a doubt I had passed my boards.

I see alot of people asking what type of questions were given. I had 3 very easy math. Nothing like school math. In fact I almost thought it was a trick because they were so simple. I had a handful of select all that apply, maybe 2 or 3-on one of those I actually checked all of the options. Then 4 or 5 of teaching. 2 or 3 diet/food related questions. 2 or 3 who would you see 1st.

There was not a single question where I didnt know what they were talking about. They didnt throw anything tricky at me. If you have done quesitons at home, lots and lots of them you will be fine. The majority of my questions were very short, just one or two sentences and most of the choices were also very short. I was expecting paragraph type quesitons with very wordy responses and I didnt get but maybe one of those.

No specific anatomy questions, and I dont know how it happend but I did not have a single pregnancy related question, nothing about child birth or post partum. The only thing close to OB topic I had was what sort of reflex seen in a certain age group of child would you report to the Dr. example being a babinski reflex in an 8 mos old or a rooting reflex in a 3 month old. I did have to guess on that question.

I dont recall a single lab value question. Maybe one, but it had to be an easy one, because I was not good wtih lab values so I was a bit worried about getting stuck on those, and I dont remember stressing out over any.

I could almost always narrow it down to two choices. The mass majority of the quesitons though I felt very comfortable with the response I picked. I think as long as you do tons of questions at home, you will be fine. I probaly did a couple of thousand test questions, but it was worth it, as I didnt feel sick after I was done, I knew I passed and lucky for me less than 24 hours later I had verification I did.

Good luck....keep doing the practice questions at home, I dont think you could ever do too many.

I think mine was a who do you see first but I'm not really sure. But I passed with a little over 100 questions.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

I couldn't even remember my last one, even when I walked out of the center

The last question was prioritization - as were about 60-65 of the rest of the 75 questions I had...I think I remember feeling good about my answer but I almost had a panic attack when the computer shut off.

Please remember we're not supposed to post NCLEX questions. :nono: I really like and respect the folks on this board and I don't want anyone to get into trouble with the mods or - even worse - Pearson.

Opps sorry guys. I wasn't looking for the content of the last question, just the type of question; for example, priority. or general, or sata. thanks.

Opps sorry guys. I wasn't looking for the content of the last question, just the type of question; for example, priority. or general, or sata. thanks.

hi inland18mempiree, where did u get ur results?? in the quickresult or at ur Bon??

Wow ur message has actually lessened my fears and stress a bit.... I am taking my test on Valentines Day and u have kind of helped ease my curosity. I hope I pass.... I have been praying extra hard and trying to do as many questions as I can....

Carolina what steps did u take to answer priority questions.... These questions I am fearing most due to not reviewing that in school very much.... Kaplan says ABC assessment vs implementation and safety.... How did u work through these types of questions or if anyone can help me ......

Specializes in ICU/ER.

I may have been too specific in my earlier post, We did have to sign a contract when we sat for boards that we wouldnt "question dump" I thought that was an odd phrase, or copy questions etc etc.

I just want every one to know that if you did the work in school and learned the content, then did lots and lot of practice questions at home, not to worry. Easier said than done I know. BUt Nclex is no different than a Mosbys, Davis, Saunders or Kaplans disk of questions.

They dont throw any tricks at you, as long as you read the question, then read each option listed and then re read the questions odds are you will at least be able to narrow it down to two choices. Then follow your gut, it is all there in your head. I think the worst part about taking boards is the anticipation of it all. I have heard countless stories of people throwing up after they took their test. One of my dear friends who is one of the smartest people I know said that she was so sick after she took her boards she had to pull over and throw up. I did not want to go through that so I did thousands of practice questions, I was averaging approx 75% -80% on the tests I did at home, state boards is only a 51% test. You just have to get more right than wrong. It sounds crazy but it is true. Have you ever got less than 50% on an exam at school? I doubt it. If you ask me the key to passing boards is being able to relax. If you dont know the answer, ok, give it your best gut guess adn move on. I didnt take any breaks but I did take pauses during the exam. at Question 65 I paused and said "ok Lord 10 more" I then took a deep breath, cracked my neck (nervouse habit) rubbed my eyes and moved on. At questions 50 I closed my eyes and visualized a red line sloping upward over a black horizontal line. At question 74 I paused, took a deep breath and said to myself " you are going to make a great nurse" Just take deep breaths, and I swear, if you have done the questions to prepare, you will litterally feel like your sitting at your home computer taking the test.

You have done the work, you just need to prove to Lady Nclex your not going to kill someone!!!! lol that is what my fav teacher always said "just get through the test with out killing a patient!"

Trust me when I say the anticipation is worse than the actual test.

I appreciate your response... You have calmed my nerves a bit... I cant wait to take it and get it over with and start my life with a good career. I CANT WAIT! Thanks for you support and for the taking the time to reply believe me when I say it has made a difference, a bit of a confidence booster.

Specializes in Emergency, Trauma, Flight.

no idea what my last ? was.... it was number 75.... thats all i remember... i had a lot of SATA ?'s... i thought i flunked for sure....

actually.. the majority of ppl think they have flunked.... most don't... all i know is... I GETTA MAKE AN NCLEX QUESTION!!!

yes.. that is right... i have been chosen!!


i can't tell you what it is....

cause i have not yet decided...lol

the answer will probably be *B*..lol


happy valentines day and good luck on the test...

you will do fine.....

words of wisdom...

just answer them with the best of your knowledge.... not exactly what you learned in school... what you THINK would be right...

when it is all said and done..

you will think for sure you flunked.....

the majority of ppl that i know think that...


but..... most don't...

you will get a lot of advice from all over... i know i did

the worst thing ppl told me was.... just take your time.. and think...


i raced through it......... got it all done in less than an hour...... trust your first *gut* instinct....... try not to change your answer before you click *next* too often.... if you are in doubt... just go with what you thought first......

you will be fine.... and if you are REALLY... REALLY IN A BIND...

choose *B*


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