As a non-health care provider, I don't understand this doctor's complaint about nurses, as it's beyond my scope of knowledge. But I'm sure there will be rebuttals from some of you here.
One of my biggest irks about the nursing profession is their failure, at times, to use critical thinking skills. Some nurses are much better than others. Some floors are much better than others and in fact, some floors I give rock star status. I would trust them with my life to do the right thing. And then again, some nurses are incapable of comprehending what critical thinking is. I'm not sure if this is because of the rules and regulations by the hospital or government imposed safety regulations or simply something that isn't remembered from their school days or even that it isn't taught anymore (a scary thought).
What happened to critical thinking in the nursing profession? Is the nursing profession to blame for turning some nurses into robotic like documenteurs, void of any critical thinking skills? Or is it the toxic malpractice environment that drives robotic like activity?