any weak stomachs?


Hi all. I am a PRE- nursing student with *another question* :) Did any of you nurses have weak stomachs? I didn't really have one before I had my 2 little girls. I could watch/see/smell anything (except look at spiders, I have arachnophobia) and not get grossed out, but after I got pregnant I got grossed out at anything and still do! Did any of you have a weak stomach and is it possible to get used to seeing things like gaping wounds, rotting flesh, etc.? I dont want pts to feel bad about me standing there gagging, I want this to go away! Thanks :)

Specializes in Jack of all trades, and still learning.

We've all got weak stomachs about something. Me personally, I can't handle vomit. And there are certain smells that make me gag as well, and it is really hard to be professional in front of a patient. But you do your best. Some things you get used to, and some things that never used to bother you can suddenly bother you!

Hi all. I am a PRE- nursing student with *another question* :) Did any of you nurses have weak stomachs? I didn't really have one before I had my 2 little girls. I could watch/see/smell anything (except look at spiders, I have arachnophobia) and not get grossed out, but after I got pregnant I got grossed out at anything and still do! Did any of you have a weak stomach and is it possible to get used to seeing things like gaping wounds, rotting flesh, etc.? I dont want pts to feel bad about me standing there gagging, I want this to go away! Thanks :)

Hello Okie!!! I grew up there as well. Anywho, my nursing instructor encouraged us to carry a small sample of some type of scented lotion, mentholatum, or something to that affect, and dab it under our nostrils to mask odors until we, as students, become real nurses and our stomachs get stronger. I don't have this issue but several in our class do and have found it extremely helpful. Good luck in your studies.

I can take just about anything except the sound of vomiting. I can clean up the vomit afterwards but the actual sight and sound grosses me out. I am one of those nurses that says "Let me get you a cool cloth" and goes to get it while they continue so hopefully by the time I get back with the cleanup materials and an antiemetic, they are done with the episode.

Specializes in ICU, ER, EP,.

Every time a nurse takes a yanker and sticks it up a patients nose and sucks up those thick rubber band snots and it goes sluuuuuuuurp.

I could just yack, you know those vent patients, with the NGT that get sinus drainage..... ugh. I've trained my peers.. NEVER with me in the room, or I'm outta there!

I can only speak for myself, but I was SHOCKED at how quickly I overcame any queasiness. When you are working it all becomes about the facts. When it's a pustulent, gaping wound -- it's almost like you aren't even thinking about the fact that it's attached to a person. You're having this normal conversation with them about hospital food or whatever and the whole time you are so focused on assessing, you aren't even freaked out!

In terms of vomit and feces, smell is probably the worst to overcome. Since I am usually gowned and gloved I don't care about touching it. I think it is instinctual to GO AWAY from vomit and feces. Evolutionarily people who played with it did not reporduce as much (heh heh). My advice -- breath throough your mouth and clean it up ASAP.

Specializes in IM/Critical Care/Cardiology.

That's a great idea w/the metholatime. Not to be off collar here but we did this as a family when we cleaned the chickens we butchered.

Good Luck with the rest of your schooling!

I can take just about anything except the sound of vomiting. I can clean up the vomit afterwards but the actual sight and sound grosses me out. I am one of those nurses that says "Let me get you a cool cloth" and goes to get it while they continue so hopefully by the time I get back with the cleanup materials and an antiemetic, they are done with the episode.

I can deal with everything too except vomiting (at times). LOL One day I pulled up a wastebasket while my patient was throwing up and I did the same thing!! Talk about embarrassed! My pt. apologized. I told her "What for?" It wasn't her fault that I was having a tender stomach day.

Anything but sputum.

Can't do snot, sorry.

Specializes in midwifery, NICU.

Guess thats why its so great working with neonates. Stuff that you do for them, from poop change to ET/OP suction never feels offensive to your senses, well maybe not NEVER, but not like with adults. Never thought I'd get satisfaction from clearing a wee nose of boogers, when its not my own baby!:lol2: But with babies, I cant say I ever feel my stomach churnin. Hats off to everyone who can do suction on an adult vented patient though! I just couldnt, also nursing in an adult ITU, I dont think I could ever have the courage to stomach. Special nurses indeed who can!

One thing I loved though,( which you would think would make you heave), was in L&D, when I did Midwifery there, and that was examining the Placenta. Taking apart and piecing together again that cold, big piece of liver like stuff...NEVER put me off my lunch!:lol2: (havent done this for seven+ years mind you..I may be more delicate nowadays!:lol2::lol2::lol2:)

Specializes in Correctional RN.
hi all. i am a pre- nursing student with *another question* :) did any of you nurses have weak stomachs? i didn't really have one before i had my 2 little girls. i could watch/see/smell anything (except look at spiders, i have arachnophobia) and not get grossed out, but after i got pregnant i got grossed out at anything and still do! did any of you have a weak stomach and is it possible to get used to seeing things like gaping wounds, rotting flesh, etc.? i dont want pts to feel bad about me standing there gagging, i want this to go away! thanks :)

back in the day, i would scrub or cases, seeing grotesque, gnarly, & oozing bodily parts. seeing did not phase me in the least-big deal. however, let me catch a whiff of it, sneaking and waffing under my surgical mask, especially bovied & cauterized "bits", i would come close to :barf02:heaving. :barf01:my solution, double up 4 x 4 gauze and place it between my nostrils and the surgical mask. :paw::rotfl:

Specializes in Cardiac/Tele, Med Surg, Home Health.

I actually love wounds and incisions. Some smells can get to you such as a GI Bleed, some BM's, maybe to the pount of gagging for some. I have gagged with some trach's. Sputum if not my friend. LOL It does get better and you learn a few tricks to help. ;)

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