Published Sep 17, 2019
Catalin, BSN, RN
33 Posts
I'm having a hard time finding a good job in Nursing and I've just been frustrated with the field in general. Im heavily considering just leaving the it behind entirely. I've had no enforcements or any sort of issue with my license. I'm considering just going back to school for Computer Science. But what else is my bachelors good for?
FolksBtrippin, BSN, RN
2,296 Posts
Pharmaceutical sales.
Nurse SMS, MSN, RN
6,843 Posts
7 hours ago, FolksBtrippin said:Pharmaceutical sales.
But only with two to five years of acute care experience in the specialty the meds apply to and often requiring an advanced degree up to doctorate level depending on the position.
OP, generally speaking an BSN is good only for nursing careers. It may help you get into an accelerated degree program for something different.
28 Posts
Jedrnurse, BSN, RN
2,776 Posts
Some jobs (even entry level) require a BA/BS of some kind as a minimum requirement to get in the door, so at least it's good for that. You may want to think about some vocation-specific, non-degree training to open up your options. What are your interests?
kbrn2002, ADN, RN
3,950 Posts
A BSN is by definition nursing specific so I don't think it'll do you much good outside of anything nursing related. Unfortunately most non-bedside nursing jobs aren't entry level and will be harder to get without relevant experience.
You say you are having a hard time finding a "good job" in nursing. What's you idea of a good job? Are you a new graduate who's having a difficult time finding a position or are you an experienced nurse that is frustrated with the bedside and looking for something else? The answers to those questions would give respondents a better idea of what options to toss out for you to consider.
Closed Account 12345
296 Posts
You could get a teaching certificate and teach science, health sciences, or something totally unrelated that interests you.
I've been trying to get into a hospital job for the better part of 2 years. No luck. Every job I've been able to land treats their nurses poorly and they're all jobs that have incredibly high turnover (like a SNF for example).
I have 1 year experience in a SNF, 1 year in an inpatient psychiatric/detox, and one year in teaching (which is the only one I enjoy, but has no full time option).
2 minutes ago, Catalin said:I've been trying to get into a hospital job for the better part of 2 years. No luck. Every job I've been able to land treats their nurses poorly and they're all jobs that have incredibly high turnover (like a SNF for example). I have 1 year experience in a SNF, 1 year in an inpatient psychiatric/detox, and one year in teaching (which is the only one I enjoy, but has no full time option).
Thanks for answering my questions. OK, so you are experienced but looking for a change. Frankly I wouldn't be surprised if you find acute care to be not what you are looking for if you do land that hospital job but if it's what you want to try keep applying.
You said you really enjoyed teaching but there's no full time options? Have you looked into teaching CNA's? A BSN plus your experience meets the qualifications. Courses around here are offered through the are community colleges so the benefits of being employed there are really good. There's both part time and full time teaching positions available. Not sure what's in your area but if you liked teaching that might be good option to look into.
I currently teach CNA's for a local CNA school. Its the perfect side/2nd job but the hours aren't there.
It bums me out because I really enjoyed my rotations in the hospital. My preceptors said that I was "more like a coworker than a student." But I cant even get interviews for their floor. They encouraged me to apply and were references.
3 minutes ago, Catalin said:I currently teach CNA's for a local CNA school. Its the perfect side/2nd job but the hours aren't there.It bums me out because I really enjoyed my rotations in the hospital. My preceptors said that I was "more like a coworker than a student." But I cant even get interviews for their floor. They encouraged me to apply and were references.
Well, I guess my suggestion was spot on, lol! Too bad there's not full time openings for teaching. That sure is a good thing to have on your resume though. Are you in a big enough market to have multiple options for employment? Unless you are in a supersaturated market with your varied experiences you should be at least getting interviews if you are casting your application net wide enough. Have a pro look at your resume, maybe help with teaching you some cover letter writing tips. Since you do teach part time there should be somebody at the school that might be able to help you with this. Just about every school has some kind of career center to help their students so they should be able to help their employee as well!
1 minute ago, kbrn2002 said:Well, I guess my suggestion was spot on, lol! Too bad there's not full time openings for teaching. That sure is a good thing to have on your resume though. Are you in a big enough market to have multiple options for employment? Unless you are in a supersaturated market with your varied experiences you should be at least getting interviews if you are casting your application net wide enough. Have a pro look at your resume, maybe help with teaching you some cover letter writing tips. Since you do teach part time there should be somebody at the school that might be able to help you with this. Just about every school has some kind of career center to help their students so they should be able to help their employee as well!
Well, I guess my suggestion was spot on, lol! Too bad there's not full time openings for teaching. That sure is a good thing to have on your resume though. Are you in a big enough market to have multiple options for employment? Unless you are in a supersaturated market with your varied experiences you should be at least getting interviews if you are casting your application net wide enough. Have a pro look at your resume, maybe help with teaching you some cover letter writing tips. Since you do teach part time there should be somebody at the school that might be able to help you with this. Just about every school has some kind of career center to help their students so they should be able to help their employee as well!
Well, it's more of a family run CNA school. None of those options are available. There are lots of jobs available in my area, but at this point, after all the things I've dealt with in my career, I don't want to go to anywhere that's not a major hospital in my area. It's been the same nightmare over and over again. I had high hopes for my psych/detox facility but it turned out to be the same trainwreck. I've had someone look over my Resume and Cover letter and we both remade it, but still no calls. What do you think my chances are of getting into a hospital at this point?