10 weeks pregnant

Nurses General Nursing


Hi I am a 24 year old nurse, just found out I am 10 weeks pregnant and feel horrible, I handled medications with no gloves, I am so scared that something goes wrong with my baby, anyone has been in this situation?

Chemo meds and some others do require gloves if pregnant. Ask your ob or the pharmacist at your work regarding safe handling while pregnant.

Specializes in Mental Health Nursing.
Not chemo, But some narcotics and other medications such as lipitor, lopressor etc :(

I'm more worried about where you went to nursing school.

Specializes in Community, OB, Nursery.

I understand the freak-out, as I was exposed to early first-trimester radiation (CXR and head/neck CT) in early pregnancy due to a bad rollover vehicle accident. I spent several weeks waiting to miscarry, then several more weeks worrying about what the U/S would show, then the remainder of the pregnancy worrying that the U/S had missed something. I get it.

For most drugs to be harmful, you have to ingest them. But the reality is we give pregnant women all kinds of drugs when benefit to mom outweighs risk to fetus.

If you have serious concerns, you should absolutely talk to your doctor or midwife. S/he knows you, knows your pregnancy, and can allay your fears better than any of us.

I understand the freak-out, as I was exposed to early first-trimester radiation (CXR and head/neck CT) in early pregnancy due to a bad rollover vehicle accident. I spent several weeks waiting to miscarry, then several more weeks worrying about what the U/S would show, then the remainder of the pregnancy worrying that the U/S had missed something. I get it.

For most drugs to be harmful, you have to ingest them. But the reality is we give pregnant women all kinds of drugs when benefit to mom outweighs risk to fetus.

If you have serious concerns, you should absolutely talk to your doctor or midwife. S/he knows you, knows your pregnancy, and can allay your fears better than any of us.

newboy was funny, but this is a great answer!

You shouldn't touch Avodart or Propecia/Proscar without gloves, either. Seriously, just ask a pharmacist what can be absorbed transdermally that is a risk. I doubt you've touched the drugs I mentioned.

Specializes in Primary Care, Progressive Care.
I'm more worried about where you went to nursing school.


BUT YES, you will be fine. Just relax, stress is not good for you =)

Our pharmacy labels everything that requires gloves when handling. Heck, I've asked to do those meds for pregnant coworkers because and I quote "you're old"

Specializes in Neuro ICU and Med Surg.

Relax, deep breath, you will be fine. Sounds like you didn't handle anything dangerous. Remember you need to actually ingest most drugs for them to be dangerous. Of course never handle chemo, or proscar, or avodart. Check labels on medications pharmacy sends up.

Speak with your OB about other precautions you need to take.

Congratulations on your pregnancy! :) I wish you the best of luck and hope that everything goes well for you :)

I am sure that everything will be okay! When you handed out the medications without gloves were they the non-harmful ones? if so like that other person mentioned then you should be fine! If they were medications that you would inject and then if you weren't wearing gloves, then you need to be more cautious from now on what you're doing.

You shouldn't touch Avodart or Propecia/Proscar without gloves, either. Seriously, just ask a pharmacist what can be absorbed transdermally that is a risk. I doubt you've touched the drugs I mentioned.

I'm more worried about where you went to nursing school.

In my nursing program, we had a 30-something blonde that surpassed all blondes in blondeness. Straight - A student, but grossly lacking in the common sense department. Our instructor was discussing the toxicity of Avodart and Proscar, and mentioned that the sperm of males taking these medications can be toxic to sexual partners. Said student became extremely anxious and panicked, and raising her hand she asked "but HOW do you avoid sperm?!?!?" Sad to say, she was being 100% serious.

Hi I am a 24 year old nurse, just found out I am 10 weeks pregnant and feel horrible, I handled medications with no gloves, I am so scared that something goes wrong with my baby, anyone has been in this situation?

Been in the situation of pregnancy? Yes. But freaking out about handling common medications....? No.

I am assuming you did not lick any of the meds before handing them to your patients, correct? ;)

Meds that require ANYONE to glove, or any pregant person to glove you should be able to identify easily. Meds that are not harmful to anyone when handling without gloves are......non-harmful, so a non-issue!

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