Published Jul 24, 2010
37 Posts
matter to the employer? Or do most employers not care about the color of shoes? I'm a student know, but I'm almost done (I'll finish the RN program in 9 weeks. Yah-hoo!) Anyway, my shoes I have are killing me, and everyone says Dansko's are wonderful. Do most employers let you wear any color, or do most insist on plain white? I want to get some now to get me through clinicals and starting my first job. The shoes I have are gonna have to go. Any advice for a newbie?
400 Posts
I have been in a number of facilities across the country and from what I have seen, very few wear white Danskos. Most are brown or black. Even black patent leather-those are really sharp looking.
Spacklehead, MSN, NP
620 Posts
I LOVE my fake snakeskin Danskos! I've also seen the leopard-print ones - those are pretty cool, too. I would wait, though, since some institutions do have a dress code for shoes. They are a lot of money to spend on a shoe you can't wear.
32 Posts
Do you have a job offer? If so ask your future employer for a copy of the dress code. If no job, I would just get something cheaper but comfortable. No use in buying cute shoes just to find out that you cant wear them. I had that happen to me with a pair of Crocs with the holes on top. Good Luck though.
55 Posts
Maybe try takin' a look at the shoes runnin' around the hospital---or hospital(s) that you might want to work at. The hospital I work at has a very specific dress code about scrubs, shoes, and headwear (I'm in OR) and it is NOT enforced in most units. There are maybe 3 units that go (somewhat) by the dress code, and I'm glad I waited instead of going by the policies they put out!! Just my though...
CONGRATULATIONS on your upcoming graduation! Trust yourself and your knowledge when it comes to the boards!
April, RN, BSN, RN
1,008 Posts
If you want to play it safe, I'd go with black rather than white. I don't think I've ever seen anyone where I work wear white Danskos. Like someone else said, most people where black or brown but tons of people also wear the fun colors and patterns!
634 Posts
My hospital's dress code requires white shoes for anyone who does direct patient care. Some people get away with black...but you never know when the manager is going to crack down on dress code violations. I wear white shoes, it's not worth getting written up for.
194 Posts
At my hospital anything goes for footwear. Heck, I've even seen a nurse manager wearing sandals with no socks (which is how they should be worn, but definately not with scrubs!). We have strict dress code for scrubs, but not shoes. Nurses wear navy blue scrubs, and I have seen many different colored shoes. I wear white tennis shoes or navy crocs.
304 Posts
You can hardly go wrong with white -- I wear white Nike Shox. But I have Danskos too -- in Petrol. At my hospital, the RNs wear navy/white and the Petrol works perfectly. I did wait until I had a job offer though -- even though you're excited about graduating (and rightfully so!), I would wait to spend the money on Danskos until you know what color is required.
:clpty:You're almost there!!!
Sun0408, ASN, RN
1,761 Posts
At my hospital all nurses are required to wear white shoes..
346 Posts
I'd say wait till you get the job before you buy expensive shoes unless you have spare money. I didn't know there could be 'shoe color codes' but glad I asked my employer because I was told white shoes are the uniform. Personally, I've always worn white shoes in the hospital setting so it wasn't a big deal plus I'd rather own a bazillion white shoes than white scrubs.
516 Posts
Agree that generally with nurses, white shoes have historically been correct. A lot of hospitals have gone to white "whatever" shoes -- clogs, nursing shoes, crocs, athletic shoes, it doesn't really matter, as long as all white. I think that if you insist on buying Danskos before you grad, white would be a safe choice. My first pair of Danskos was white. As far as others wearing black/brown Danskos, I have found that to be true as well, but mostly they have been physicians or nurses, but not direct care nurses wearing scrubs (had other jobs).
I'm on my 4th pair of Danskos now, and since my employer doesn't care, my most recent ones are a faded denim with little multicolored stripes :). They match my ceil blue scrubs pretty well.