Published May 1, 2008
scattycarrot, BSN, RN
357 Posts
Hello! I haven't been around for over a month as I have been busy with my new role as a mum! Baby Cian born 1st April. 8lbs4 and a bundle of joy.
So, whats been going on????
1 Article; 3,017 Posts
Congratulations SC, that is fantastic news hope you are both well
As far as what's been happening here, it's been fairly quiet. I've finally had my poor old knee sorted out so am suffering a little at the moment. Will be off work for quite some time so am going to have plenty of time here.
828 Posts
Congratulations SC on the birth of your little boy :dncgbby:
As Sharrie said, you've not missed a great deal. But anyway, was just wondering, did you ever make any progress with your Florida RN license? Not that you'll be that bothered right now I'm sure, with your little bundle of joy to keep you occupied. Priorities change, don't they?
And Sharrie, good to hear you're getting your knee sorted. It's at times like this, when I hear about my UK counterparts having to be off work for a while, I start thinking the NHS ain't all bad. I dread having an accident or an unexpected illness which would put me out of work here. You really CAN'T afford to be sick here
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Congrats SC on the little bundle of joy, As said not missed much although I have made the move across the pond to Nova Scotia, been here 4 weeks and surviving
628 Posts
congratulations sc, ans commiserations to sharrie, its times like this that nurses in the nhs cannot slag off the uk system, a letina says we dread having to be off work for anything. anyone thats pregnant over here works their full shifts until the day the baby is born.
the uk forum has been very slow and quiet, so keep posting.
Billy Shears
137 Posts
Congrats SC!
We still haven't got chat back yet . Some people have got to their PD dates and had their embassy interview (not me yet). SD still hasn't read Call Of The Wild although she is living the book. Sharrie is buying me a Harley to ride in Texas. I've been log rolling and trying to wash my hands.
Billy still waiting for my A4C backpay honey, they must be double checking or something so don't go shpping yet
Read call of the wild many many moons ago, Been putting up with snow as mentioned in my journal and pictures I posted
madwife2002, BSN, RN
26 Articles; 4,777 Posts
Congratulations on the birth of your baby. Yep been quiet on here recently. Fortunatly there has been some movement for some coming accross the pond
Thanks one and all. I have only just got my butt back on here since I posted this thread and its nice not to talk about baby poop and feeding, etc... ! No, I haven't got anywhere with my licence. I did get my stuff back from CGFN's and that was all ok, so I need to apply for my ATT. I have done ZERO studying. Me thinks I am not terribly motivated!
Glad to here all is well with y'all!
SD, love the photos!
Nice to hear from you again SC, hows your lovely baby
He's a joy but very time consuming! Just thankful I am not working. Hats off to working mothers!
Hows your knee?