Published Mar 11, 2012
10 Posts
I've posted on this forum before and got a good response, so I thought I'd give it another shot. I'm a new nurse, graduated with my BSN in August 2011. I'm not happy with my current job, which is on a surgical oncology floor located one hour from my house. I'm under a two-year contract that is worth $13,500. I feel stuck in my current position even though I dread going to work and am not happy! I'm married and this is not helping my marriage! My husband was supportive through nursing school and knew it would get better once I got out of school. I'm depressed and unhappy in this new job of mine which I've been at since October, 2011, and it's just not fair to my family. I just don't know what to do! I've considered applying to places near my home and seeing if they will buy out my contract?! I think the drive is a lot of my problem, plus, the floor I'm on is just so hard and is not for me. Any advice from experienced RNs who have maybe broken contract? Or appealed contracts? Or just know what I'm going through?! Thanks for listening...I really try to look at the bright side but I didn't go through all the hard work of nursing school to dread my job! =(
4,133 Posts
Vaild contracts cannot be broken without cause, otherwise you can and probably will find yourself in deep legal trouble and that wont help your marriage either.
If you truly are unhappy the first choice would be to sit down with management and lay down your cards. Perhaps something can be done to address your concerns or if you truly wish to leave be let out of your contact. However I'd run that contract as well as any offer though a good attorney. Just because HR may say it's ok for you to leave does not mean someone higher up the food chain may decide to take action later. Your only protection would be something in writing spelling out the terms of your leaving and covering any adverse actions from breaking the contract.
caroladybelle, BSN, RN
5,486 Posts
Have you thought about paying off the contract?
178 Posts
Contracts are not to be broken. You say it is not fair to your family? Why is it fair for you to break your contract with the facility? You signed the deal, now it is time to swallow the pill.
Ruby Vee, BSN
17 Articles; 14,048 Posts
i've posted on this forum before and got a good response, so i thought i'd give it another shot. i'm a new nurse, graduated with my bsn in august 2011. i'm not happy with my current job, which is on a surgical oncology floor located one hour from my house. i'm under a two-year contract that is worth $13,500. i feel stuck in my current position even though i dread going to work and am not happy! i'm married and this is not helping my marriage! my husband was supportive through nursing school and knew it would get better once i got out of school. i'm depressed and unhappy in this new job of mine which i've been at since october, 2011, and it's just not fair to my family. i just don't know what to do! i've considered applying to places near my home and seeing if they will buy out my contract?! i think the drive is a lot of my problem, plus, the floor i'm on is just so hard and is not for me. any advice from experienced rns who have maybe broken contract? or appealed contracts? or just know what i'm going through?! thanks for listening...i really try to look at the bright side but i didn't go through all the hard work of nursing school to dread my job! =(
you knew about the commute before you signed the job and took the contract, right? you knew you had a family ahead of time. if you are unhappy in your job, i fail to see how pulling the "it's unfair to my family" card changes your situation. looks more like you're attempting to rationalize doing what you want to do anyway which is leave your job.
you're a new nurse, and most new nurses hate their first jobs. i hated my first three (five years). it takes a while to learn how to be a nurse -- so different from school -- and then it takes even longer to feel comfortable in the job. because of the new grad factor, i'd advise you to hang in there for the full two years, learn as much as you can and then decide whether your current situation is really for you.. if not, you'll be in a much better position to move on. sometimes getting a good start in a career like nursing means working at a job you hate or a situation that makes you miserable for a year or two. especially if you've signed a contract.
you're a grownup now. you took the job, signed the contract and took their money. now it's up to you to fulfill your part of the bargain. sorry you're unhappy, but at least you have a job.
ckh23, BSN, RN
1,446 Posts
I would see what your options are within the facility, such as a transfer to another floor. As far as the contract, the devil is in the details. Sure you can break your contract, they can't force you to work there. However, there are usually stiff penalties that are associated with breaking of a contract. I wouldn't be surprised if they not only get their money back, but get more money for things they may have paid for while employed there such as education and administration fees. If you refuse to pay the money back or don't have the money to pay them back, you will find yourself staring at a lawsuit that you most likely loose if you try to fight it. Then once there is a judgement they can garnish wages and it won't be good for your credit.
The point is they can't force you to work there if you absolutely refuse. However it can get really messy for you really fast. As someone else mentioned, take your contract to an attorney, preferably one experience with labor contracts, and see what your options are.
The other issue is how will future employers look on your breaking your contract. They too have had employees that they have gone to the expense to train and taken the risk to employ that have defected. It is hard to get a job these days, and a flighty employee is not seen as much of asset. Certainly, not one that they will want to pay off a contract on.
nurseprnRN, BSN, RN
1 Article; 5,116 Posts
this is not only about you, you see. put yourself in the position of hr at your target position, and say to yourself, "hmmm, i have this application from a new nurse who's worked, lessee now, just a little over six months, and she wants me to buy out her contract for over thirteen large ones so she can leave there and come here. why do i want to do that? hmmm, i don't think i do."
i agree c ruby. you're a grown-up now (as is, presumably, your husband) and you signed a contract. a contract is, well, a contract. you can break it, but the consequences will be worse than just buckling down and doing the work you promised to do. and you'll have a paycheck in the meantime, which is compensation for your labors and for which a lot of your peers would be happy to give their right arms. do a good job and start applying for new jobs when this contract is up.
and hey, something may come along in your present employment that appeals to you. you can certainly investigate the concept of a transfer. maybe they'd like you to work prn pool, and you'd see something different every day.
RN Zeke
415 Posts
Sounded like a good deal, the hospital paid out big bucks for you. Sure could have used that myself..but counted my blessings to get a job and experience. My drive was 110 miles to work round trip. Now I'm a Travel Nurse. Get paid experience and spread your wings after the fact. Find the positives in your job, co workers and your personal life.
4 Posts
I have never broken a contract before, but Im in a similar situation. I realize this was posted last year so I am curious as to what you decided to do!...Alot of the comments here however Im not sure if I agree with. I understand the serious nature of contracts, however I also share the mentality that it is not worth it to dread going to work everyday, it affects your health and the quality of work you provide, life is too too short. Anywho, just wondering what route you ended up taking.
oops, this year not last year
17 Posts
Dont break contract!!!!!!!!!!! However look for a transfer. You are just going through transition so it does take time. In the meantime, find an outside outlet so you can burn off the negative enegry. You dont want to put for job online because you are depressed. You also don't want to put your marriage on the line either.