Wanting more to do


Specializes in School Nursing.

I know I should watch what I say, but this last week at work has been brutal. Ive had maybe 5-8 students come in everyday. It's a good thing, but I am really struggling to find stuff to do. Mean while, the RN is bursting at the seems with things she has to get done. Ive asked multiple times, Can I help you out in anyway? She usually responds with, She is the only 1 that can do it (RN license only) or she has volunteers that help her out with screenings. She knows this office has alot of down time, but I am just bored waiting around for kids to show up 8 hours a day EVERYDAY!

Specializes in Pediatrics, school nursing.

When things are slow, my aide and I help the counselors and administrators with different things. You can only stock supplies and clean for so long! Today, I have cut out some cards for one of the APs and put stickers on some index cards for her. I"ve been known to cut out lamination, too. We're in a weird time of year between screenings, and I have already completed my 6th-grade shot letters that will go home next week.

Maybe bring a book to read, or work on some online CE courses? I can't stand not having anything to do, either. Good luck!

Specializes in School Nurse, past Med Surge.

If volunteers can do screenings, certainly you can. Can't you?

Specializes in School Nursing.

She said she asked the Head Nurse of the districts, and only certified school nurse could do hearing. She did not ask about vision testing. Why would you ask for 1 and not the other? But as far as volunteers- I have no clue who she is using for that. Maybe she doesn't want the district to know she has help with screenings? I just get tired of hearing her say she has sooo much work to do, while Im just sitting here, looking bored and LAZY to my other co-workers.

See if maybe you can do anything for the front office. I help out with die cuts and projects that can be done in my office. I'll stuff envelopes from time to time. I also clip box tops for the HSA. I'll also do bulletin boards in the hallway when I'm sick of seeing the same one all year- I prep it in my office so that I just have to staple it in place.

I just get tired of hearing her say she has sooo much work to do, while Im just sitting here, looking bored and LAZY to my other co-workers.

Some people like to draw attention to themselves by complaining about how much they have to do, as loudly as can to make sure everyone knows how difficult things are for them. (A secretary I work with is the same way. ug.) It's a way to play the martyr and is textbook attention seeking behavior. Sorry you have to listen to it.

There is very little, in our district, that can't be delegated. IEP's and medicaid billing. Anything else can be delegated.

I agree that she is playing the martyr role.

Specializes in Pediatrics, Community Health, School Health.
She said she asked the Head Nurse of the districts, and only certified school nurse could do hearing. She did not ask about vision testing. Why would you ask for 1 and not the other? But as far as volunteers- I have no clue who she is using for that. Maybe she doesn't want the district to know she has help with screenings? I just get tired of hearing her say she has sooo much work to do, while Im just sitting here, looking bored and LAZY to my other co-workers.

Is she a control freak? I ask b/c I remember working with a clinical director at one of my previous jobs who was always running around like a crazy person, but had trouble delegating b/c she had issues "letting go" and felt like she had to be on control of everything. Wondering if part of the problem is if she thrives on the workload. Also some people like looking super busy all the time b/c it makes them feel needed. Just a thought...

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