Welp got the final word from school...

Specialties CRNA



As many of you know i have been focused on CRNA school for the better part of 4 months. More specifically, entrance.

In anycase, i got in and ill be starting this january.


Great job!!! CRNA would not be my thing, but I know you guys are totally awesomely bright and I admire that. I wish you all the best!!! It sounds like you will be a great CRNA.

Hey All

Thanks alot for the support. You have all been awesome. I may wait to reveal the school im going to until i start :). However, I have a special surprise for the SRNA/CRNA community that should be ready in about a month.

Stay tuned ;)

Yea right, you just want to keep us reading haha ;)

Seriously, Congrats!! :yelclap: :cheers:

I always enjoy reading your posts, & had no doubt you'd get in!

I hope to be in your shoes sometime next year!



Congradulations!! WELCOME TO HELL!! I just finished my first year of anesthesia school.... 1.5 years of hell to go. Dont get me wrong, I LOVE ANESTHESIA and learning about it, I have great grades, just very humbling, and intense, very stressful to learn such large amounts of info in only 2.5 years. Also can be very stressfull in the OR working on cases with a CRNA you just met that morning for the first time, EVERYONE does things "a little different" and they like to tell you your way is wrong, and then the next day in the OR comes and it starts allllllllll ovvvver. Anyway, hope everything goes well.

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