What Do You Hate About Nursing School!

Nursing Students General Students


I had an aweful day and need some humor to boost my mood.

O.K. I'll start.

Things I hate ablout nursing school!

When you get to clinical and your patient has been discharged, because you have to start a whole new careplan on a different patient.

When you find art history class difficult because you are trying to use critical thinking on your art exams.

When the ex-nurses aid that you have class with always tries to correct the instructor on every procedure because she "Worked as an aid for two years and that's not how they did it"

Let's vent everyone and try to add a little humor. Sometimes if I don't laugh about these things I just might cry. I'd rather laugh about them and keep some sanity (what little I have left at this point). Oh my goodness listen to me it's only October.

:o catching everything you study in med surg

:angryfire rude doctors


glad it is over in may 2005

Specializes in OB, critical care, hospice, farm/industr.

I have a general question for everyone......If you were an instructor for a group of appx 50 people and you have them a test and only 9 people passed it, would you feel like it may be something that you did wrong in instructing?? Just wondering!

Not necessarily. I'd have someone else review it and see if it was too hard. I've had classes where only 9 pass and in the next group, 100% pass. Some classes just aren't on the ball.

I just finished typing the cheat sheets for my students for their L and D teaching cards. Say a prayer for them, tomorrow's the first day of clinical.

edit: And as for teachers cramming too much into a lecture--believe me, we don't have a choice. We are required to cover x, y and z. If we don't, our necks are on the line as well. Sorry about that, guys.

Specializes in Rodeo Nursing (Neuro).

So, I was at my clinical site, one day, searching through my pt's chart, when a nurse--the CN, actually--asked for it. Great, I thought, I won't see it again for hours! Mind you, I have deep respect for the working staff, but I also have an hour drive home and God know's how many hours of careplanning, and I have to be back at 0700. So, there I sit in my good street clothes and white lab coat, and after about five minutes, she hands it back to me and says, "Thank you, Doctor."

There aren't many times when it's all that swell to be a middle-aged man, but there are a few.

Oh Lord, but I do hate careplanning!

Brain Freeze on the days I have exams!!!! Gosh, how I study and when I see that exam in front of my face, well....even my face hurts.

What I hate about nursing school is the competitiveness of it all.. We are all in this together and should try to work together but sometimes it doesnt happen. For myself when I see another student struggling (like myself) I try to help out, but I dont see that too often, I do, but not as much as I used to see in when I was doing my nursing core classes at another college I was attending before I came to nursing school. Its like "doggie dog" out there sometimes. Kind of stupid if you ask me. Everyone is so concern about their GPA its ridiciously. I am not an "A" student, but I am doing fine, but I dont look down on anyone that is not like me. We are all different and if you ask me it all comes down to the "boards." Like someone told me C=RN, B=RN and A=RN.

One time a student asked me if I was going for my masters and I told her no I wasnt. My godness the look she gave me. She told me that she had to have all "A's" all the time and that is what is was all about to her. She even asked me why did I decided to go for a BSN, why not an ADN if I wasnt going for my masters? I told her to get a life and grow up. We dont talk too much anymore.

Specializes in corrections.

I have never spent so much time reading EVERY response on a thread...I'm loving this! I hate:

1. Drug Cards

2. No clean laundry or dishes until I wash them over the weekends. Sometimes on Friday morning there isn't a single clean dish or glass to be had! They are all piled up next to the sink. No clean socks or underwear either...

3. A husband who thinks laying on the couch while watching my baby through one half open eye is acually "helping" me.

4. No sleep.

5. Stress.

I guess I could go on forever but they have all already been said. I really hope its all worth it in the end...

WHY WHY WHY!!!!!????

I do not understand why the hell all the nurses are so rude to students it's like we have the diseases and not the patients. What I love is the fact that they forgot that they also had to go to school. I will never understand this. Alot of the nurses :angryfire that I have come into contact with will gossip about other nurses before they help each other. I would have to say that is the one thing I hated about nursing school. Another would have to be the lazy a@# students that we had to be in clinical with. AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!! I honestly think that it should be harder to get into nursing school. Some of those students scared me to death. :uhoh21: :uhoh21: :uhoh21:

The competitiveness at my school...anyone under a 2.67 gets the boot. I didn't think anyone would actually get kicked out until this year (my sophomore year) when we had our first anatomy test...the class average was a 65%...and when we had our first microbiology test...with at least 15 D's in the class! It was the first time I've ever been excited to see a "C"....

I also hate that it costs so much. As if 34k isn't enough, they tack on extra lab fees! Shouldn't that be included in the cost of tuition?!?!

Okay, I think that's enough venting for tonight. :angryfire

Specializes in Pediatrics.

Being asked what you got on an exam by another student and then being screamed at "Nerd! Nerd!" Stop ASKING if you don't want to KNOW! I'm not trying to get grades that I think will spite you! I'm trying to get grades that will help me pass, it has nothing to do with you. I don't mind people asking and being teasing about it, but when it gets to be more than teasing it's really aggravating.

My best friend in the nursing program, a very caring and hardworking student and the "rock" I leaned on throughout nursing school, from our first A&P class, getting failed by one point last semester because of a paper she had trouble with and was not allowed to change the topic, while others were allowed to do so, when she did excellent clinical work and did well on tests.

Professors that will not try to work with students who are failing and who are really trying to figure out strategies to pass, but the professors change NOTHING about the way they teach. And then the next year when the class is less than two-thirds the size it was the past semester, keep repeating, "Wow, well we've got a small class this year!"

Same professors who promise that "if you have good attendance and we can tell you are really trying to do well, and you are borderline when it comes to grades, we will help you out" then failing someone who got a 74.4 when the cutoff pass is 75. Now I can see not passing borderline people if you tell students up front that is what the deal is, but don't make promises you're not gonna keep!

Feeling more stressed and less motivated than I ever have in my life about anything (maybe I am just really weak, but I don't think so!)!

Professors who throw in a presentation for the next class when there is also a test in between these two class days because they're "tired of being the one talking" in class- hello, teachers get paid to teach! And then throw us into groups that are not our regular clinical group (which we ALREADY have to meet with for hours outside class) so that we can schedule ANOTHER meeting in all our "spare time".

When classes are team taught but the two professors don't communicate much with each other.

When a class (mine) gets, EVERY SINGLE SEMESTER, substitute temporary professors for the regular professors who are on sabbatical. I am not sure where I am going to get my recommendations for jobs, since none of the professors know me hardly at all, and most of my past clinical instructors are now gone!

The extreme lack of Peds clinical experience in my program.

I am SO glad that May is coming soon- it's actually exactly 7 months from today that we graduate! Can't come soon enough... if I can get through all this junk without COMPLETELY losing it!!! I don't know if it's gonna happen...

Sorry for the long rant- wow I think this is the longest post I have ever made- I am just really, really, REALLY sick of nursing school now, especially after having a job with a nurse this summer and seeing how different it is in "real life" than in school. That's the only way I can still be here...

PS- THANK YOU to whoever started this thread- I NEEDED it so bad today...

Please see my just posted reply in nursing school rant. Disorganized, anti-intellectual crappage.

I feel for ya on the paper - our ADN funding has been cut and we have no paper in our computer lab and our skills lab is outdated. Our LPN program has better equipment than we do - different funding than ADN. No offense to any LPN's out there.

OOOOH i was just about to ask you did you go to MGCCC-JCC before i looked at your profile. I went through both programs and i must say the the LPN lab was much better than the ADN lab

Specializes in OR Hearts 10.
i had an aweful day and need some humor to boost my mood.

when the ex-nurses aid that you have class with always tries to correct the instructor on every procedure because she "worked as an aid for two years and that's not how they did it"

the best payback for those ex-aids is when they have that attitude when taking a test. nursing school and the nclex hospital don't give a rats patooti about how things are done in real life. they want the perfect world.

so as a hint to you students especially if you have any experience in or around the nursing/medical field......block that info from your brain when taking a test. same with thinking about your own kids when going over growth & development stuff.

good luck all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a general question for everyone......If you were an instructor for a group of appx 50 people and you have them a test and only 9 people passed it, would you feel like it may be something that you did wrong in instructing?? Just wondering!

Not necessarily. I'd have someone else review it and see if it was too hard. I've had classes where only 9 pass and in the next group, 100% pass. Some classes just aren't on the ball.

I just finished typing the cheat sheets for my students for their L and D teaching cards. Say a prayer for them, tomorrow's the first day of clinical.

As a nursing student my first semester (I did not have any medical experience whatso ever) so the first semester I did not do very well because I "didnt get it." Doing my core work in community college I did excellent, but its different in nursing school. Nursing school is a totally different world. I think community college did not prepare me for what was coming. I studied my first semester like I did in community college, but I had to change my study habits in nursing school. Now, thankfully in my second semester I get it. I would suggest maybe having a review class before the test (some of my instructors now do this) and it does help. I am now pulling "B's" and my confidence level is much higher. If this is done, then if your students still fail is because they are not studying the material. Hope this helps.

edit: And as for teachers cramming too much into a lecture--believe me, we don't have a choice. We are required to cover x, y and z. If we don't, our necks are on the line as well. Sorry about that, guys.

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