Watch Your Language - Breast Isn't Best!


And because I love to stir up the winds of controversy, I'll share this article with everyone and see what they think.

What do you all think of this article?


Specializes in Geriatrics/Oncology/Psych/College Health.
Educate without the guilt trip . .


Steph, I agree that this is the bottom line.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.
Because making them feel guilty only makes them defensive and does you absolutely no good in trying to encourage breastfeeding. I had new moms of 2nd and 3rd babies tell me that they wouldn't even consider trying breastfeeding because they were treated so shabbily by a nurse when they were either struggling with breastfeeding or had decided not to breasfeed.

When we make someone feel guilty - we are doing to non-breastfeeding mothers what the folks who are chastizing you are doing . .. . . . it isn't helpful. Maybe being compassionate might just plant a seed . . .

steph (not flaming - just discussing)

You too, Steph, WELL SAID. Let's do NOT get in the business of flaming or guilt-tripping our moms!
Where I used to work, we were required by our peds to remove formula and its ads from the bags for breastfeeding moms. I think, too, the bags need to go. IF a person elects to formula feed, so be it. But giving out formula ads and bags to EVERYONE really, really grates on me, badly. And I don't like being "bought" by formula reps----they buy us dinners, bring us pens, chocolate etc. I don't eat their food and try not to use their pens, either.

We used to remove the formula from the packs for breastfeeding moms but then one mom, who was breastfeeding, found out that we removed the formula and got very upset that she didn't get everything that was in the bag. In order to be "fair" we now just leave the bags as they come.


The bottom line is feed the baby. The rest is small stuff! I hate to see femme macho get in the way of what should be the happiest time of her life.

I failed at breast feeding and it didnt make my daughter an inferior human being because she had SMA instead of mothers milk. I hate to see my grandson end up in ICU because he is not getting noursiment.

(Bravo to your daughter for breastfeeding and for seeking help & support!!

I'm sure there will be plenty of issues your daughter will seek help/guidance on while raising her child - this just happens to be one of them.)

In the mean time, the baby is not getting fed ... how would you like to

go a week without nourisment? What kind of healty start is that? That is NOT small stuff... the rest is small stuff! :stone

Well, you didn't say the baby wasn't getting fed. You said that she was going twice a week to get help.

Two very different scenarios.

You are right Steph and SBE, it isn't doing any good to make someone feel guilty right then. It is making bf advocated look mean. Should have thought about that more. I guess that what I mean is we should do a better job at expressing how important it is and that it should be a priority. Hope that sounds better. I don't think that any moms should be made to carry more guilt on top of the inevitable that comes with motherhood, I just think that women try to do what is best even if it isn't the easiest route.:)


Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.
We used to remove the formula from the packs for breastfeeding moms but then one mom, who was breastfeeding, found out that we removed the formula and got very upset that she didn't get everything that was in the bag. In order to be "fair" we now just leave the bags as they come.


that is just silly. What did she need FORMULA FOR????

See, another reason the bags just need to go. We can give out other gifts besides these stupid, useless advertising bags.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.
You are right Steph and SBE, it isn't doing any good to make someone feel guilty right then. It is making bf advocated look mean. Should have thought about that more. I guess that what I mean is we should do a better job at expressing how important it is and that it should be a priority. Hope that sounds better. I don't think that any moms should be made to carry more guilt on top of the inevitable that comes with motherhood, I just think that women try to do what is best even if it isn't the easiest route.:)


I think nearly 100% of our moms want desperately to do what is best for their babies. Some just know breastfeeding is not it, for one reason or another. If there is ambivalence there, I encourage them to try, and promise to HELP all I CAN. But if their minds are made up, far be it from me to try and change them. I don't have to take the child home and raise him or her. It's not up to me how I feed them, either. If they have been educated in a non-threatening way, it's their choice and I am happy to support it 100%.
that is just silly. What did she need FORMULA FOR????

See, another reason the bags just need to go. We can give out other gifts besides these stupid, useless advertising bags.

Even breastfeeding moms can be characterized as not the sharpest tool in the shed.

steph :)

I think nearly 100% of our moms want desperately to do what is best for their babies. Some just know breastfeeding is not it, for one reason or another. If there is ambivalence there, I encourage them to try, and promise to HELP all I CAN. But if their minds are made up, far be it from me to try and change them. I don't have to take the child home and raise him or her. It's not up to me how I feed them, either. If they have been educated in a non-threatening way, it's their choice and I am happy to support it 100%.

Plus - what about babies who are adopted? I doubt if most of the moms try to do all the work associated with attempting to get a milk supply going. That doesn't mean they don't care about their babies.

Personally, I'd definitely try if I adopted a newborn.


Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.
Plus - what about babies who are adopted? I doubt if most of the moms try to do all the work associated with attempting to get a milk supply going. That doesn't mean they don't care about their babies.

Personally, I'd definitely try if I adopted a newborn.


If I were lucky enough to adopt a newborn, I would definately try to nurse. Someone I knew had prolactin shots or something to get milk going and it worked! I wish desperately I could adopt a newborn---race does not matter. I just don't have the stomach for all the paperwork.

If I were lucky enough to adopt a newborn, I would definately try to nurse. Someone I knew had prolactin shots or something to get milk going and it worked! I wish desperately I could adopt a newborn---race does not matter. I just don't have the stomach for all the paperwork.

I know - it is daunting . . . . .

But Danny turns 4 on the 22nd and I had his hair cut a few days ago and he looks so big!!!! I really miss the baby years.


No doubt we will probably not have a meeting of the minds here.

I feel to breast-feed or not to do so, is a matter of choice with neither choice being wrong. The important thing is that a baby be fed and loved.

I do feel, however, that too much is made of the breast feeding issue from both sides , and it is an issue that makes new mothers feel guiltly, no matter which option they choose. There is enough for them to worry about without making a big deal out of breast-feeding, especially if it is not working out. Instructions on how to bf dont necessarily get food into the babys mouth.

No more said ... have a good day ... :) .

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