what do you wear on your job?


As a school nurse, what do you wear? White pants with what kind of top?scrubs? shirt? and what color :confused: Is there a standard dress code nationwide or does it depend per school?i am a new nurse who will be on call for a per diem position for public schools in the city. Since,I'm not being hired by the DOE but will work as a contract nurse, I thought I could get some help here re: this topic.

many thanks in advance to whoever takes time to read/answer this.

Specializes in Maternal - Child Health.

I worked for an agency and was contracted into 4 schools, so I was not a school district employee, either.

My agency dress code was either business casual or scrubs. No jeans ever, even if the school allowed it.

I preferred to wear casual clothes. Scrubs made me feel self-conscious, as they don't look professional to me outside the health care setting.

Scrubs or business casual. I prefer scrubs. If I were you, I'd call one of the district school nurses & ask her what is standard practice for uniform. I'm sure she'd be happy to tell you!

Specializes in OB/GYN, Peds, School Nurse, DD.

When I worked in the middle school, my dress was more like other school professionals--black pants, nice button down top, lab coat. When I went to elementary school, that just didn't work for me. Most of my kids do not go to the doctor regularly, so their experiences with medical people usually occur in the ER. That can make kids pretty scared of any healthcare worker. I have chosen to wear cute scrub tops with colorful bottomes. I know that my students are alot more at ease with me because my dress makes me more approachable to them.

I think you have to find out if there is a specific dress code for your position. If there is none, contact some of the school nurses and get their take on it. I dont' think you can go wrong with professional dress, but you need to know your clientele.

Specializes in ICU, Hospice, Nursing Education.

I wear scrubs. I have always found them to much more comfortable than business casual. Even on dress down Fridays I still wear scrubs. I am in elementary and the kids love my scrub tops!

Specializes in School Nursing.

I wear scrubs, colorful patterns or cartoon characters, Monday through Thursday. Fridays are school spirit day and we are STRONGLY encouraged to wear jeans and our school T-shirts or sweatshirts. Our new principal is very much into school spirit and staff cohesiveness, so few dare to buck this tradition :) I am happy to oblige! This week we are allowed to wear jeans all week and Friday is "Polar Express" pajama day. This is an elementary school, PK through 5th.

Specializes in Telemetry, Gastroenterology, School Nrs.

I wear scrubs. No particular color or pattern, just what I like :)

Specializes in Med Office, Home Health, School Nurse.

I wear bright colorful fun scrubs--I have tops for all the holidays and for the UT Vols haha!! 90% of the time, I'm in scrubs. On Fridays, I wear jeans for casual Fridays with a tshirt and boots or tennis shoes. On M-Thur, I wear scrubs. Sometimes (like today!) I wear black scrub pants with a tshirt (and a long sleeve shirt underneath if it's cold- like today!)

So today I'm wearing--black scrub pants, tennis shoes, a green school shirt with a longsleeve green and white stripe shirt underneath. And when I go outside, my green school sweatshirt! :-)

Business casual - works for whatever the day brings - meetings, community member, student and parent contact,

Scrubs!! I like having pockets to stash my "stuff".

Specializes in Women's Health.

I am in a pk - 2, but also wore the same in a 7 -12. I wear professional outfits, similar to the teachers. Stuff that washes easily, cotton slacks, blouse or sweater, sensible shoes. Everyone knows that I am the nurse. The clothes wash easily.

Specializes in corrections, MH, geriatrics.

Business casual all the way. School is not a hospital or doctor's office, and I am not at work to take care of sick kids. Sick kids are sent home. I wear the same attire that my co-workers wear.

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