Welp got the final word from school...

Specialties CRNA



As many of you know i have been focused on CRNA school for the better part of 4 months. More specifically, entrance.

In anycase, i got in and ill be starting this january.


Congrats Big MAC!!!!


I had no idea that those kind of issues had gone on here. Given that, I can understand your reluctance to reveal your location. Its too bad that places like this cannot just be what they appear to be, and that is a place for those of us to learn from those who want to mentor, as well as a place to exchange and give and receive encouragement to others who share the same educational aspirations and endeavors! In hindsight, I can see now where the potential exists here for others to utilize boards such as this in aggressive and negative ways.

There are so many threads here where people have shared potentially revealing information--those threads that are full of eager energy, that it just seemed natural to me that where you got in would be a natural response. I'm sorry for the GI Joe comment, and understand why you have to be...well, like GI Joe!

Anyway, best wishes on the East Coast!


Specializes in ED, ICU, PSYCH, PP, CEN.

what's SDN? I hate it when you guys use big words I don't understand.

Specializes in or,icu,er.

As many of you know i have been focused on CRNA school for the better part of 4 months. More specifically, entrance.

In anycase, i got in and ill be starting this january.


congrat's and best of luck

what's SDN? I hate it when you guys use big words I don't understand.

me too.:)

congrats mike!!! no doubt youll kick orifice!

Specializes in I know stuff ;).


Thats the plan!

Gonzo: SDN = Student Doctor Network

Congrats! I knew you couldn't not get in..that's a double negative...oh well. You already seem so smart about all this stuff that it shouldn't be too big a stretch for you.

I sent away for a couple of those anesthesia information sheets (the laminated ones) from that doc in AZ. I'm excited to get them. Thanks for the tip (different post).

Specializes in I know stuff ;).


Yah the sheets are cool. He is a great fellow. Im in the OR with him this week to tube and learn about the anesthesia equipment. Should be fun!


I am sooo pleased for you--I didn't have any doubts.

Sorry for the delay in offering you my congrats--I have been on vacation or working 14 hour days. Checking emails and the internet now while on vacation.


Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Congrats on the news. Wishing you well.

Specializes in I know stuff ;).


thanx ;)

Im excited as hell!

Yoga: Go check out that project, i think u will be impressed.

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