Welp got the final word from school...

Specialties CRNA



As many of you know i have been focused on CRNA school for the better part of 4 months. More specifically, entrance.

In anycase, i got in and ill be starting this january.


Not surprised...but congrats anyhow bub, you sure earned it.

Specializes in CVICU.

Congrats! You ROCK!


Excellent! Where are you going?


Specializes in I know stuff ;).

Hey All

Thanks alot for the support. You have all been awesome. I may wait to reveal the school im going to until i start :). However, I have a special surprise for the SRNA/CRNA community that should be ready in about a month.

Stay tuned ;)

What's with the "secret school"? First you can't tell us during your interview b/c it's a secret they don't want you to reveal and now that you've reached your goal....it's a secret that you'll maybe tell us later?

What's with the "secret school"? First you can't tell us during your interview b/c it's a secret they don't want you to reveal and now that you've reached your goal....it's a secret that you'll maybe tell us later?

LOL - that's exactly what I was thinking.:rolleyes:

Specializes in ED, ICU, PSYCH, PP, CEN.

Congratulations and God Bless

Really, me too! Why the secret? You seem to be very smart and present yourself on this forum as an excellent candidate for a CRNA program AND you announce now, your great news...I am sure you will do very well!

But all this secret-agent stuff....I dont know..it seems kinda GI Joe to me!:sofahider

I can understand Mike's decision not to reveal his school. I for one have run my mouth too much on here and it would be indeed possible to ID me. Same for him. I mean all you have to do is call up the school, conjure up some stupid story, and ask about getting in touch with one of your long-lost friends / uncles / whatever that is a former FN and BOOM - you got him.

Don't think it happens? Think again. Who wants to chance that?

It's a little different than someone with an obscure name and obscure history saying on the internet, "i got in at BFE School of Anesthesia".

Specializes in I know stuff ;).


I think the way that fellow on SDN threatened one of the SRNAs about calling his school was enough for me to realize you never know who may be out to get you. In anycase, I just want to avoid any extra issues if i can ;)


I think the way that fellow on SDN threatened one of the SRNAs about calling his school was enough for me to realize you never know who may be out to get you. In anycase, I just want to avoid any extra issues if i can ;)

I remember this distinctly and the above was exactly what I was thinking when I wrote my first reply.

Specializes in I know stuff ;).

for those of you who dont read the stuff over there on SDN... Dont bother its drivel. However,for a few of us who are gluttons for punishment, reading (and a couple ppl who post) keep anger alive ;)

In anycase, the short of it is that an SRNA over there defended the CRNA profession aggresively. Right or wrong, one of the anesthesia residents figured out where he was going to CRNA school and threatened to call the director of anesthesia and have him removed. Not nice.

It isnt that i dont trust all the people who have been so supportive here, its that i dont trust those who can read these posts. ;)

Ill be on the east coast ;)

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