What Do You Hate About Nursing School!

Nursing Students General Students


I had an aweful day and need some humor to boost my mood.

O.K. I'll start.

Things I hate ablout nursing school!

When you get to clinical and your patient has been discharged, because you have to start a whole new careplan on a different patient.

When you find art history class difficult because you are trying to use critical thinking on your art exams.

When the ex-nurses aid that you have class with always tries to correct the instructor on every procedure because she "Worked as an aid for two years and that's not how they did it"

Let's vent everyone and try to add a little humor. Sometimes if I don't laugh about these things I just might cry. I'd rather laugh about them and keep some sanity (what little I have left at this point). Oh my goodness listen to me it's only October.

Specializes in OR Hearts 10.
why why why!!!!!????

i do not understand why the hell all the nurses are so rude to students it's like we have the diseases and not the patients. what i love is the fact that they forgot that they also had to go to school. i will never understand this. alot of the nurses :angryfire that i have come into contact with will gossip about other nurses before they help each other. i would have to say that is the one thing i hated about nursing school. another would have to be the lazy a@# students that we had to be in clinical with. aaaaaaaaaagggggghhhhh!!!!!!!! i honestly think that it should be harder to get into nursing school. some of those students scared me to death. :uhoh21: :uhoh21: :uhoh21:

maybe it's because i'm a fairly new nurse, but i love having students with me!!!!!!! also someday i would love to teach (i tutor now at the school i graduated from last year) not sure if i ever will get to teach since it involves going back to school, ugggg :o i try to do my job instead of standing around gripeing for 30 minutes about how busy i am.

The things I hate about nursing school? hmmm.. I can write a whole pg about that.. but I will just mention a few... 1) writing care plans 2) spending the whole week studying for a class up to 4 hrs a day, and getting a 78 on the test. 3) proffesors who expect me to learn a procedure from a 15 min video from the 70s. 4) having my clinical 2 hrs away.

Specializes in L&D.
So, I was at my clinical site, one day, searching through my pt's chart, when a nurse--the CN, actually--asked for it. Great, I thought, I won't see it again for hours! Mind you, I have deep respect for the working staff, but I also have an hour drive home and God know's how many hours of careplanning, and I have to be back at 0700. So, there I sit in my good street clothes and white lab coat, and after about five minutes, she hands it back to me and says, "Thank you, Doctor."

There aren't many times when it's all that swell to be a middle-aged man, but there are a few.

Oh Lord, but I do hate careplanning!


staying up ALL night developing care plans, med reports, and filling out a 16 pg. form on your pt. just to be dismissed from clinical @ noon.

being asked a for a specific answer to a specific question that has 4 different answers according to your instructor, your book, hospital personnel, and the expensive cd rom they made us buy.

everything costs extra!

you can't buy used books, and usually can't sell back either.

assessing an overweight classmate and not being able to palpate or auscultate important points.

hopefully it'll get better.:uhoh21:

Specializes in Med-Tele, ICU.
OOOOH i was just about to ask you did you go to MGCCC-JCC before i looked at your profile. I went through both programs and i must say the the LPN lab was much better than the ADN lab

That's the d*** truth! Pitiful, huh??

HeHeHe yes, I like that too. though it only happened to me once, and my fellow student quickly disillousioned her of my status. hehehe I am glad to see that I am not alone in all of this. I have the same prob as a lot of others. especially when I have to go over things three and four times and PRAY i understand them. But I do have to say this is my second clinical rotation and so far the nurses have been nothing but super nice to me. I always make sure I walk up to them, ask thier names,introduce myself,then ask them if there is anything that they would like to show or tell me I would be grateful for it. So far 8 out of ten smile and are nice and very helpful (one even gave me a lil quiz before we where allowed to pass meds on the meds and the effects/side effects. Some have been mean but alot of them have been nice and very helpful. I am just hoping to get through the semester so I can regroup for next semester. Good Luck All


So, I was at my clinical site, one day, searching through my pt's chart, when a nurse--the CN, actually--asked for it. Great, I thought, I won't see it again for hours! Mind you, I have deep respect for the working staff, but I also have an hour drive home and God know's how many hours of careplanning, and I have to be back at 0700. So, there I sit in my good street clothes and white lab coat, and after about five minutes, she hands it back to me and says, "Thank you, Doctor."

There aren't many times when it's all that swell to be a middle-aged man, but there are a few.

Oh Lord, but I do hate careplanning!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

This is for Rayrae!!!!!!!!!!!!

You should try to be a little whitty next time. When they ask you what grade you got say, "the grade you wish you had". "or why dont you ask me after I pass boards and your serving me my lunch on my lunch break".

Don't sweat it because when you are working they will still be trying to pass thier boards. Jealously and envy will only get you so far. Be proud girl hold your head up high and screw those other people. Your almost done anyways!!!!! GOOD LUCK :)

Specializes in LDRP.

2) having to pay $100 to make up a clinical day after being told "don't you dare come to clinical with strep"

that was from a post on page 4 or so. paying to make up clinicals?? yikes!!!

ok, i am in 3rd semester of a 4 semester ADN program. so here is my list of hated things. i've been at this long enough to hate a few things

1-people who think they know everything. we have a few. they dont know it all, but sure act like it. ugh.

2-why is my class in an auditorium??? they accept more students in, but can't build a big normal class? lol. in the auditorium, the desks are half desks that fold down. ugh.

3-its in an auditorium. no eating or drinking. but 3 hour lectures

4-careplans. not only does it suck doing them b/c it takes soo long but we get no letter grade for them. sure, we have to have x number done successfully each semester to pass (actual # varies based on which semester you are in) and we spend soooo much time doing them....but no letter grade at all? heck, we dont even get a letter grade for clinicals. our grade is straight tests/exam

5-extra assignments that get no grade. we had to go into the community and do a pediatric teaching project. big write up on it. teaching plan, the works. we have to do it. don't do it-fail. do it-good. but still, no effect on your class grade at all. if im going to do all that work, why can't it help my grade?

6-the sheer volume of material to study and understand. you all know what im talking about :rolleyes:

7-the total lack of control over my own schedule

8-constantly being tired

this was fun ;)

love, rose


what i hated:

- I agree, the annoying CNA who always interrupted to share their clinical experiences

- the white uniforms

- nursing care plans

- labor and delivery, why must they torture male nurses to go tru a clinical rotation that we would never work in. the tension you feel when the husband is in the room and you're a male nurse.

- tests

- about 50% of the class wants to be in labor and delivery, at the end of the year it drops down to probably 1%

Specializes in NICU.

Jen2 - Thanks for starting this tread, great idea! I've been reading all of these posts over the last few days on my breaks and it's been a great read.

nursemike - Thanks for sharing that story, that was great :chuckle

I can relate to every single post in some way or another! I could go on and on about a few things that come to mind, but for now I'll keep it short.

One thing I hate is how nursing school has turned me into a total hypochondriac! Ok the term "hypochondriac" is probably exaggerating it. But after studying certain things over and over, reading about it over and over, hearing it in lecture over and over.... I start to think I have these symptoms! When we did the GI unit, I swore I had some gastro disease, when we did the cancer unit I swore I had some kind of cancer, when we did the musculoskeletal unit I swore I had arthritis. And now that we're doing our maternal/peds unit I could swear I'm pregnant! I just think *oh no, I have these symptoms!!* But then I come to realize that it's crazy and NO I don't have these symptoms .... it's just the complete lack of sleep, living off ramen noodles and coke, and the STRESS that is making me crazy :rolleyes: I'm not dying! I'm just in nursing school :p

...whoever these aerobic b----es are with their blond ponytails and their whining: "We haven't learned this yet! Ohmytotallygod!!!!!! Like, how are we supposed to know what to do?" My first day of clinical and these anorexic, self-absorbed pop tarts LAUGHED AT A PATIENT RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM AND HIS NURSE. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......................

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