Published Apr 17, 2017
stepbystep12, BSN, DNP
137 Posts
Anybody else heard anything like WGU plans to start a Family Nurse Practitioner MSN program? If so would you pursue your FNP through them?
Nurse SMS, MSN, RN
6,843 Posts
Last I heard DNP would be their next offering, but it is nowhere near roll-out.
Yes, I absolutely would pursue another degree with them if they were to offer these.
That would be nice. Hopefully it will come to be!
569 Posts
They sent out a survey to alumni a few months ago asking about interest in FNP and DNP programs, among other things. Didn't respond, as the options they gave didn't really fit my personal situation.
Whether I would personally pursue another degree with them? I don't know. It would depend how the program was structured. While I think WGU is a good school and don't hesitate to recommend it, it wasn't really a great match for me personally.
I do find myself looking at the Informatics MSN, but I'm currently in an MSN program elsewhere, so it would be a bit in the future.
I guess with the surveys then it must be something in the cooking. We can only wait and see. Thank you benegesserit.
129 Posts
FNP is in the works.
Was just hoping it was something of the near future.
Murse901, MSN, RN
731 Posts
Speaking as a WGU fan, with a WGU BSN and MBA under my belt, I don't expect WGU to roll out an FNP or a DNP any time soon. Even if they did roll out an FNP, I would expect that it would be limited to a handful of states in the same way that the pre-license RN degree is, because of the need to closely police clinical hours.
If WGU does come out with an FNP, I hope that the curriculum is a little more challenging than the garbage that most universities are currently putting out.
featherzRN, MSN
1,012 Posts
I am doubting the FNP as well, unless as Murse said it's a limited number of states. It would likely not be allowed in my state, where only a handful of 'online' schools are permitted. It's ok with me - I have no interest in FNP! :)
58 Posts
I would attend WGU for a DNP degree in a heartbeat!
Nursing24/7, LVN
240 Posts
I so hope it comes to be! I am interested in pursuing an NP or DNP program after I finish my BSN.
293 Posts
Rumor has it FNP 2020!!