What do you always have in your scrub pockets?


What are the essential items that you carry in your scrub pockets? How many pockets do you like and where do you keep everything so you can always find what you need?


Specializes in Emergency/Cath Lab.
LOL. I tried it once and never had it again. It was awful. I prefer the rubbing alcohol flavor of the Thunderbird.

You are better off with NyQuil. The night time sniffling, sneezing, why the hell am I naked on the kitchen floor, medicine.

Specializes in Emergency Nursing.
You are better off with NyQuil. The night time sniffling, sneezing, why the hell am I naked on the kitchen floor, medicine.

Well I usually try to limit my OD's to one drug.:clown:

Specializes in CVICU, CCU, SICU, MICU.
The usual things: flash light, pen, scissors, gait belt, 3 bottles of 5 hr energy Max, 1 16 oz water bottle, 1 drug manual, 1 lab manual, 1 RN small binder, keys, wallet, X-large gloves, alcohol swabs, cotton balls, stethoscope, BP cuff in bag, (I'm sure there is more, but blank now).

I need a belt on my pants: they keep falling down!

you're kidding right??? You might have Mary Poppins beat!

I thought I was bad with 2-3 pens, highlighter, sharpie, steth, tape, kerlix, alcohol wipes, adhesive remover wipes, iv caps, EKG pads (i'm on tele), pt info sheet, a laminated shift report format card, cell phone, keys, & 3-4 flushes.

Specializes in Pediatrics, ICU, ED.

2 multi-color pens (red, blue, green, black), yellow highlighter, stethoscope, alcohol wipes, cell phone, pen light, hammer, blank index cards, keys, small card case with debit card, cash, and driver's license.

We wear a polo shirt as our top, so all I have are the pants pockets which kinda sucks!

Black Pen, red pen, highlighter, permanent marker, bandage scissors, carpuject, chapstick, alcohol wipes.

I have IV tape and the elastic tape rolls on my stethoscope, and I carry around a clipboard with a calculator and a folder to hold all my paperwork. I struggled to find one with a calculator and storage!

OK, I'm probably dense, but...

what do you do with 2 different colored pens and a highlighter?? Like, specifically...cross off stuff when you're done, or...


Is there a thread on here about what people's "organizational sheets" look like. I have one, but I'd love to see someone else's.

My pockets...

Hmm, a little less predictable. On a good day, 1 or 2 alcohol prep pads, bandage scissors, tape, my iPhone with drug guide, lab guide, diseases/diagnoses handbook, IV compatibility book, etc. all on it (!), my cool LED pen light that looks like a tire gauge, 1 black pen, a tiny sheet of scrap paper, and a couple 3mL flushes. Sometimes those blue cap things for the IV tubing. Stethoscope there, or around neck. Usually around neck.

I also carry a black clipboard with a cover on the front for privacy, but I try not to take that in and out of pt. rooms very often for infection control purposes. That clipboard has a pad of paper, the report sheet, a blank assessment sheet from before we went computerized, a sheet with my 'to do' list for that shift, a laminated quick reference to lab values I made, some referral/info cards for domestic violence shelters and escape plans, and a one-page quick-reference sheet for psych behavior terminology definitions.

On the floor I was on we needed the black pens for consent forms, and the red pens used on the paper charts to show that we recognized the new dr orders. I use the highlighter on my sheets to mark what time pts need meds, and to highlight important things on the pt summary sheets like allergies, code status, diet, if they have a defibrillator or not which is important if they code, that kind of thing.

Left shirt pocket, My Touch phone (has my drug guide book), Sometimes lab printouts, EKG strips for each patient

Right shirt pocket, A pink pen, black pen, pen light, Scissors, clamp/grip thingy I just forgot the name of, my brain sheet, alcohol swabs, med list for each patient.

In my right cargo pocket usually flushes and stethoscope. If I don't have cargo pants on then my scope is around m neck (bad I know) and flushes are in each room.

I have yet to start my clinicals but here is what a carry as a tech

Black ink pen

Pencil (chart I&O's in pencil until end of shift, then in pen)




Sheet of patients/vitals

I like to have lots of pockets incase I have a busy day. On my most busiest and fullest days I like to carry:

Alcohol wipes

Normal saline and heparin flushes



maybe phone

My pen gets clipped on to my scrub top and I have two sets of keys that go around my waist and into the pockets of my pants. My favorite brand of pants is Dickies because they have the most pockets though the fit is not that flattering. I have considered for a long time designing my own scrubs but have not gone beyond fantasizing about going into the medical workwear industry.

Right cargo pants pocket is steth, left pants pocket is patient sheets and med sheets...right top pocket is hemostats, bandage scissors, penlight, and pens...left top pocket is tape, emergency-just-in-case pair of gloves, alcohol swabs, flushes, and a few hard candies or altoids because it's so stinking dry in the hospital!

2 multi-color pens (red, blue, green, black), yellow highlighter, stethoscope, alcohol wipes, cell phone, pen light, hammer, blank index cards, keys, small card case with debit card, cash, and driver's license.

I have to ask...what's the hammer for??

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