What are the differences between Higher and Lower type questions on NCLEX

Nursing Students NCLEX


Can someone tell me the differnece between Higher and Lower type questions on the Nclex. I hear a lot of talk about that. I heard that Math questions are lower type questions and if you didn't have any of those you did okay. I couldn't really dercern between the questions as to if they were harder or easier. Just wondering if anyone can give me any insight to these.

Thanks bunches


NCLEX is not testing you on every bit of material that you learned in school. They are trying to decipher if you will practice as a safe nurse, even though you are just beginning. There is a certain level that they consider you to be safe, and to issue you a license. They know that every nurse that is taking the exam has had to get thru a math exam in nursing school to just stay in the program. So, under usual and normal circumstances, those are not considered at being of a higher level. They put more focus on priority type questions. What would you do first? Who would you see first? If a patient needed to be discharged from your unit because of patients needing those specific type of unit beds, who would you pick to transfer off, etc.

When you begin to take the exam, they start with easier questions and as you keep getting them correct, they become more difficult. Once they feel that you either know the material, or that you don't, they go onto the next area. As long as the level of what you are answering questions at, is at or above the required level, then you pass. Only pass/not pass scores are given, there is never a numerical score issued to you or the Board of Nursing.

Here is how I understand it.

Low level questions are questions that have direct answers. No critical thinking is really involved.

Example: Q: What type of ulcer should you watch out for on the burn unit? A: Curlings Ulcer

Low level questions, you either know it or you don't. You can't devise a way to come up with the answer.

High level questions require critical thinking like priority questions and what not.

Hope this helps.

:typingBut what about SATA"s? are those considered high level? i've heard of alot of people that get alot of math and sata's and still pass.

I think they use Bloom's Taxonomy for learning so there are four diffrent types of questions. Type 1. is recall and recognition, type 2. is understanding, type 3. is applicatioin and type 4. is analysis. Type 3 and 4 are consisdred higher level ques type

It so hard to tell the differences when you take the exam, I got a lot of prioritization and delegation but sad to say I did not pass....:cry:

i'm so sorry u didnt pass.. well me i have 5 weeks and 2 days waiting i'm so scared i stopped at 86-87 cant remember got lots of satas and math like 7 of them the rest were multiple choice but between math and satas i got wayyy more sata's than math:confused:

Good luck to you...

well... i just checked the mail today, still nothing:redbeathe

I keep hearing about SATA questions, what does SATA stand for??

SATA is select all that apply

Select all that apply...

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