Published Aug 8, 2005
1,569 Posts
Hey guys! I'M BACK! I havent even been able to look at this board for months because I have been so pissed off.
Anyway, I have made a decision about continuing my schooling and working towards my BSN. I was in an ADN program last fall--an A student--then moved out of state due to hubby's job in January-was told transferring my ADN stuff shouldnt be a problem! HAHAHA! :rotfl: :uhoh21:
Yeah right. Is anything pertaining to nursing school easy? I live in Florida now and they have completely different pre reqs and co reqs for their ADN programs--so I basically lost all the credits I got in my other program (yea, I have a million elective now ), and then because I have to start over with all new pre reqs, I cant start actual nursing classes until my NEW pre-co-reqs are done.
To top it all off, after reviewing my Fundamentals stuff from last year, I was told by the CC's here that my classes were "substandard." In Florida you take a 10 hr fundamentals and in my other state you take 8 hrs. Sux huh?
So I've cried a lot and I had basically given up. Then I thought, why should I let the system beat me?? Its freakin ridiculous that I have to get so beat up along my path to becoming a nurse in order to HELP OTHERS--but I guess I am willing to put up with the hard knocks. (Hey someone has to do it, right?)
So, its my dream to teach nursing-I need at least a BSN for that--so I am going to TRY to get into UCF--HAHA! But, I am smart enought to know I need a backup plan. I am finishing up my AA with all my pre reqs included, then I 'll apply to UCF. While I'm waiting to get into the BSN program tehre (which may never happen), I am going to finish my English degree (I've got 2 semesters for that). I've heard UCF doesnt take people under a 3.6 for BSN basic. AND I dont think I can get my GPA up there, so if I dont get into the basic BSN program, I will finish up my first BA in English then apply to the accelerated second BSN program @UCF. IF I DONT GET INTO THAT, I'll just teach English, dammit!
Sound complicated? Yeah it is. Sound doable? Yeah, to me it does. I have found that it is virtually impossible to trust the education system of US nurses-we are all on our own, kids. No instructors, no room in the schools, and then who knows if each of us will even make it through the program! So make plans accordingly! HAVE A BACKUP! Learn from my hell :angryfire -LOL!
Any other BSN peeps out there? Gosh, I wrote a BOOK! Sorry!
Amy :)
z's playa
2,056 Posts
I'm sorry to hear of your rough times but happy to hear you've managed to see the light. guys have it rough in the States. The pre reqs here are the same across Canada.
good luck to you ! :icon_hug:
....have some balloons :balloons: :balloons: to cheer you up !
2,450 Posts
This is exactly why they need to standardise nursing education across the education. Same prereq's, same amount of clinical time, same training. All ADN and BSN credits would be transferrable.
You are a real fighter. I am glad you've decided to keep going.
Have you considered Florida Hospital College in Orlando? They are expensive (a private school), but I hear it's an awesome school. A private school may give you more leeway.
Good luck, you're a real fighter!
390 Posts
Hey guys! I'M BACK! I havent even been able to look at this board for months because I have been so pissed off.Anyway, I have made a decision about continuing my schooling and working towards my BSN. I was in an ADN program last fall--an A student--then moved out of state due to hubby's job in January-was told transferring my ADN stuff shouldnt be a problem! HAHAHA! :rotfl: :uhoh21: Yeah right. Is anything pertaining to nursing school easy? I live in Florida now and they have completely different pre reqs and co reqs for their ADN programs--so I basically lost all the credits I got in my other program (yea, I have a million elective now ), and then because I have to start over with all new pre reqs, I cant start actual nursing classes until my NEW pre-co-reqs are done. To top it all off, after reviewing my Fundamentals stuff from last year, I was told by the CC's here that my classes were "substandard." In Florida you take a 10 hr fundamentals and in my other state you take 8 hrs. Sux huh? So I've cried a lot and I had basically given up. Then I thought, why should I let the system beat me?? Its freakin ridiculous that I have to get so beat up along my path to becoming a nurse in order to HELP OTHERS--but I guess I am willing to put up with the hard knocks. (Hey someone has to do it, right?)So, its my dream to teach nursing-I need at least a BSN for that--so I am going to TRY to get into UCF--HAHA! But, I am smart enought to know I need a backup plan. I am finishing up my AA with all my pre reqs included, then I 'll apply to UCF. While I'm waiting to get into the BSN program tehre (which may never happen), I am going to finish my English degree (I've got 2 semesters for that). I've heard UCF doesnt take people under a 3.6 for BSN basic. AND I dont think I can get my GPA up there, so if I dont get into the basic BSN program, I will finish up my first BA in English then apply to the accelerated second BSN program @UCF. IF I DONT GET INTO THAT, I'll just teach English, dammit! Sound complicated? Yeah it is. Sound doable? Yeah, to me it does. I have found that it is virtually impossible to trust the education system of US nurses-we are all on our own, kids. No instructors, no room in the schools, and then who knows if each of us will even make it through the program! So make plans accordingly! HAVE A BACKUP! Learn from my hell :angryfire -LOL!Any other BSN peeps out there? Gosh, I wrote a BOOK! Sorry! Amy :)
you should apply to more than one BSN Program. Not all school in FL have such high standards. I got into my Accelerated BSN Program with a 3.0 and I dont even have a Bachelors yet. They accepted me because they liked my science grades. My best advice to you is to apply to more than one program. Try University of Miami (i got into that one too), Barry University, FAU, FIU, NOVA, PBA, South University(they are a very small school in West Palm Beach and not alot of people know about it so your chances are pretty high.....i guess now alot of people know about it hehe), FSU, UF......Good Luck!!!!
WOW! I will have to check those other schools out-especially the private one in Orlando! Thanks guys!
I AM A FIGHTER! LOL! :) That made my day! :)
WOW! I will have to check those other schools out-especially the private one in Orlando! Thanks guys!I AM A FIGHTER! LOL! :) That made my day! :)
dont let the high cost of private schools scare you away either. Barry Univresity which is where i am going in january has a very high tuition. its 11,215.00 PER SEMESTER BUT, they have the best financial aid available i have ever seen. since i had a 3.0 GPA they took $7500 off my tution PER SEMESTER. i dont qualify for financial aid but if you do than that takes more $$$ off including grants and all the other money out there. if you have over a 3.5 they take 10,500 off your tuition a semester. talk about a motivator to get good grades. and if you choose to live on campus they give you even more money.!!!!!
Are you an International student? I am curious 'cause you said you did not qualify for fin aid. I have read your other posts on the financial aid at Barry. It does sound awesome.
Nathalie,Are you an International student? I am curious 'cause you said you did not qualify for fin aid. I have read your other posts on the financial aid at Barry. It does sound awesome.
no im not. i just live at home with my parents. my dad makes too much money thats why i dont qualify.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,700 Posts
Good luck to you! Glad to hear you're not going to let them stop your dream. :)
Thanks Nathalie. The info on Barry was helpful.
HeartsOpenWide, RN
1 Article; 2,889 Posts
I feel so sorry for you. I am sure I would have been ticked off too. This situation is so dumb! They should have just accepted your course and then let you finish where you left off! What if you move out of state and go to take a nursing job are they going to say,"Oh, you did not take the anatomy class that the nursing students take in this state, we can not hire you!" give me a break! I guy that was in my microbiology class, who has a BA in kinesiology and some other field, was having to take the course for nursing because the college told him the cellular and molecular biology was not good enough, when in fact he said the stuff he was learning was basically way simple compared to the stuff he learned in the other two, he said about the only thing that he learned in micro that he did not learn in the other two was the lab on hand washing and the significant aspect of sanitization. Like he could not figure out how to wash his hands correctly some other way, I think some times the school does not want to really take the time look into the course at another college and they want to get the money for you to take their course. I almost had a situation like this happen to me; a bunch of people told me that the organic inorganic and biological chemistry course I took at a different college was no longer going to be accepted at the school I am going to. I freaked out thinking I was going to have to retake at least two full semesters of chemistry which is an absolute nightmare. I called the college and talked to the head nursing instructor and she said that she did not know how that rumor got started but that it was not true and e-mailed me a letter confirming my chem would be accepted.
I am glad that you pulled yourself back together and are returning to your career goal!
Well, I understand that colleges reserve the right to offer transfer credit as they wish, but sometimes things get silly.
If you were studying for a Biology or Spanish or Math degree, they may not offer you exact credit, but they would at least give you "independent study" or "open" credit towards the degree.