i want to die i failed my cna exam

Nursing Students CNA/MA


Im such an idiot i want to die i passed the written but i failed the skills and i failed on one of the easiest ones radial pulse

I hate myself so much i cant belave how stupid i am i have been studying everyday like crazy

I get even more upset when i see people who never paticipated in class always sleeping or on the phone and they passed but me well i practiced everyday paid attention in class and im the retart who failed

And my dream was to become a R.N yeah right im too stupid to even pass the cna i could never be that

I want to crawl in a hole and just die

I believe and by by believe I mean I actually did fail my skills test on Monday. I had to dress a patient with right arm weakness and did it the wrong way. I am soooo upset with myself because I had to travel to another state to find a class that was at a college and would be covered by financial aid (the classes where I live cost around $1500 and are run by private companies). We had to be at our clinicals at 7:30 am, I did all of that, passed the class with an "A" and failed the skills test. I read about another person on here who failed because of the same skill, I just know in my heart I failed. I went through all of that for absolutely nothing. I don't have the time or the money to keep taking the test so I think I may pursue something else. I feel like crap and I just needed to vent my frustrations. :banghead:

NO I think you should try it again you still have 2 more chances to pass. You went through all of that, minus well try it again YOU CAN DO IT!

I failed it the first time (and you can tell from my title that i wanted to die ) But i passed the second time around dont give up you can pass it study study study

Specializes in PICU.

One guy in my CNA class was a psychologist from Russia try to start all over in America. He had a DOCTORATE and had taken pulse a million times before. His English was still needing work but he was very intellegent. He also failed on the radial pulse. He swore he got the right number but had to take it again. All of us were so mad on his behalf. And even though he was as well, he sucked it up took it again and passed. Now thats humility! Don't beat yourself up about it. Take it again, you will do great!

@Yajaira21--just finish reading your post and I see you passed!!...Congrats!!! I am happy for you:lol2:....I am preparing to take the exam pretty soon, I am waiting to tell me when to take it. What state are you in? and what skills did you get on the 2nd time?


Specializes in LTC.

FYI: akk 4 of the ladies that failed at our facility failed 1 failed due to respirations, 1 due to heart rate, and the other 2 i can remember.

you are not alone.

if you want to be an RN

just keep going

i felt like the stupidest person in all my groups classess...but I made it BSN,RN

and with a little studying and a lot of hard work...you can make it to

practice your skills straight from the manual.

@Yajaira21--just finish reading your post and I see you passed!!...Congrats!!! I am happy for you:lol2:....I am preparing to take the exam pretty soon, I am waiting to tell me when to take it. What state are you in? and what skills did you get on the 2nd time?


Thank you! Well it was a few months ago but I got hand washing respiration range of motion denture care and dressing a client with affected right arm Im in CA

Good luck! you are going to pass

I also failed the radial pulse, my tester she got weak pulse

I failed the CNA skills because of weighting the patient- which is an even easier skill than pulse and respiration. I don't know if I made the mistake adding or I recorded the incorrect number I also may have forgot to write lbs and I might have added pound with kilograms by mistake b/c the scale was in both or I might have rounded wrongly or maybe they wanted me to take it out to the 1st decimal place, but since the test results do not specify I'm at a loss where I went wrong on such an easy task. I was one of the best in my cna class, I got the highest score on the final and was not "at risk for failing." My classmates were shocked and I was a bit too since I didn't feel that nervous about the test, I was pretty relaxed. What makes it worse is I have my bachelor's degree in biology and I just started nursing school. I really need a job right away to pay for books and rent and was counting on this. This cna course was dragged out for 4 weeks when it was supose to be three and then I had to wait two weeks for the test and two weeks for the letter. Now who knows how long I will have to wait for a retest plus waiting for the results. It's becomming a four month endeavor grrrr. I'm going to retake the skills it's just so frustrating and annoying. I don't think there's anything else I could have done to prepare. Sometimes the people who put the most effort into things and feel they are prepared, fail too. Hopefully luck is on their side next time.

Specializes in elderly, terminally ill, recovering.

I am about to take my exam on Wednesday. I just received that info today, I think I will flunk. I know I will try again. you can too.

I'm reading a lot about people who have failed the cna test for ridiculous reasons. We are human not robots. Wow. I'm glad I had such a great teacher.

Also I only had to take a written..I didn't have to test on pulse, weight, etc. My teacher had us do it but she was patient and had us do it til we all got it right. We all passed.

So I've read all your comments and I think those of you who failed are being way too hard on yourselves. That includes me, I just got my results today and I failed the pulse part of vital signs. Really? REALLY? That is all I can think....The skills I was asked to do were peri-care, ROM hip/knee, brushing teeth, and vital signs (no Bp.) I just can't believe the RN failed me on a subjective skill as such. The result I counted was 35 beats for 30 seconds x 2 = 70/minute. I could feel the pulse fine, and I'm at a total loss how the RN could have got a different number, she counted on the opposite arm and I told her when I began and when I stopped. In AZ our exam goes through a company called Headmaster, and I know the last exam only two other guys failed, again on a subjective skill; blood pressure (both of them.)

Does anybody know anything about appealing/contesting the results of the CNA skills exam? I can't help but notice that only males have failed from our school recently. If you include all the minor steps involved in my skills, there are 105 total steps, I got 102 of them right, and still failed??? How can this be?

Any thoughts on how to appeal this? I'm in AZ and don't see anything in google searches about appealing or on the AZ Board of Nursing about it either.

Thanks in advance.

Only appeal I know of is to retake the test - here in CA, you have to pay to retake it, but you have 3 tries to get it before having to retake the class. And...lots of people fail on the simple stuff. Class before ours - 9 people failed on bedpan. Our class - mostly VS of some sort (BP, Radial pulse, counting respirations) or infection control. One of my carpoolers got nailed on removing her gown - touched the outside of the sleeve with an ungloved hand.

Good news is if you have to retake the test, I know of exactly one person that had to do it 3 times and she wasn't in my class. Nearly everyone gets it the second time around, and as you say it's 99% nerves that causes you to fail.

----- Dave

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