Published Jan 7, 2007
TazziRN, RN
6,487 Posts
5-month-old baby sent from the clinic 10 miles away for a respiratory workup. Baby arrived in an infant carrier with a heavy furry blanket over him. Remove that blanket and find Baby resting on top of another one....with the seat's safety straps under that! After eval and treatment, as part of his discharge, I spoke with mom via an interpreter about the carrier and the child safety seat law. First the mom lies and says that she put the blanket under Baby when they got to the hospital. I confronted her on that and she just laughed. When I asked her if she knew what the law was, she was able to recite it. Her brother drove her and Baby to the ER and he tried to excuse it by saying "I'm a very safe driver."
I am so tired of the stupidity, and stupidity is just what it is. Just around Thanksgiving there was an SUV rollover, with a 2-month-old ejected and killed. Two older kids in the car were badly injured, as well as the grandma. The baby's mom was driving down the freeway, Grandma was in the back seat changing baby's diaper, and the two older kids were in seats but improperly restrained.
There is no excuse for this county all medicaid moms who get prenatal care go through a program and get free strollers and corificeats, and they're taught how to use those corificeats.
How many more children have to die before this stops???
16 Posts
2,756 Posts
That's sad. What are people thinking? You're right, that's just plain stupid and I believe should be a crime.
It is a crime where I live, and many other places as well. I am also a very safe driver, but how does that help me if some idiot decides to crash into me? Believe in your own immortality if you must, but for God's sake, protect your children!
It's a crime everywhere in the US, I think. The stupidity is in thinking that the law doesn't apply to you.
When my youngest was born 3 years ago my mom (from another country) didn't know that corificeats were law and didn't understand why she couldn't hold the baby in the car. I got tired of arguing with her about it to the point where I said something that could be construed as cruel. In 1989, shortly after CA passed the seatbelt law, my brother and parents refused to wear seat belts because they thought it was hogwash. My brother was ejected and died in an MVA. I told my mom "If Chris had followed the law he would still be alive today, right?"
Never heard another word from her, and to this day she is religious about putting Demon in her corificeat.
897 Posts
In my area we recently had a 5 month old baby die after he was CRUSHED between his mother and the dashboard in a car accident- that's right, he was riding in the FRONT SEAT on his MOTHER'S LAP. My heart goes out to the family, but they must certainly take some responsibility for what happened to their precious child.
There should be tougher penalties and more stringent enforcement of existing laws IMO.
kukukajoo, LPN
1,310 Posts
You are right- some people are just plain DUMB. Doesnt she realize it's the OTHER driver who may not be so safe.
That is sooo sad about the baby being crushed, my heart is in my throat on that one.
In NH when you give birth they actually go out to the car and inspect car seat installation and teach you to properly use it before you can even bring the baby home!
I know of several people who had older seats that no longer fit standardsand it delayed the baby going home. They get serious about it here and I wish others would follow suit. My youngest is 16 and they were doing it back then as well. They made darn certain both my husband and I completely understood.
Also you can go to any fire station and they are trained to inspect your seat and help you install as well.
Actually I think they should do it for all kids in hospital for ANY reason any age as long as they still require a seat or booster of any sort.
221 Posts
I was driving an ambulance one day, looked in the car to my left and saw a woman BREASTFEEDING a baby!!!!!!!!!...:trout: At the next redlight I rolled my window down and "complimented" her on the "airbag" she held in her arms. She got angry...I got called into the office:uhoh3:
Some folks have no common sense...But then, common sense is not so common anymore.
962 Posts
Yeah people are dumb! I saw someone talking on their cellphone the other day while driving! How dumb is that? Don't they know how dangerous it is? Then they pulled into a McDonalds! Haven't they seen Supersize Me? I can't believe anyone eats that unhealthy stuff!
1,975 Posts
The other day I saw a car swerve in my neighborhood. I look over and there is a toddler on the father's lap with his hands on the steering wheel. He's laughing hysterically along with the father as he drives down the road. Bet the father won't think it's so funny when the baby gets hurt or hurts someone else. If I see it again I am going to report it. I worry for the child's safety.
UM Review RN, ASN, RN
1 Article; 5,163 Posts
Are you being sarcastic? Do you not realize how many lives have been saved by the simple, painless act of buckling up? That's probably why seat belt laws are laws and going to McD's is optional.
To the OP: I'm right there with you on that one. I wish I could've gotten close enough to get the license of the pickup truck full of young kids--teens on down to about age 8--that blew past me doing about 50 in a 45 a few days ago.
All those kids could see was a good time, and all I could see were potential head injuries.
I lost someone I loved in a car wreck. He would've lived had there been a seat belt law back then.
What's the matter with people anyhow.
Cellphone use in the car is also very stupid. Eating McDonalds food is proven to be damaging to ones health. Didn't you see Supersize Me? These are all risky, stupid activities.
I agree. Thanks for clarifying. :)