I started courses for nursing at a college where I was living about 3 years ago and was able to go one semester but had to stop after. I am now looking at getting back into the degree program at another college where I am now and continuing on with the degree program, but had a question about your experiences with male nurses in the hospital environment and whether or not facial hair is allowed.
I am sure some of it is probably dependent on the facility you work in, but I was wondering if there is a general standard among most places as far as male nurses wearing beards? Although I would definitely shave in order to get a job somewhere, I generally like to wear a beard as it is more comfortable to me and I'm not a big fan of shaving everyday because my hair grows rather quickly.
I have heard that it can be an issue with the N95 masks as well and some places will issue you a PAPR instead if you sport facial hair, but I know this doesn't encompass everywhere. At any rate, attached below you will see a picture of me currently and about the lenght I usually wear my beard. Would this be okay, or is it too long? Any help is appreciated.
Current picture of my beard: Imgur: The magic of the Internet