i want to die i failed my cna exam


Im such an idiot i want to die i passed the written but i failed the skills and i failed on one of the easiest ones radial pulse

I hate myself so much i cant belave how stupid i am i have been studying everyday like crazy

I get even more upset when i see people who never paticipated in class always sleeping or on the phone and they passed but me well i practiced everyday paid attention in class and im the retart who failed

And my dream was to become a R.N yeah right im too stupid to even pass the cna i could never be that

I want to crawl in a hole and just die

Specializes in Med-Surg/urology.

Everyone messes up once in a while!! Just because you failed does not mean you are stupid. Keep practicing & you will PASS the next time around :)

Specializes in CNA/Nursing student.

awww it was just nerves probably. I have a friend who failed twice before he passed the skills portion. It's like taking your drivers license test:Everyone fails on the first time but then you pass the second or third time. I worry about becoming a R.N. too...sometimes I feel stupid if I read something and don't get it right away and sometimes I read it wrong and have to be corrected. Like for example, I just posted on a question about CRNA and I did the research, online, and asked some people who work in the medical field in person but apparently, I was doing the research wrong or talking to the wrong people because someone had corrected me and said that you don't need that much experience. It happens all the time, people make mistakes, we're only human. And the sad thing is, I can even delete/edit the question, so now my mistake will be there forever...I feel your pain!:crying2:

Dont let it get to you..I had several people testing with me fail. One girl failed pulse the other blood pressure. The one who failed pulse already had a cna job too...

Thank you so much for all your replies they really did help .......I have finally stopped crying and made another appointment for may 23 for my next test. I am so worried im going to fail it again!

Im going to try and study everyday until my test

hopefully this time i wont be so nervous

failing isn't a good feeling but not to the point of thinking about dying. you smart enough to pass the written portion (which is the one I failed). I pass the second time, been working for 5years now and a week from graduating with my BSN. you will be fine; it's not going to be easy, but just believe.

Thank you so much for all your replies they really did help .......I have finally stopped crying and made another appointment for may 23 for my next test. I am so worried im going to fail it again!

Im going to try and study everyday until my test

hopefully this time i wont be so nervous

I'm glad you're not giving up. If you give up now, you will never be a nurse later.

The more you fight, the better your chances.!

Now go get 'em!

Please don't beat yourself up! I failed the first time because during the skills part, the tester was upset I wanted to use 2 towels for different body areas (like I learned in class) because apparently the testing facility had to wash the towels and wash cloths, and I did not have time to do the last thing-empty the bed pan and give the output amount! I could have strangled her!!! But I went to another facility, retook the skills section and passed :yeah:

Specializes in Emergency, Med-Surg, Progressive Care.

Don't sweat it. I failed the skills part the first time, and I don't think I've ever failed a test in my life (until then, at least). I didn't fail just one task...I failed three out of five (denture care, feeding, and rolling patient onto side). I took the study guide and typed out every step for every skill in order to memorize them (Vermont has something like 21 skills, most with 10+ steps).

Now that you know what the test is like, you'll pass for sure!

Don't be too hard on yourself. Just because you didnt pass your cna doesnt mean you cant fulfill your dream of being an RN. I am a CNA and I had to go through the testing also. It was hard but I passed. Just try to relax and try not to rush your thinking when you are being tested on the skills. good luck on your second try! :)

Thank you so much!!! 2 more weeks until my next test!

4 more days until my next test !

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